Chapter - 581 [ Shea - III ]

"Not the reception I was expecting" - Cloud said as he watched a group of rabbits were trapping a group of [Beastman] of different breeds, including lions, tigers and other strong animals.

"Impossible! How is it that a group of worthless rabbits, are so strong!" - exclaimed what appeared to be the leader of the group, a tiger-like [Beastman] as he stared in disbelief at his captor.

"Threats have been neutralized, general!" - Kam exclaimed with excitement because for the first time in his entire life, he felt like a god among mortals.

His race was always looked down upon, but now they were here, disarming a diverse group of members of the "superior races".

"Good job, although if I'm honest, I would have preferred we talked things over, but I kind of understand why they're so excited to attack without thinking about the consequences" - Cloud sighed as he shook his head.

After a week of meeting these unchecked rabbits, he had heard a lot of things.

"I don't know any of them" - muttered Shea with a vacant look - "My family would never attack first."

"Oh, Shea Ojou-sama is in her denial phase again" - said a woman as the other rabbits let out a laugh.

"Don't laugh at my suffering, give me back my family!" - Shea exclaimed as her bunny ears pricked up in fury.

"Shea, we are still the same Haulia clan members, it's just that now we are aware of our past and our future" - replied Kam as he looked at his daughter - "We used to be weak and everyone trampled on us like the trash we were, but now we are strong, united and can defend ourselves, we are no longer just rabbits ready to be skinned or pets to put in a display case, we are [Beastman] proud!"

"Well said, Captain Kam!" - The other rabbit men exclaimed as they raised their weapons.

Cloud had authorized not only the use of cold weapons such as knives or swords, but also firearms such as guns, that and with the training he had given them to take advantage of their race's speed and stealth abilities, had turned them into a clan to be feared. They, with a little more training, could become the secret service of any kingdom without much trouble, but unfortunately for the kingdoms, after seeing the results, Kam along with the rest of the Haulia clan, had decided to be loyal to Cloud, the person who had achieved what they thought was impossible, to give them enough power to compete against the strongest clans of their kind.

The [Beastman] who had been captured by the rabbit troop, looked at each other with regret because for the first time they understood that their actions had been similar to those of the humans they hated so much for their past actions.

"It is good that they see their mistakes, but we can leave that for another time" - said a male voice.

Those present watched in surprise as a group of elves walked from among the trees, and looked at Cloud's group with seriousness and curiosity.

"Elves" - muttered Cloud as he saw the familiar appearance of the species of one of his wives - "Well, this will make things slightly easier."

The elves frowned when they heard this, though their expressions changed when they heard the blond's words.

"¡&%$!°!" - Cloud exclaimed as he looked around.

"%#&GA!$!" - replied the leader of the procession as he squinted his eyes - "Interesting, I wasn't expecting this surprise after hearing the forest spirits say that a guest was approaching."

"Greetings, brothers of the forest, my name is Cloud Strife, and I have come for your help in a certain matter of utmost importance" - Cloud said as he looked around and made a small bow - "I have come in peace."

"I can feel the blessing of the sacred tree and the moon on you, please tell us what you need, brother of the forest" - replied the leader of the elven group.

The [Beastman] looked at each other with surprise, even the Haulia tribe were surprised by this unexpected development, after all, the elves were known for their skepticism and lack of trust for humans.

"I have come to pass the test of the [Great Labyrinth], that is why I ask your permission to be able to enter the great tree in the center of the forest" - Cloud answered honestly. He had read about the different labyrinths that the [Liberators] had built, among them the [Great Haltina Labyrinth] which was built by Lyutillis Haltina.

"You idiot, you're already in the [Great Labyrinth]! The whole [Sea of Trees] is the Great Labyrinth!" - exclaimed the tiger-like [Beastman] as he scowled at the blond man, only to become enraged when he noticed his mocking expression - "Why are you looking at me like that!"

"Do you really think this is the [Great Labyrinth]?" - Cloud asked disdainfully - "Then let me answer your stupidity. Labyrinths are places full of trials where the [Liberators] rest eternally, do you really think that a place that the [Beastman] can come and go with utmost ease, is a fair test?"

"You are right, the great tree is the labyrinth" - nodded the leader of the elven group - "Though getting there is not so simple."

"You mean the mist?" - Cloud asked while raising an eyebrow - "I read about it in Oscar Orcus' journal."

"There's a lot I'd like to ask you, but I think we can save that for when we get to [Verbergen]" - mused the elf as he introduced himself as Ulfric Heipyst, one of the elders who were part of the council.

"Before we continue, I would like to know more about the expulsion of the Haulia clan from this place" - Cloud said while squinting - "After all, they are under my protection".

Ulfric was silent for a few seconds before pointing at Shea, who was arguing with Yue - "It's because of her."

"Shea?" - Cloud asked with a frown - "You mean her ability to be able to use mana directly without the need for catalysts?"

"Exactly, in our culture, those people are considered cursed, a threat to the stability of our kingdom" - replied Ulfric as he closed his eyes - "Every time one appears, it means chaos in our kingdom, and it all started with Lyutillis."

"Haltina" - muttered Cloud as the old sage nodded.

"Exactly, the same liberator" - replied Ulfric as he sighed regretfully - "It's been a long time, but what our kingdom has suffered because of their "betrayal", is still present in our minds, that's why every time a child develops this ability, we make the decision to expel them from the kingdom."

"But the Haulia clan refused to expel Shea, that's why they expelled you all" - Cloud said with disgust - "For a kingdom that is being attacked by radicals and supremacists, you are no better than them, destroying families, causing suffering to children who are not to blame."

Ulfric did not respond, but the elves began to get upset because this was one of the most sensitive points in their kingdom. They knew this was not right, but they did not want to hear the repudiation of others.

"If you know about the fog, you should also know about what you can't just walk in without a guide" - Ulfric said while ignoring the previous topic of conversation.

"I know, but Haulia will be my guide" - Cloud answered seriously.

"The rabbits?" - said an elf while letting out a laugh.

"Do you want to test the power of the rabbits?" - asked Cloud as he raised an eyebrow - "They may be peaceful, but they are bloodthirsty."

The elf fell down when he heard this because he could tell the embarrassment the [Beastman] felt when they were defeated by the Haulia tribe, and he didn't want to go through that himself, after all, the level of this squad, was very similar to the [Beastman].

Kam and the other members of the Haulia tribe looked at the elf with sadistic smiles.

The poor elf almost peed his pants, and even swore he saw a child licking a knife that was about half his size.

"Are you sure about this?" - Ulfric asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes" - nodded Cloud as the Haulia tribe began to cry happy tears.

"It's a pity, I wanted to befriend you, but such seems that our customs got in the way, a pity" - sighed Ulfric as he shook his head - "Anyway, it was a pleasure to be able to talk to you, brother of the forest."

"Same here" - nodded Cloud as he watched the elves glance at each other before following their leader.

"Ulfric-sama" - muttered one of the elves when they were at a safe distance - "What was it that man said that you showed him so much respect?"

"He said, the sacred tree live in me, and he discreetly showed the mark showing the blessing of [Yggdrasil]" - Ulfric replied gravely - "It is a pity the truth, his presence might have caused a good change in our race if we could have struck up a friendship, though I do not think that is possible now that he has seen our worst side."



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