Chapter 652 ( Melusine Underwater Ruins - VIII )

"This place is interesting" - Cloud said as he frowned when he saw Ehit's servants fighting against the boat people - "I guess that pretty much explains what the sign outside the labyrinth said."

Cloud continued to move on through the strange illusion where Ehit's devotees were annihilating all those who opposed his teachings, though this didn't surprise him, not when the main dio of the world was completely insane.

The blond continued to walk around the place while dodging or blocking magical attacks, and watched as everything unfolded in front of his eyes.

* * * * *

"You say this place is for being able to discover the sins of the gods?" - Kaori asked in surprise as she looked at Tio.

"It is the greatest possibility" - replied Tio as she frowned and looked at the centre of the island - "And if this is true, then we will be seeing worse and worse sins the closer we get to the centre of this island."

The girls' expressions changed slightly as they looked in the direction the dragon woman was looking before shaking their heads.

"I am saying this so that you are prepared, after all, the sins of Ehit's cult are terrible" - Tio continued as her face darkened. She only wished that the annihilation of her clan was not among these memories, though at the same time she was almost completely sure that it would not happen, after all, the difference between those events and the creation of this labyrinth, were too far apart between the timeline.

* * * * *

Cloud continued to move forward and watched as Ehit's devotees continued to make disasters in each of the visions.

From the betrayal of the human king under Ehit's influence during the celebration of peace after a tireless war, to the scenes of the devotees destroying entire cities of demons or demi-humans, there was one thing Cloud didn't understand, though, and that was the expression the sinners had. Each one of them had an expression of madness and seemed to be devotees from the bottom of their heart, to the point of obsession, the problem was that when they appeared, they were treated with the utmost respect, which made no sense.

The young blond was really confused by this, after all, if someone hated a race to the point of genocide, then they shouldn't be so loved by their enemies, because at least one of them should realise the hatred this stranger had for their race.

Cloud was almost certain that these men weren't like that to begin with, but changed midway through, which is why their "betrayals" were so cruel from the victims' point of view, leading to another assumption

"It's possible they were controlled to perform these sins, or maybe he was brainwashed" - Cloud muttered as he frowned - "That would make more sense, and it would seem like something Ehit would do."

Cloud quickly shook his head as he saw that the illusions seemed to be over, though his expression changed when he noticed that he was now inside a time-worn wreck of a ship -

"Impossible..." - Cloud muttered as he looked around the surroundings with a frown - "Was I in an illusion all along? No, that doesn't make sense, I haven't let my guard down and thanks to having devoured the [Hydra], I should be able to feel if I've fallen victim to such a strong illusion."

Cloud was confused because he didn't know what had happened for him to end up in this place when until recently he was on the shore, watching the ship graveyard from a distance, though now he understood why he had seen the ship's past, as well as the betrayal of the King.

"I see, the ship graveyard is the core of the illusory matrix" - Cloud muttered as he walked to the side of the ship and noticed some strange red markings that seemed to be making some sort of huge seal - "Though that doesn't explain how I got here".

Cloud continued to scan the surroundings before turning around and looking at the spot where he had supposedly appeared and noticing a grey seal on it.

"I see, a teleportation seal," Cloud muttered as he frowned, "Well, that explains why he asked for proof of the great volcano, Gruen helped the creator of this place."

Cloud continued to move along the ship when he sensed something strange was happening. He could feel a cold breeze running down his back, so he quickly scanned the surroundings carefully, and that's when he discovered that he wasn't as alone as he thought.

The blond quickly ran towards the exit of the room as he watched the strange dark silhouette fly in his direction.

This was not because he was scared, or anything like that, but because he had not felt this presence until he was finally close enough, he had not been able to see it either, that meant one of two things, one, that this thing was elusive enough to slip past his senses, or two, this thing did not have a presence that he could detect.

If the former, then he was in danger, and if the latter, then he could not rely on his senses with the exception of sight, which is why he had decided to run towards the entrance, the place where there was the most illumination.

Cloud continued to move forward, but his expression changed when he saw how a group of skeletons and wraiths began to appear to prevent his exit.

He was now sure that the thing wasn't that strong, after all, if it was strong, it wouldn't be using these kinds of tricks, though now he had also ascertained that the thing with no presence wanted something from him, and he honestly didn't want to risk finding out.

The blond continued to run, completely ignoring his enemies and deflecting all the ones he couldn't dodge until he reached the entrance, and it was there that he saw it. His pursuer was none other than a near-transparent girl who seemed to be wearing an angry expression.

"I see" - Cloud muttered as he narrowed his eyes - "You can only keep yourself in this room, that's why you started acting up when I tried to get out of here, though now I'm curious as to what it was you wished for."

The ghost woman let out a sharp screech as she glared hatefully at the blond because she had missed the best chance she had to possess him and escape this hell, just because she didn't want to take a man's body.

"Well, never mind," Cloud said as he walked out of the room while listening to the ghost woman's roars, "Oh, right, I was forgetting."

The ghost woman narrowed her eyes, but her expression changed when she saw the blonde cast a strange white sphere into the room. She slowly approached it, only to let out a loud cry of pain when she saw the sphere begin to release a powerful amount of holy magic.

* * *

"Well, the experiment worked," Cloud said as a small smile appeared on his face, "It was a good idea to follow Shizuku's advice and create elemental bombs."

Cloud let out a small laugh before returning to his stoic expression because he knew that this place was more complex than it showed at first glance, so the first situation was to get out, although there was a small catch.

"The fog in this place is similar to that of the [Great Haltina Labyrinth]" - Cloud muttered as he was unable to detect any sort of presence with his senses - "I hate that fog, it's like walking blind."

Cloud continued to observe the area carefully until he reached the edge of the ship and noticed how the fog extended all the way to the sea, which gave him a bad feeling - "Honestly, I don't know if this is natural to the maze, or it's a modification of that unknown person."

The blond continued investigating the area, and annihilating every monster that appeared, although if he was honest, that was a waste of time because now he could no longer level up, after all, his body was already at the maximum level allowed by this world, the only thing he could do to increase his power or improve his abilities, was to overcome the mazes to get his ancient magics, or simply devour powerful entities to get their abilities or get Stats because basic food only made his stomach fill up or simply recover a bit of his vitality.

Cloud shook his head as he annihilated a new wave of armoured skeletons, one very similar to the one he had seen during the visions.

"Seriously," Cloud muttered with a frown, "don't you people understand that you can't hurt me?"

Though to his annoyance, he only received the sound of roaring reanimated corpses.

"I'd better get on with killing these things and investigating the surroundings, maybe then I'll figure out some things that have me confused" - Cloud muttered as he annihilated the new group of skeletons that had appeared.



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