Chapter 654 ( Melusine Underwater Ruins - X )

"No, we have to see this" - said Shizuku while gritting her teeth and resisting the urge to vomit - "With this we will confirm our desires to punish Ehit for his actions."

"Watching these scenes will increase our desires to be stronger" - added Shea as she clenched her fists in fury - "Then we won't have to suffer this same condemnation."

Kaori and Shizuku were silent before nodding firmly. They knew that this could be their future if they fell into the hands of the demons, or Ehit, after all, they would do whatever it took to try and break their wills and hurt Cloud.

Yue gave them a glance before nodding weakly.

Tio smiled slightly, though her expression quickly turned neutral - "Let's fast forward then, we don't have to see this to the end."

"Ok" - nodded the girls as they took a breath and continued to move forward, though to their fury and pain, the scenes were getting worse and worse.

* * * * *

Cloud was checking out the new area he had discovered, the interior of one of the ships, which possessed many more illusions, only these were different from the others.

The illusions consisted of a group of pirates having fun, laughing among themselves while others were fighting, which was clearly out of place.

"This doesn't make sense" - Cloud muttered as he continued to watch the pirates' activities and how they called out to their captain.

Cloud tried to look in the direction where the pirates were shouting, but found nothing, not even a silhouette of the person they were calling captain, this confused him even more, although he quickly shook his head and continued moving through the illusion and watching the scenes change drastically.

The party was over and now the pirates were showing a worried expression, as if they were about to face their worst enemy.

Many of the pirates looked like they were about to vomit from nerves while others just shook their heads with firm expressions.

The more weak-minded ones began to shout, only to be silenced by their mates, who quickly told them it was no problem because they had the captain.

"Captain?" - Cloud muttered when he received this new information - "So the leader of this ship was a woman? Interesting..."

The blond continued to move forward as he watched everything change, the pirates were on the ground, with pale faces.

Cloud noticed that the vast majority were dead, leaving only a few survivors who were laughing madly.

The blond tried to approach one of them, only to see him turn around and look at him with bloodshot eyes.

"It's all your fault" - the pirate said as he stood up and walked in his direction - "If it wasn't for your fucking decision, we'd still be alive and enjoying our adventures!"

Cloud frowned because it was obvious that the pirate wasn't talking to him.

"What, are you planning to kill me and finish the job?" - The pirate asked disdainfully as he looked at his fellow survivors - "What are you doing, get up!"

The pirate watched with a crazed smile as his companions seemed to regain a bit of life in their gazes and followed his instructions - "You see, we all think the same thing, it's all your fault for following those sons of bitches! We don't care about your sister, we don't care what happens to this damn world either! We just wanted to have lives full of luxury and adventure, to sail the free seas of this world!"

Cloud immediately understood what was happening - "I see, this is an illusion containing Meiru-san's memories!"

"This is what you get for opposing god!"

"This happens for opposing god!"

"This is what you get for opposing god!"

Cloud felt a sharp pain in his head as he heard the cry of the crazed pirates before watching it all disappear, returning again to the time-wrecked ship.

"That must have been the last day of Meiru-san's crew," Cloud muttered as he shook his head, "After that must have been the invasion of Ehit's territory, as well as the sealing of the [Liberators]."

Cloud again shook his head as he felt everything distort slightly before returning to normal.

He waited a few seconds before he set about checking the area and seeing that in the deepest part of the place, there was some sort of pentagram - "I guess this ends the test?"

Cloud walked towards the pentagram and channeled some mana into his feet before disappearing from the spot.

When he opened his eyes, he saw how he was at a rather familiar sort of altar - "This has got to be a joke..."

Cloud slowly got off the altar and looked around to make sure, only to show a neutral expression when he saw that he was in the deepest part of the labyrinth - "That simple? No, it can't be, this has to be a fucking illusion too."

The blond took a look around to make sure everything was in order, but no matter when he searched, no more illusion appeared, proving that he had reached his goal, the place where he could get the new ancient magic.

"I don't understand..." - Cloud muttered as he frowned - "Why is this place so simple? Wasn't Meiru-san worried that someone would manage to get her power so easily?"

"In the least..."

"!" - Cloud's expression changed slightly when he heard a female voice in the area, and what was worse, he hadn't detected this stranger.

"Relax, I didn't come to hurt you, in fact, I can only talk to you because I can sense a familiar aura about you."

"Meiru-san?" - Cloud said as he looked around.

"That you know my name is a relief, I guess the others must have explained a little about me."

"Yes, but not much" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "I'm not going to lie though, I'm surprised that you can talk directly to me."

"You should be honored, not just anyone can talk to me directly."

"Oh god, you're one of those people" - Cloud muttered as he grabbed the bridge of his nose.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry, involuntary reflex" - said Cloud as he shook his head - "Anyway, that you can talk to me, means I'm close to the place that has your body sealed."

"Do you even know about that? I guess you're the one chosen to keep our hopes alive..."

"No, I just want to kill Ehit."

"Same result, don't interrupt me, I don't have much time."

Cloud gave the woman a blank look, though if he was honest, he didn't know where to direct this look - "Anyway, is there any way I can save you?"

"You want to set me free?"

"Sure, that was one of Oscar's requests before he disappeared, Gruen also said the same thing" - Cloud answered honestly - "Even that annoying little girl from Miledi."

"Oh, someone was a victim of that annoying little girl's pranks ~"

"We'd better get on with what's important, remember you don't have time" - Cloud said neutrally.

"Right, don't distract me!"

Cloud's eyebrow began to convulse slightly before calming down after taking a breath - "Please continue."

"Ok, I'll be honest, currently I don't think I can be released, mostly because my life is hanging by a thread."

"Impossible, you're half vampire" - Cloud said with a frown.

"That's exactly why I'm still alive, but at the same time my body doesn't have enough strength to be able to resist until I get the necessary mana to move and be able to consume some blood."

"Why don't you suck my blood?" - Cloud asked almost immediately.

"Because sucking the blood of someone of the opposite sex is something that signifies unity and trust, or at least that's what my mother said about my father."

"Oh, that's too bad, I guess you'll have to wait for my escorts to arrive" said Cloud calmly as he shook his head.

"I don't think they'll do."

"Why?" - Cloud asked as he frowned - "Yue, the vampire girl?"

"The vampire girl will lose much of her potential because I will unconsciously drain some of her ancestral heritage."

"Uncle, the [Dragonman]?" - Cloud asked again as he frowned.

"Let's just say that consuming the blood of someone of draconic heritage, is not a good idea, more so when you don't have enough self-control."

Cloud narrowed his eyes as he remembered Yue's expression after he gave her permission to suck his blood - "That explains a few things."

"As for the others, they have a good potential to be monsters, especially the [Semi-Human] from the rabbit clan, although her vitality won't support me sucking her blood"

Cloud was silent as he nodded - "Good thing you didn't suck my blood."


"Because I'm a high class dragon" - Cloud replied calmly - "And no offense, not like your friend from the great labyrinth Schnee."

"You mean Van-kun?"

"Yes, I'll be honest with you, if he was a high class dragon, then he wouldn't have died" - Cloud answered with honesty and a hint of pride.

A deep silence pervaded the place as Cloud waited for the mistress of this labyrinth to respond to his words.



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