Chapter 584 [ Shea - VI ]

"But that doesn't mean they can't do it under the table, more so when the Haulia clan will be in the middle of the forest" - Cloud answered with disdain while a huge smile appeared on his face.

Lua remained silent because this was something he didn't want to say, but he was sure it would happen, although Cloud's next words left him shocked.

"Ok, we accept your proposal, although I have to warn you something" - Cloud said with a small smile while snapping his fingers, the members of the Haulia clan quickly drew their pistols. Cloud did the same, and aimed at a nearby tree.

Lua's mouth dropped open as he watched in terror as the blond's strange weapon, fired a projectile that left the tree split in half - ". . ."

"The Haulia clan has these weapons, and they can use them with utmost ease, I even gave them a few storage rings that are packed with ammunition for their protection" - Cloud's smile widened as Lua felt a shiver run down his back - "That means that if they are attacked, well, let's just say they will show no mercy, and I'm sure [Verbergen] doesn't want to lose military power, not when they are at war."

Lua said nothing in response, he just shot an irritated look at Jin as he sighed regretfully - "I understand, I'll be stricter about protecting the Haulia clan, I just ask that they don't attack the innocent."

"Heh, it's not like we're bears" - Kam replied with disdain while the other members of the Haulia clan let out a laugh.

"Ok, I'm going to take these idiots away and talk to the other elders about the territory, I'm sure they'll have an answer in the next few days" - muttered Lua as he took Jin and his subordinates released the captured [Beastman] - "If you'll excuse us, we have to go back to finish this job."

Cloud didn't reply, he just watched as Lua's group retreated silently, possibly out of embarrassment at seeing a group of rabbits, defeat two of the strongest clans in [Verbergen].

"Sir, are you sure about this?" - Kam asked with a frown - "Wouldn't it be better if we went with you to help you with your mission?"

"Not necessary, not counting that I need them to do other things" - replied Cloud while shaking his head - "I want you to infiltrate the different realms and gather as much information as possible"

"Really?" - Kam said with surprise - "I thought you were going to leave us training in this place"

"No, that would be a waste for your skills, besides, the more you get to know the world, the more you will grow" - Cloud answered honestly - "Seeing the world beyond the forest, will make you discover new ways to use your skills, and who knows, maybe get a name for yourselves, think about it, how would it feel to know that the Haulia clan is feared in different realms?"

"It would feel great" - Kam replied excitedly.

Who would have thought that a group of weak rabbits, would one day be feared in a whole continent?

"Perfect, they already know what the first kingdom will be" - said Cloud as his red eyes glowed slightly - "After all, they've already done half the work."

"Our kidnapped brothers" - muttered Kam while a huge and gloomy smile appeared on his face along with that of the other members of the Haulia clan - "But now I have a doubt, how will we be able to contact each other?"

"Simple, with this" - Cloud answered as he threw a strange stone at them.

Kam took it carefully while looking at them in as much detail as possible.

"It's a prototype communicator, you use a bit of your mana to send a message to another stone, in this case the one I have in my hands" - Cloud said while looking at the stone that was still in alpha phase - "For now it's only good one way, in other words, only you can send messages to this stone".

"I understand" - nodded Kam as he started to think - "If so, could you pass me three more pairs? I wish for two to receive messages, and one to send."

Cloud smiled when he heard this because it was obvious what Kam was trying to do - "Good job".

"Huh?" - Kam's eyes widened, surprised because he didn't understand why the blond was complimenting him.

"You want one more stone to send messages because you want to give orders to his subordinates in the kingdom, and you want two more to receive messages because you want to listen to my orders and receive the reports, that will save the travel time" - Cloud said while squinting his eyes - "Good job."

Kam was embarrassed when he heard this, but that was his plan since he thought about the possibilities of this rock.

"Well, let's continue our journey" - Cloud ordered as the rabbits nodded firmly.

There were still a few hours to go before they reached their destination, and they didn't know if there was more trouble ahead of them.

* * * * *

"I understand, it's a pity it all turned out so badly" - sighed Ulfric as he scowled at the still injured Jin.

"This is a shame for [Verbergen]!" - Jin growled as he roared fiercely - "We have to take them out now or we won't be able to later!"

"It seems you haven't learned your lesson, Jin" - said Lua as he frowned - "We have already lost, if we break our word, then our power as elders will be revoked, it is even possible that our enemies will use the chaos caused by this meaningless fight!"

"It's not a meaningless fight!" - Jin exclaimed angrily.

"Enough!" - Zel exclaimed, the lion man as he narrowed his eyes - "I understand how you feel, but we can't go through with this, not when we're at war, we can't just make more enemies or lose part of our forces for stupid reasons!"

Jin growled angrily as he folded his arms because he didn't want to keep making excuses, he would eliminate all the rabbits with, or without the support of his comrades.

"I'm not saying anything else, what you do now is your responsibility" - Lua said while snorting with irritation - "If you want to die, then do it, but drag us down with you."

"You say that as if rabbits are dangerous" - growled Jin with disdain.

"They are" - Lua replied seriously as she looked around the room - "I'm not afraid of the rabbits though, but of their master, the man responsible for making them what they are now."

"You mean Cloud-dono?" - Ulfric asked with a frown - "Well, he completed the test of [Orcus], so he has enough power to fear him."

Lua only kept silent as she looked around - "That's why I have decided to accept his requests, which are easily acceptable."

"A territory for the Haulia clan is easy to hand over, more so if it's not within [Verbergen]" - Zel muttered as he nodded - "We could even try to establish good relations with them."

"Have they lost their minds by any chance!" - Jin exclaimed as he pounded the table angrily - "They're guarding a cursed girl!"

"I know, but the spirits of the forest are telling me that she will go with Cloud-dono" - replied Ulfric as he tapped the table with his index finger - "The problem is that she has shown monstrous talent, and we are not on her good side after everything we have done to her clan"

"That's why I'm of the opinion that total annihilation, is our best option" - Jin growled as he narrowed his eyes.

"No, we won't join your crusade for revenge" - Ulfric decreed as he narrowed his eyes - "You can do what you want on a personal level, we can't stop you, but don't count on us to wipe your ass again."

"I don't care if you help me, or not, I just don't want you to get in my way" - Jin muttered with hostility as he retreated.

"This will end badly, and I don't mean the rabbits" - Lua said as she opened her eyes slightly, showing slitted pupils along with golden eyes - "I've seen what Cloud-dono's weapons are capable of, and it could be considered ancient magic."

"How useful would they be for our crusade against the humans of that cursed realm?" - Zel asked as he frowned.

"Useful enough to make up for our much lower numbers, and still come out victorious" - Lua replied as her fox tail wagged slightly - "No matter how you look at it, a single shot from those strange crossbows, was comparable to the hit of a mid-range elemental magic."

"And they are in the hands of the rabbits, the very race we have isolated for a girl" - Ulfric said as he sighed regretfully - "Have we learned nothing from the past? How many cursed people have we had since they enacted this law?"

"Ten" - Zel replied with a frown.

"And how many of them came back to bite us in the ass when they grew up?" - Lua asked as her eyebrow twitched slightly.

"8, the other two died before they could do anything" - Zel answered bitterly - "The ones that came back, were more dangerous than the very humans we disowned, it's because of them that we are the way we are."

"And we still didn't learn, and we keep making the same mistakes" - sighed Ulfric while the other elders remained silent.



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