Chapter 639 ( Elsewhere - II )

"If there's one good thing about all the shit that's happening to me, it's that my power increases with every day I continue to fulfill the contract" - Cattleya muttered as she looked down at her hands and smiled slightly - "I have to admit that the power of that irregular is intoxicating, and ironically it's more sinister than I thought, this is a huge win despite all the risks I have to overcome, though now I'm curious to know what the high priest wishes with my soon to be ex-fiancé"

Cattleya was silent before taking the strange object Cloud had handed her.

"Perhaps I should inform Cloud about this?" - Cattleya muttered as she frowned - "No, it's not necessary, besides, it's not like I have to tell him everything that goes on in this place, I just have to give him the information he needs so he doesn't die because of this stupid contract."

* * * * *

"You called me?" - Freid asked as he walked in front of the priest and knelt down.

"Alva-sama just sent me a holy message, telling me about your precarious state" - said the priest as he looked at the general with the most potential of all his race.

"I have no cure" - Freid replied neutrally.

"No, there is a cure" - said the priest as he pulled out a strange stone that radiated a powerful light - "Let this stone sink into your chest, and I assure you that you will soon be reborn into a new you."

Freid took the stone in silence as he frowned because he did not expect the priest to have such a powerful sacred stone - "This will kill me".

"No, Alva-sama has given you his blessing, you will not die, but you will be transformed into a superior being" - replied the priest as he held out his hands - "And when that happens, you will discover the truth and your true mission."

Freid was silent before watching as the priest told him to follow him. He slowly walked behind the older man until they reached an altar.

"Lie down while you let the sacred stone imbue the light within you and let Alva-sama do the rest" - said the priest before walking away.

Freid leaned back against the altar as he watched the stone sink into his chest, before feeling a sharp pain run through every inch of his body.

The high priest smiled slightly as he watched the general roar in pain, after all, it wasn't as if he really cared if he survived or not. He was just following his god's instructions.

* * * * *

[Come to think of it... I didn't tell them where Merumeru's labyrinth was] - muttered Miledi as she shrugged - [Meh, I'm sure they'll figure it out on their own, or maybe one of the others will tell them where it is].

The girl in the little golem's body let out a small laugh before shaking her head - [Who am I kidding? They're just as smart as they are idiots. I'm sure they won't inform you where the labyrinths are either, though at the same time, it's more exciting that way, after all, adventure is an important part of the journey ~]

Miledi walked quietly to a nearby lake and looked at her reflection before letting out a sigh - [I wonder what it would have been like if you had been with us, Onee-chan...].

The image of a certain girl appeared on Miledi's face, the same girl responsible for leading her down this path full of suffering, but at the same time, the same woman who had set her free.

* * * * *

"An underwater ruin from which no one can return" - muttered Cloud as he returned to Remia's home after having spoken to the mayor of the city.

At first, the mayor didn't want to talk to Cloud, but after Albus convinced him with a strange whisper, he started talking about everything he knew, especially about some strange ruins that were a few miles away from the city.

"That place has all the characteristics of a labyrinth, a place visible, but not very accessible to everyone, a high level of risk and a close connection to the origin of the creators" - Cloud muttered while remembering past labyrinths.

Oscar Orcus built his labyrinth in one of the most important cities of the human race, Miledi built his labyrinth in the place where his family punished "sinners", Haltina built her labyrinth in the same forest where her native home was, Gruen did the same with his labyrinth, building it in the desert where he had lived all his life, and now there was Meiru, possibly building his labyrinth near the most important city of his race.

"If I look at it from this perspective, it is possible to deduce where the other labyrinths might be" - Cloud muttered as he remembered the information that Oscar Orcus had given him - "As I recall, the other labyrinth creators were Vandre Schnee and Laus Barn, one was a dragon and the other a devotee of Ehit before he discovered the truth."

Cloud tried to recall all the information he had on the maze makers, though it was almost non-existent.

"Let's see, Ehit's devotee, he lived his entire youth in the sacred temple, that means the labyrinth has to be near that place" - Cloud muttered before frowning and shaking his head - "I better not think about that, I'd better ask Meiru-san when we complete his labyrinth."

Cloud continued walking forward until after a few minutes of walking, he finally made it back to Remia's home, only to notice how Myu seemed to be waiting for him in a cute yellow one-piece dress.

"Daddy!" - Myu exclaimed happily.

"See, I told you I wouldn't take so long," Cloud said with a smile as he watched the little girl jump into his arms, "Although I can see you're excited."

"Of course, we'll go to the beach together with mummy!" - Myu exclaimed with a huge smile.

Cloud gave her a forced smile because he could sense that his "daughter" was planning something.

"How did it go, Cloud?" - Yue asked as she sensed her husband's presence outside her hostess' house.

"I think I know where the labyrinth is, although nothing is confirmed" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "Anyway, are you ready?"

"Yes, we've already prepared everything" - replied Yue as she nodded - "We also managed to get supplies to continue our journey at any time."

"That's good to hear" - nodded Cloud as he looked at the vampiress - "And the others?"

"Shopping for swimming costumes" - Yue replied as she shook her head.

"And why didn't you go with them?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Because I can create one with my blood magic" - Yue answered honestly - "I just need to concentrate and presto, a perfect swimming costume."

"I'm not going to give you from my blood" - Cloud replied immediately because he could see what Yue was trying to do - "So you're going to have to go buy yourself a normal swimming costume"

Yue frowned before thinking of something else - "Ok, but you have to escort me to the shop."

"I don't have a problem with it" - Cloud replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

Myu narrowed her eyes when she heard this as a new idea popped into her head. She quickly entered her home and took her mother by the hand.

"Huh? What's wrong, Myu-chan?" - Remia asked in surprise as she searched through her swimming costumes for something that wasn't too revealing, but not too conservative either.

"Mom, we have to do something or you'll be left behind" - Myu said seriously - "If you keep going like this, dad will leave."

"Myu" - sighed Remia as she looked at her daughter - "I feel you're doing something you shouldn't, we're nothing"

"You're mum, and he's dad, you should be together" - said Myu as she pouted.

"Look, daughter, I know that's what you want, but things aren't that simple in the adult world" - said Remia while caressing her daughter's hair - "We just met, it's not like we can be spouses from one moment to the next, not to mention that he has many pretty girls behind him, I don't think he appreciates this old woman".

"Mum" - muttered Myu as she tugged on her mother's hand - "Dad is not like that, I'm sure everything will be fine, you just have to do it, besides, I've noticed how you look at him when he plays with me"

Remia blushed as she saw how her daughter had caught her. She wouldn't deny it, Cloud was a handsome young man, and watching him play with her baby, made her remember the times she spent with her husband before he died, she felt that he would be just like Cloud when interacting with her daughter.

"Myu-chan, things are not that simple" - sighed Remia while caressing her daughter's hair - "I know it's easy for you, but for me, it's very complicated, not only because of the age difference, but because there's nothing that unites us".

"And me?" - Myu asked tearfully.

Remia struggled not to agree with her, though seeing her daughter sad made her only able to sigh - "Ok, I'll give it a try, though don't expect much"

"Hai!" - Myu exclaimed as she struck a victory pose. The first part of her plan had been successfully accomplished.



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