Chapter 573 [ Orcus - VII ]

"I" - the girl did not know how to answer this question, because if she was honest, if she were in a different situation, she also would not help the person sealed in such a strange place - ". . ."

"Who are you?" - Cloud asked as he looked at the girl.

"Me, I am the a vampire, I was sealed in this place for having enormous power" - the girl answered while looking at the man in front of her - "I was a noble member of the ancient empire, and as such, my duty was to protect my people, but one day, a man betrayed me, he sealed me in this place after I decided to take control of the empire."

"Vampire?" - Cloud muttered with a frown - "If I remember correctly, your race became extinct centuries ago, or so the human books say."

"Impossible, no matter how weak some of my race are, the person who betrayed me was just as strong as me, he should be able to defend them without a problem" - replied the girl almost immediately.

"For someone who was betrayed, you're still defending that person" - Cloud said with surprise.

The girl was silent before sighing - "It's because he is, or rather, he was the only family I had left, the person who betrayed me, was my uncle."

"I see, it must have been painful" - Cloud sighed as he looked at the girl with regret.

The girl didn't answer, but a treacherous tear appeared on her face.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, but what I said is true, you are the last survivor of your race" - sighed Cloud as he approached where the girl and put his hand on her head.

He could feel how the girl wasn't lying to him, maybe it was his instinct, or just an innate reaction to the girl's mana, but he could assure that he wasn't being deceived.

"I" - the girl bit her lip before sighing regretfully as her eyes seemed to lose the will to live - "What did I resist for so long for?"

Cloud slowly walked to the girl and placed his hand on the strange rock surrounding her.

The girl paid no attention to him, she was just watching everything with a blank stare as the blond started to use his transmutation ability.

Cloud gritted his teeth in pain as he felt his mana seem to be slowly disappearing, though it was nothing compared to the pain of his transformations.

It only took a few seconds for the blond to be able to free the girl and catch her before she could hit the ground, and it was at that moment that she reacted.

"There, I saved you" - Cloud said as he helped her up, then started walking towards the other exit of the room.

"Wait!" - exclaimed the vampire girl as she looked at her savior - "You still won't even tell me your name!"

"My name is" - Cloud replied, but before he could finish, he saw the door he was about to walk out of, slam shut - "Shit!"

Cloud quickly went back to the girl and put her behind him to protect her because his instincts told him that a huge danger was approaching them.

"Why are you protecting me?" - The girl asked in surprise as she looked at the blond's expression - "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?"

"If I already decided to save you, I guess I'm going to have to do it until the end" - Cloud answered while looking at the girl - "I may have changed my personality, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to let a person who has endured centuries of loneliness and pain, continue to suffer"

The girl was silent when she heard this as she felt tears begin to well up in her eyes - "Thank you."

"You can thank me when we're done with whatever is coming against us" - Cloud answered as he watched as from the ceiling of the place, a huge silver scorpion with small red eyes appeared - "Our host has arrived"

The girl didn't answer, she just looked at the strange creature with a strange feeling of familiarity, as if she had seen that thing before, which was strange because she didn't remember it.

Cloud quickly raised his pistols and started firing, but to his surprise, the bullets started bouncing off the body of the strange giant scorpion - "Tch!"

"I don't sense a life source, that thing is an alchemical life form" - said the girl seriously - "I don't know what kind of weapons you're using, but ranged attacks are useless, I recommend you use magic or just a blunt attack with a weapon of similar or higher hardness."

"The problem is that I can't use magic, at least for now" - Cloud answered as he grabbed the girl and took a leap backwards to dodge the scorpion's tail - "Now the question is, how strong is that thing compared to your prison?"

"I think they're made of the same material" - the girl replied simply - "But unlike my static prison, that thing was created with a higher concentration of [Shtar Ore], I know because it's the metal my kingdom used to create its armor."

"Tch" - Cloud again clicked his tongue as he cursed not being able to use magic.

"I think I know what to do" - the girl said honestly - "But I need your help".

"Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it" - Cloud replied as he continued dodging and trying to find that thing's weak point.

"Ok, give me a second" - nodded the blonde haired, red eyed girl before giving a firm bite on the blonde's neck.

Cloud paused for a few seconds before continuing to dodge because this was clearly normal, after all, the girl in his arms was a vampire, if she didn't consume blood, then he didn't know what she would eat.

"Delicious ~" - muttered the girl under her breath, but Cloud could hear her satisfaction.

"A last supper?" - Cloud asked sarcastically.

"Despite not being able to use magic, your mana is extremely potent, that's why I sucked some of your blood to get my mana back" - replied the girl as she instructed the blond to set her down.

Cloud followed her instructions while looking at the strange scorpion.

"The truth is that I'm an [Atavist], a person who can directly use mana like monsters, as well as someone who has a unique regeneration ability that makes me immortal" - said the girl as she started to release some of her mana - "But that's not all, since I'm young, I've been a prodigy in the art of magic, I've been able to use all the elements and thanks to my mana manipulation ability, I can cast spells without the need for magic circles or enchantments."

Cloud watched in surprise as the girl concentrated a huge amount of mana in her hand, creating a beautiful blue flame.

"[Azure Blaze]!" - The girl exclaimed as the blue flame expanded around the creature's body.

The scorpion let out a high-pitched screech as it tried to extinguish the flames, time that Cloud took advantage of.

He quickly pulled a strange sphere from his inventory and threw it with all his might, causing a huge explosion.

"Didn't you say you couldn't use magic?" - The girl asked in surprise because despite not being extremely destructive, the offensive power of that "spell", wasn't something you could simply ignore.

"It's not magic, it's a weapon like my guns" - Cloud answered honestly as he saw how the strange scorpion was still "alive", even though it was moving with difficulty.

"I think it's now feasible for you to use your transmutation ability, with that you can get a resistant ore to upgrade your weapons" - nodded the girl as she looked curiously at her savior.

Cloud nodded calmly and walked to the scorpion, though just in case, he kept on guard in case the strange girl attacked him treacherously.

When he saw that the girl wasn't doing anything unusual, he put his hand on the scorpion's head and used [Transmute], creating a huge metal sphere out of the creature's remains.

"I guess that's it for now" - smiled the girl as she took a few small jumps to where the blond was, only to let out a shout of surprise when she saw how he threw a garment at her.

It was at that moment where the girl remembered that during all this time, she was naked - "Kya ~!"

* * * * *

15 minutes later, the two were sitting in front of a campfire, with Cloud looking closely at the metal sphere he got from the scorpion.

"You still won't tell me what your name is" - said the blonde-haired, red-eyed girl.

"Right, my name is Cloud Strife" - Cloud answered honestly - "And you?"

"My name is Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl, although now that my people are dead, my name is meaningless" - Aletia murmured as she hugged her legs - "That's why I want you to give me a new name, Cloud"

"What does your name mean?" - Cloud asked curiously.

"My name, it means [Crimson Moon]" - Aletia replied as she looked expectantly at the boy in front of her.

"Luna" - murmured Cloud as he felt how that name fit - "Yue, your name is Yue."

"Yue" - Aletia murmured before nodding - "What does that word mean?"

"Luna" - Cloud answered honestly - "I want you to keep your connection to the past, even if you start a new life, because it is the past that made you what you are today."



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