Chapter 663 ( Expansion )

After settling the situation, the caravan continued to move forward in silence.

Remia didn't know what to say when she discovered that it had been her daughter who had shot the man, although she was now a little happy that Cloud was giving her a form of self-defense.

"It's good to see you back," Bize said after rushing to the entrance upon hearing that the heroes of the duchy had returned.

"We had come to see the current state of the water, though I see that everything should be fine" - Cloud replied as he shook his head.

"Indeed, though I have a small problem" - said Bize, the son of Duke Zengen - "The water still contains a huge amount of toxicity, and the church I was unable to purify it."

Cloud smiled with disdain because this shouldn't be a surprise - "Kaori..."

"I know, I couldn't do it before because I didn't have enough mana, but now that I passed that test and have gone up many levels, I have enough power to cast [Maximus Purgatio]" - Kaori replied as she ran to the lake where the poisonous creature had previously inhabited.

Cloud nodded as he motioned the others to follow him, completely ignoring the stares of the people in the convoy, after all, they were curious to know about the identities of this strange group that had received the honor of being welcomed by the heir to the duchy.

"It's them again!" - A man wearing priest's robes exclaimed. He was glaring hostilely at Cloud's group while his eyes seemed to be filled with madness - "I knew it, I knew they were dangerous!"

The priest quickly rushed out to the church so he could get enough support.

* * * * *

After purifying the lake, Kaori was resting under the shade of a huge palm tree - "That was harder than I thought it would be."

"Here" - Cloud said as he handed her a strange vial.

"I can't, give it to my mouth" - Kaori replied as she slightly opened her lips.

Cloud gave her a blank stare, before sighing because he could see that the girl wouldn't take no for an answer, though to the girl's irritation, she watched as Yue took the vial, opened it and pressed it tightly over her mouth.

"*Cof! COOF!* What was that for!" - Kaori exclaimed angrily as she shot a furious glare at the blonde girl.

"It was what you asked for, to get the potion in your mouth" - Yue replied neutrally.

"You know very well that's not what I meant!" - Kaori roared, only to become even more enraged when she noticed the blonde girl's smirk - "Mukiiiiiiii ~!"

"Was that the battle cry of a monkey?" - Shea asked as she looked at Shizuku.

"Oh, that's a normal Kaori scream when she's angry" - Shizuku replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I would be just as upset if my reward was snatched away from me when I was about to receive it" - Tio replied as she folded her arms. She had a slight smile on her face, though her expression changed when she heard the sound of hundreds of heavy footsteps approaching in their direction.

Cloud tuned his attention away from the two girls as he looked in the direction of the sound, only to frown when he saw a flag he immediately recognized - "What the fuck is the church doing in this place?"

"I don't know, but it's obvious they're up to no good if they come with their military might" - Tio replied as she walked next to Cloud with the other girls.

Yue stopped playing with the angry Kaori because it was obvious that it wasn't the time for that.

Kaori decided to calm her emotions and look seriously at the templars as she noticed how Bize ran over to them.

"What is the meaning of this, Cardinal!" - Bize exclaimed with a frown as he saw the highest church official in the duchy.

"I have come to give these heretics an immediate trial" - the cardinal replied as he shot a glance full of disdain at the heir to the duchy, then looked at Cloud and the others - "I knew you were up to no good, but I never thought you were so dangerous."

"Dangerous?" - Cloud repeated as he shot a glare at the cardinal - "Dangerous to the world, or to your worthless church?"

The cardinal's expression changed drastically to a much darker one because it was the first time someone had insulted the sacred doctrine of the church directly to his face - "As would be expected of a heretic, your words betrayed your deep corruption against the sacred name of Ehit-sama."

The disdain in Cloud's gaze grew at his name - "May I ask you a question?"

"No matter what you say or do, there is no forgiveness in the face of your corrupt actions" - the priest replied - "Much less after allying yourself with those inferior creatures who serve no purpose other than slaves to the glorious human race."

Kaori and Shizuku felt disgust when they heard this. They knew about the human supremacy that the church taught, but they didn't think it would be so horrible to hear it so bluntly.

Remia bit her lip as Myu hid in her arms, they were both disgusted and terrified, not because they were in danger, but because of all the dark looks the templars were giving them.

"I dare you to call me inferior again" - Shea said angrily as her ears pricked up - "I've put up with it all this time for the sole fact that I didn't want to cause Cloud any trouble, but seeing how annoying they are, and the evil intentions they have, I don't think he'd mind if I punished them a little"

"In the slightest, they're all yours" - Cloud replied while shrugging his shoulders - "Just don't kill them, I don't want Bize-san to have to suffer the consequences of our actions."

Bize gave him a confused look because the blond boy shouldn't be saying that kind of thing, in fact, he should be worried about his bunny girl being captured by those bastards. He had heard a lot of scary things about the church.

"Easy, just stay out of it and don't do anything" - Cloud replied quietly - "If you do that, the church won't be able to do anything to you."

"Thank you" - murmured Bize, who seemed to want to support them, even though it would turn the duchy against one of the largest organizations on the continent.

"When we're done with you, little bitch, you won't stop screaming for Ehit-sama's name" - said the priest while licking his lips, because if he was honest, the biggest reason why he wanted to make them heretics, was so he could get so many fine specimens of women.

Shea's smile grew slightly as she took a huge leap.

Both the priest and the templars, as well as Bize, were surprised to see a rabbit jump so high.

"Dorrrrrryyyyyaaa!" - Shea's war cry, echoed throughout the city.

"Cloud, Kaori-san, I think we'd better create a barrier around it to prevent the damage from spreading" - Yue said while watching Shea fall with the full weight of his amplified weapon - "Shea went crazy, she didn't remember what you told her..."

Cloud was silent as he created a huge barrier in the area, Yue covered the intermediate range while Kaori created a barrier in short range to protect him.

"Don't you guys think you're being a bit over the top?" - Bize asked with a frown.

"Not in the least, in fact, I recommend you start making preparations to announce that your oasis is going to be expanded" - Cloud replied as he looked at him seriously.

Bize fell silent before watching Shea's hammer hit the ground, only to see the blow create a huge shockwave.

The poor duchy heir fell to the ground on his butt as he felt how the whole area was shaking from the powerful seismic wave produced by Shea's attack.

A huge curtain of dust surrounded the source of the impact as Bozes stared in disbelief at the extent of the damage a rabbit had caused. He at first thought that Shea was a simple servant, or just another slave, but now he understood that this was not the case, in fact, she was a monster just like the rest, she could even be considered to be in the middle rank of the group.

The sound of flowing water echoed through the scene as Cloud and the others deactivated their barriers, causing dust to fly everywhere now that it was free.

Bize stood silently as he watched the scene clear. A cold sweat ran down his back as he saw the huge hole just a few feet away from him and right in the center was a rabbit girl coughing with the inert bodies of all the templars and priests of the duchy church.

"*Cof* Ugh, I've got dust in my lungs" - muttered Shea as she continued coughing.

"I think that's a fair punishment seeing as you completely ignored my words" - Cloud replied as he looked at the dusty rabbit girl.

"I'm sorry, but I had to do it, I had already lost my patience with being called inferior since my childhood and seeing the looks from those idiots made something inside me snap" - replied Shea as she scratched the back of her neck.

Cloud could only shake his head.



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