Chapter 667 ( Her Dad )

"Seriously, you guys are annoying, this is why I don't call you" - Shea said with a frown.

"Oh, don't be so mean to me, daughter" - said Mona with a happy tone - "Although that doesn't change the fact that I want grandchildren".

"I'm still too young, Mom!" - Shea exclaimed with a red face.

A huge laugh echoed in the background as Shea blushed even more because it was obvious that her tribe was listening to the conversation.

"Mou!" - Shea exclaimed as she puffed out her cheeks.

"Ok, I think that's enough" - Cloud said as he shook his head - "I didn't call them to make fun of Shea."

"Cloud-san ~!" - Shea said with a smitten tone.

"They can do that when we meet again" - Cloud added with a small smile, only to see Shea's expression change to one of annoyance - "Cloud-san!"

"All kidding aside, I called you for two reasons, to let you know that we'll be back soon, and second, to find out how the mission to rescue your tribe is going" - Cloud said seriously.

"Thanks to your support, and the contact you gave us, we have been able to rescue the vast majority of our brothers, although there have been losses..." - replied Kam with a somber tone - "We have not caused physical harm to the humans, as you said, although we have left them bankrupt after stealing all their income so that they cannot defend themselves after giving the information of all their misdeeds."

Liliana's expression changed when she heard this because in the capital there were dozens of rumors about how many nobles had fallen from grace, though according to the highborn who gathered in the castle, they were just that, rumors, though now she understood that these were much more true than she thought.

"Leaving that aside, are they really coming back?" - Kam asked with surprise because he wanted to see his daughter and the person who had helped them become what they were now.

"Yes, if there are no problems on the way, I'd say it will take two or three days at our normal speed" - Cloud answered calmly.

"Young master, I don't want to disturb you, but we all know there will be problems during the journey, there always are" - Kam replied with a dry tone.

Cloud was silent while the girls laughed because they knew that was true.

"Ahem! We'd better change the subject, I want you to go to [Verbergen] and try to talk to Ulfric-san, when it's time I'll send a message" - Cloud said seriously.

The princess listened to this curiously while the other girls looked at each other, not knowing what to say because Cloud didn't seem to want to share details.

"Ok, we'll do it right away" - Kam answered while cutting the call.

"Well, we'd better get on with the training" - Cloud said as he looked at Remia.

Myu's mother nodded as she walked next to Yue and Tio, Cloud took Myu as the two walked towards the opposite direction.

Liliana watched this with surprise as she thought about following them, though she didn't know if this would upset them.

"Do you want to go check it out?" - Kaori asked with a smile.

"Can I?" - Liliana replied excitedly.

"Sure, it's not like this is a secret" - Kaori replied calmly as the two of them followed Remia's group, who quickly started doing elemental exercises. Handling water magic in the middle of the desert was a pain in the ass, mostly because elemental water mana was scarce in this place, or concentrated in the lowest part of the desert, making it hard to call for enchantments. The place was the worst, yet the best place to be able to train water magic.

Remia was sweating because she could feel how all her attempts were futile, though that didn't make her give up because she knew that after trying for a good while, she would succeed like the previous times, in fact, the time needed to be able to summon and accumulate the necessary mana to cast her spells was becoming mere each time.

"Hmm, you're slowly awakening your full potential" - Tio said as she nodded - "Though the more you do it, the more signs of draconification you're showing, which is a bit worrisome"

"Why?" - Remia asked with surprise because from her point of view, if she awakened her draconic ancestry, she would be much stronger and would be able to protect her daughter.

"Because your body isn't strong enough" - Tio replied with a frown - "You need enough nutrients to be able to maintain a perfect balance or you'll end up mutating into something I'd honestly rather not happen."

Remia's expression changed slightly to one of concern - "So, what do I need to do?"

"Simple, you have to relax a bit and wait, you can't accelerate your changes, that's why you have to refine your abilities before you take the next step" - Tio said as she walked over to Remia and made her sit down - "First, I want you to concentrate your mana on your fingers."

Remia frowned as she followed Tio's instructions - "Ok, now what?"

"I want you to keep the mana as much as you can" - Tio said calmly - "Oh, and the amount of mana in your fingers can't be more or less than what you started with."

Remia nodded weakly as she felt sweat running down her face because she could feel that the new exercise was not as easy as she had first thought. She needed all the concentration she had in order to keep the mana flow steady.

"That's right, focus on the mana, not on the amount you can gather, but on the amount you can maintain" - Tio said as she nodded - "While more mana means more power, more stable mana means reducing mana consumption to a minimum, maximizing the result."

Remia did not respond, she just kept looking at her hands while breathing heavily. This exercise was much simpler, but at the same time more difficult to perform.

"Rest" - Tio said calmly.

Remia stopped gathering mana in her fingers before she slumped to the ground, breathing heavily as Yue nodded - "This training is perfect, as one would expect from an ancient race."

"No, this kind of training was the result of years of study on other races" - Tio replied as she shook her head - "That aside, you did a good job, Remia-san."

Tio quickly handed her a bottle of water.

Remia took it with difficulty before drinking it in one sip - "Thank you."

"How are you feeling?" - Tio asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Much more tired than usual" - Remia replied with a frown.

"That's to be expected" - Tio replied as she folded her arms - "The past training was meant to be able to gather mana fast for your spells, this training is to keep the flow to a minimum and improve your control."

Remia sat back before looking at Yue - "Let's continue."

"It's not recommended" - Yue replied as she shook her head - "You're low on mana, and your concentration is at the limit, it's recommended that you rest."

Remia was silent before nodding and stretching out on the sand.

Liliana was impressed by what she had seen, though she quickly began to shiver because she could feel how the desert cold was starting to take hold.

"Dinner is ready!" - Shizuku exclaimed from the camp. It was her turn to prepare dinner for the group, and although she didn't like doing it because it ate up some of her training time, there was no choice but to do it because it was something everyone did, even Cloud.

"Ok, I think it's time for us to bundle up, the weather is starting to freeze" - Kaori said while looking at Liliana - "Don't worry, we'll pass you clothes to wear".

"T-Thanks..." - Liliana muttered as she shivered from the cold.

Kaori just smiled in response as she went to Remia to check on her - "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, nothing a little rest won't fix" - answered Remia wearily - "Could you help me?"

"Of course" - smiled Kaori as she helped Myu's mother up.

"Thank you" - Remia said with a smile.

"We're partners, it's the least I can do for you" - replied Kaori happily.

Liliana smiled at this, though deep inside her jealousy began to creep in, after all, she didn't have a friend who could do the same for her. As a princess, she was constantly isolated because the nobles couldn't allow one faction to have more influence than others, and the servants didn't seem to want to interact more than necessary with them. Basically, Liliana was in the middle of a political war between different factions, one that had caused her to be unable to interact with anyone her own age, with the exception of otherworldly heroes, though this interaction was rather small.

"Are you all right, Lili?" - Kaori asked with concern.

"Yes, I'm just a little jealous of your very friendly relationship" - Liliana answered honestly - "I'd like to have something like that."

"What are you talking about, Lili?" - Kaori asked as she looked at her with surprise - "We are friends, I would do the same for you."

"Huh?" - Liliana was surprised when she heard this because she couldn't believe it - "Really?"



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