Chapter 593 ( Fuhren - II )

"That doe is terrifying" - muttered More as he wiped the sweat from his forehead after watching Shea return with her body covered in blood from her victims.

Yes, the battle was not a match as Shea had annihilated every enemy in her path, not even giving them a chance to approach the convoy.

"Good job" - smiled Cloud as he stroked the girl's blue, almost silver hair.

"Pyon ~!" - Shea smiled as she purred happily at her beloved's caresses.

Yue clicked her tongue, but still smiled in approval - "They may not be as strong as golems, but you did a good job, Ero Usagi!"

"Stop calling me Ero Usagi!" - Shea exclaimed as her ears pricked up in embarrassment.

"That's what you are" - replied Yue as the two girls began to argue.

Cloud shook his head as he walked into the forest to make sure everything is over, keeping all the bodies of the demon wolves in his ring.

More was interested when he saw this, but decided to refrain because he didn't want to get on Shea's bad side.

"How much more time do we need to get to [Fuhren]?" - Cloud asked as they returned to the convoy.

"If we increase the speed, we might end up getting there by lunchtime" - More replied with a forced smile.

"Ok, you can increase the speed, we'll take care of security" - nodded Cloud as he returned to his position.

More sighed before nodding and ordering them to move fast forward.

* * * * *

A few hours later, the group was arriving at the entrance of [Fuhren], the most important trading city on the continent.

"As promised, we arrived by lunch time" - said More as he watched Cloud get off along with his two beautiful companions - "It was a pleasure traveling with you, I've never had such a fast and safe trip".

"It was just a job, don't worry" - Cloud replied as he walked towards the entrance and showed him his documentation.

"Welcome to [Fuhren]!" - The guard exclaimed as he received payment for entry into the city.

Cloud nodded and entered along with his companions.

"I hate the stares" - muttered Shea as she hid behind Cloud. She could feel how many of the people in the place were looking at her as if she was a mere object.

Yue frowned as she felt the same way, though her situation was much calmer in comparison.

"Let's go to the adventurer's guild, sell some stuff to see if our adventuring rank increases, and report that the mission has ended successfully" - Cloud replied neutrally as he released a bit of killer instinct to keep all the flies away from the area.

The group quickly reached the guild and completed their mission, then walked to a nearby restaurant.

"Seriously, this is annoying" - muttered Shea with a frown.

"I know, though for now we just have to put up with it" - replied Yue as she started to drink some juice.

"It's a pity that the guild didn't agree to increase our adventure rank" - Cloud muttered with a frown - "It sucks that we have to do more missions before that happens, though looking at our track record and everything we've done so far, it's a mere formality."

"Here comes another one" - muttered Shea with annoyance.

"You, that blond idiot!" - An obese man exclaimed.

Cloud gave him a cold stare that struck him dumb.

The obese man seemed to be a nobleman, but that didn't matter because he could feel how death was looking him in the eyes. His body was sweating like a pig in summer, his mind was going blank, everything around him seemed to be getting blurry before he fell unconscious.

"Hmph!" - Cloud growled because he could feel that bastard's dark intentions.

"Oh, that's not good for me" - said a muscular man as he frowned as he checked the obese man's pulse and let out a sigh of relief that he was still alive - "Sorry kid, but you're going to have to pay for what you did."

Cloud raised an eyebrow before releasing a bit of his killer instinct.

The muscular man froze for a few seconds before taking a few steps back with a terrified expression.

"A good dog doesn't block the way, take your master and go" - Cloud growled as his eyes changed slightly.

The muscular man nodded weakly before taking his master because he could feel how a huge row of fangs was encircling his neck. He was sure that if he did anything against this group, he would end up dead in seconds.

"That boy is dangerous, very dangerous" - muttered the muscular man before retreating at full speed.

"Wasn't he Reganid, the "Black"?" - Asked a man who was watching everything.

"You mean the Black rank adventurer who will do anything for money?" - asked another man in surprise - "Now that you mention it, it's true."

A commotion began to build in the place as Cloud growled furiously to keep away the flies that were bothering his lunch.

People seemed to recognize the danger and quickly fled the site, leaving a few brave ones standing at a safe distance from this picturesque group.

"We heard there was a confrontation between adventurers, but it seems to be a false alarm" - said a bespectacled man as he walked to the table where Cloud was with the girls.

"I don't know what you're talking about" - Cloud replied innocently.

"Hmm, from your description, you look like the person our leader has been looking for" - said the man with glasses while looking at Cloud with interest.

"Your leader is looking for me?" - Cloud asked with a frown because this made no sense, he was a person with no background and wasn't even from this world to be considered famous enough to gain the interest of the leader of the adventurer's guild of [Fuhren].

"Yes, I received a certain letter from a merchant who had just arrived" - the bespectacled man replied.

Cloud clicked his tongue when he heard this because it was obvious that he was talking about More.

"I ask you to come with us, and relax, you're not in trouble or anything like that" - said the man with glasses.

"Cloud" - Yue said as she looked at her husband.

"Come on, we have nothing to hide" - answered Cloud while shaking his head.

The group quickly got up and followed the adventurers, but not if they paid the bill first.

* * * * *

10 minutes later, the group was sitting in the office of the leader of the [Fuhren] adventurer's guild, who had introduced himself as Ilwa Chang.

"This letter is from Catherine-san" - Ilwa said as he looked at Cloud and the two girls with interest.

"Catherine-san, you mean the woman who helped us?" - Shea asked as Yue shrugged her shoulders.

"Possibly, she just informed me that you are people with enormous potential, and from what I see after listening to the witnesses' account, she is quite right" - Ilwa smiled as he looked carefully at the group in front of him - "As you would expect from that person"

"Is she important?" - Shea asked, confused with the overall situation.

"Catherine-san was the former secretary general of the central base of the adventurer's guild" - answered Ilwa as he took out a picture of a beautiful woman next to even a child - "When she retired from her position, she was assigned as an instructor for those of us who would be the next leaders of the different branches of the adventurer's guild, in other words, she is my teacher."

"Who is she?" - Shea asked in surprise.

"She is Catherine-san" - replied Ilwa with a small smile - "She was always popular thanks to her incomparable beauty."

"Impossible!" - Shea exclaimed while shaking her head as she couldn't compare the beautiful woman in the picture, with the woman who helped them earlier.

Yue was in a similar situation as her gaze became vacant, thinking about how cruel the passage of time is.

"Is something wrong?" - Ilwa asked, confused with the situation.

"No, it's nothing" - Cloud answered as he shook his head - "Anyway, what is it that you wish from us?"

"I heard that you want to increase your adventure rank, so I have a deal for you" - smiled Ilwa while showing him a document.

"A mission?" - Cloud asked with a frown because he wasn't expecting this.

"Yes, here's the deal, you complete the mission, and I increase your adventure rank to black" - replied Ilwa with a small smile - "As for the content of the mission, you can read it yourself."

Cloud took the document and read it carefully, only to raise an eyebrow because he expected something else - "Find a group of adventurers?"

"Yes, a group went on a mission to the northern range, but it's been quite a while since we've had news about them" - Ilwa answered while frowning - "Though if I'm honest, you only need to find one of them, Will, Count Kudeta's third son."

"That's a bit cruel" - muttered Shea with a frown.

"Being adventurers in a dangerous job, we live with death in our missions" - replied Ilwa while shaking his head - "They knew how dangerous this mission was, more so if they took into account that this was unexplored territory."



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