Chapter 641 ( Remia - I )

After giving the bastards who had tried something with his companions a bit of an earful, Cloud handed them over to the city guard because he couldn't just ignore the pleas of Remia, who despite seeing that the blond had reason to seriously hurt this group of misfits, still couldn't watch one of her "family" die in front of her eyes.

Cloud spent the rest of the morning helping the girls pick out a swimming costume, and Myu said to do the same with his mother.

He could only raise an eyebrow when he heard this as he saw the woman's embarrassed expression.

"I think you're doing something you shouldn't, Myu-chan" - Tio said as she folded her arms and saw how little Dagon was averting her gaze, as if she was trying to hide something.

"Myu-chan" - Yue said as she narrowed her eyes - "You shouldn't force your mother to do this kind of thing."

"I'm not forcing her" - Myu muttered as she continued to avert her gaze.

"I think she's right" - Kaori said as she pointed at Remia and saw how she was starting to smile - "At least to a certain extent".

The girls narrowed their eyes as they could feel a new rival was starting to rear her head.

Remia seemed to notice the looks on the girls' faces, so she quickly gave them a smile as she waved her hand.

Yue and the others frowned because they could see that Remia was starting to feel more comfortable in the group, which was not good because they could sense a huge feminine power in her.

"So what do we do?" - Shea asked as she looked at the others.

"Fight on equal terms because we have nothing to gain by sabotaging her" - Yue replied as she snapped her eyes - "Besides, if we try to intervene, we'd only be showing our weakness."

"You have a point" - nodded Tio as she started to think - "I guess the beach will be our first pitched battle".

The other girls nodded at these words as Myu smiled slightly, though she quickly returned to normal. With that, the second part of their plan was finished and everything was going according to the Keikaku (plan).

* * * * *

The group quickly arrived at the beach, and to save them the trouble, the mayor gave them permission to use the private area.

Cloud was grateful because he sincerely didn't want any more trouble.

Right now, the young blond was waiting for his companions to arrive, which was honestly taking a while.

"Sorry for the wait, Cloud~!" - Shea exclaimed with a smile.

Cloud looked in the direction where the voice was coming from, and he had to admit, he was surprised.

Shea was wearing a white bikini that contrasted nicely with her platinum light blue hair. She had a huge smile on her face while highlighting her large breasts, as if she was strutting her stuff for her girls, or at least she was until she tripped and fell flat on the ground.

"Pff! What was that for, Yue-san!" - Shea exclaimed as she shot an annoyed glare at the blonde girl.

Yue was wearing a red bikini that contrasted with her beautiful ruby red eyes, and even if she wasn't as gifted as the others, her porcelain doll beauty and pale skin meant that she could attract people's stares, or at least it would if this part wasn't a private area.

"Sorry, it was instinctive" - Yue replied neutrally.

"It was completely intentional!" - Shea exclaimed as her bunny ears pricked up, showing the sheer fury the girl felt.

"Come on, don't argue," said Shizuku, who was wearing a one-piece swimming costume as black as her hair. She was showing off her large breasts for her age, not noticing how Kaori was looking at her with jealousy.

Kaori was also wearing a one-piece swimming costume, only hers wasn't as seductive as her friend's, but was designed for swimming, though this didn't detract from her appearance, it just gave her a different style.

Yue looked at Shizuku, or rather her breasts.

"Yue-san?" - Shizuku asked in surprise, only to let out an embarrassed yelp when she felt the vampire girl press her nipples that were underneath her swimming costume - "Kya!"

"Umu, I see you're perky" - said Tio, who was wearing a rather revealing swimming costume. She was wearing a black bikini that covered little of her private areas.

The girls looked at Tio with hostility because they had agreed that she would not wear something so revealing.

Tio smiled superiorly as she saw how her new outfit seemed to have been effective on Cloud, who was looking at her with surprise - "Score one for this lady."

"A lady wouldn't wear such perverted garments" - Kaori replied as she made a huge effort not to explode from her jealousy, a situation Yue was also experiencing.

"They have a point, you shouldn't wear something so revealing" - Shizuku said as she looked at Tio, still embarrassed by Yue's actions.

"Normally, I would accept your words, but this is a private area, so I have no problem with showing a little more skin to my master" - Tio replied as she folded her arms, and in the process, highlighting more of her massive attributes.

"Now that you mention it, we missed a huge opportunity," Kaori muttered as she bit her lip.

Tio smiled superiorly, but her expression changed to a frown when he saw how Myu was walking next to his mother, who was wearing an even more revealing swimming costume, to the point that it only covered a small part around her nipples, as well as her intimacy.

Remia was walking with her face completely red in embarrassment because even though she was not shy, it did not mean that she was a bold enough woman to show so much skin to a young boy. She wasn't that desperate for male attention, but it was obvious that her daughter wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Relax, mum, everything is going as planned," Myu replied honestly.

Remia gave her daughter a blank look as she wondered when she became so manipulative.

As for the answer to her questions, well, Myu-chan learned a lot of things during her journey with Cloud and the others. She was like a little sponge that absorbed everything Cloud and the others did.

Cloud stared at her for a few seconds not knowing what to say, after all, Remia was a beautiful woman, her body was seductive, with great curves in the perfect places and she had a mature aura thanks to having been a mother.

Remia blushed slightly as she fake coughed to gather some courage to get back to normal - "I-I'm sorry I was so late."

"Don't worry" - Cloud replied as he nodded calmly, then looked at the others - "Well, we have a whole afternoon to relax, you can do whatever you want, I'll go for a swim before preparing lunch".

Cloud slowly walked towards the shore as Myu ran after him.

Little Dagon may have been trying to complete her plan, but that didn't mean she didn't want to spend some time with her father.

Remia let out a sigh as she watched Cloud leave with his daughter, only to give the other girls a slightly awkward smile.

"Myu is much more manipulative than we thought" - Yue said as she looked at Remia calmly - "Isn't she?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised too" - Remia replied as she shook her head - "Anyway, I'm sorry for turning your holiday into something so awkward."

"Oh, don't worry, this is the most normal thing we've been through since we started our trip to Erisen" - replied Yue as the others nodded - "Besides, this is a good time to talk"

"Talk?" - Remia asked with surprise - "About what?"

"Well, about what has happened over the past few hours" - Yue replied calmly.

Remia started to sweat slightly because she could feel the stares of the other girls. She felt like a defenceless animal right in front of a group of predators - "Oh".

"Relax, we won't do anything to you," Shea replied with a relaxed smile.

Remia just nodded weakly as she prayed that Cloud would soon return with her daughter.

30 minutes later, Cloud was returning with Myu on his shoulders, only to see how Remia seemed to be talking to the others.

Myu let out a sigh of relief when she saw this because this was also part of her plan, after all, that was the best way she could get her mother to interact with the others.

"What's going on?" - Cloud asked as he noticed how all the women seemed to be looking at him hungrily.

He took an unconscious step back, because no matter how strong he was, there were some things that were hard to handle, not the least of which was a group of women.

"Cloud, how about we talk a little?" - Shea asked with a flirtatious smile.

"Easy, Shea-san, we need to give the new girls some space first, then we can jump in," said Tio as she folded her arms.

"Oh, I see what you're getting at, you're a newcomer too" - said Yue as she narrowed her eyes - "In fact, I think those of us who have seniority should be the first ones."



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