Chapter 613 ( Reunion - VI )

"You" - Cattleya said as she watched Yue - "Impossible."

Yue didn't answer, she just watched Cattleya with interest because she could feel that she had recognized her.

"No, that explains why you weren't sealed on the previous floors" - Cattleya muttered as she wiped her sweat.

"Ok, that confirms it, now there are many things I wish to ask you, that's why I recommend you to do your best to survive" - said Yue while creating an icy aura - "tio, I'll take care of this."

"As you wish" - Tio replied as she stepped to the side - "Though I recommend you finish quickly, something tells me Cloud-sama is in danger"

"Danger?" - Yue repeated as she raised an eyebrow.

"Well, not that kind of danger, but a much more annoying one" - replied Tio while frowning.

"Ok" - nodded Yue as he watched Cattleya let out a high-pitched scream of terror.

* * * * *

"Ok, since we've made it clear that it is indeed me, can someone get these two off me?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, but that's what you get for not showing up for so long and worrying them" - Rika snorted as she shook her head.

Cloud didn't say anything in response, he just waited a few seconds before Yue appeared on the spot - "Did everything go as planned?"

"Yes, Tio took her out of the maze" - Yue answered while frowning as she looked at Shizuku and Kaori - "Why are they hugging you?"

"It's a long story" - Cloud replied as he gave her a blank look.

"Well, I don't like my husband being hugged" - Yue replied as she folded her arms.

"Husband?!" - They exclaimed as Rika raised an eyebrow.

Shizuku and Kaori reacted to these words and looked for the first time at the girl who had appeared. She was a beautiful girl of about 16 years old, short in stature, blonde hair and ruby red eyes, she had the beauty of a porcelain doll, but the most distinctive feature, was the aristocratic aura that surrounded her body, showing that she was a noble girl of high standing.

"Speak!" - The two girls exclaimed as she looked at the blonde.

"First of all, I'm nothing of yours to have to explain to you about my life, so I kindly ask you not to try to boss me around" - Cloud said neutrally - "Secondly, stop hugging me!"

"No!" - Kaori exclaimed with tears in her eyes.

Shizuku quickly broke away because the embarrassment was too much for her, more so when everyone was watching her - "I'm sorry."

"Really" - Yue muttered as she walked to the girl and pulled her away from her husband - "Back"

"Grr" - Kaori growled coldly as the heroes backed off because they had never seen Kaori act this wildly before.

Yue didn't back down, she stood her ground and glared at Kaori with disdain.

"I see you work fast" - Rika said as Cloud gave her a blank look - "Who is she?"

"I'll tell you later, for now we'd better get back to the surface" - Cloud replied as the heroes let out a sigh of relief that they had survived.

* * * * *

The group quickly exited the labyrinth, crying with happiness at being able to see the sun again.

Cloud was talking to Rika, asking her about everything that had happened during their absence, and ignoring how Kaori was being held by Yue.

"You're strong for your looks" - Kaori muttered irritably.

"And you're weak" - Yue replied neutrally.

Kaori was about to yell at her, when she heard something that made her freeze.

"Daddy!" - A little girl exclaimed as she ran in their direction.

The group looked at the source of the voice, and saw a cute, light blue-haired girl, running to the blond and giving him a tight hug, but what left them shocked, was not that the girl was calling Cloud father, but that she was being accompanied by a beautiful and sensual bunny girl.

"Don't run, Myu-chan, it's dangerous" - Shea said while giving a small smile to the blond.

"I see that everything is fine" - Cloud murmured as he stroked the little girl's hair.

"Yes, Tio-san showed up to inform us that they would be back shortly, she's not waiting at the hotel" - replied Shea with a small smile - "But she wouldn't tell me what she was carrying."

"I'll tell you when we get to the hotel" - Cloud replied calmly.

"Uh, who is she?" - Kaori asked jealously because Shea was not only beautiful, but she had too good a body for her age, especially those huge breasts.

"Huh? Oh, my name is Shea Haulia, and I'm Cloud's wife" - Shea replied as she puffed out her chest proudly.

"Huh?" - the boys froze when they heard this because this was too surprising.

"His wife!" - Kaori exclaimed as she looked hostilely at the blond, only to notice how he was giving her a blank stare - "Etto, is it true?"

"Of course!" - Shea exclaimed firmly, only to blush as she remembered what their first experience together had been like.

The boys clicked their tongues when they saw this before looking jealously at the blond.

"If you have something to say, say it now before we leave because we have a lot to do," Cloud said as he looked at his companions neutrally.

"Are you leaving?" - Kaori asked with surprise because she didn't expect them to part so soon.

"Yes, we have to take Myu-chan to her home, and other mazes to visit" - Cloud answered as he folded his arms.

"I knew it" - sighed Rika as she grabbed the bridge of her nose - "I guess you don't want me to go with you?"

"No, there's something I want to ask you to do while I go on with my work" - Cloud said seriously as he asked her to come to his hotel in a few hours.

"Ok" - nodded Rika as she looked around - "What are you looking at? Go get some rest."

"H-Hai!" - exclaimed the boys before retreating, but their expressions changed as they watched a woman approach the place. She had black hair, long down to her butt, two beautiful golden eyes and was wearing a black kimono that showed off much of her enormous cleavage.

"Hey? What are you doing here?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow - "I thought you'd be keeping an eye on our little guest."

"Relax, Cloud-sama, she can't escape" - replied Tio simply - "I used the most powerful spell I possess to make sure of that"

"Ok" - nodded Cloud calmly as he raised an eyebrow seeing how everyone was looking at Tio with different kinds of eyes. Some had enough self control to make it look like there was nothing unusual, but a small group of the guys were looking longingly at the black haired woman, after all, she was what the Japanese would define as the "Yamato Nadeshiko" type, she was beautiful and elegant, with features that made her look like a high class woman, someone educated.

Kaori could feel like she was fighting a losing battle after seeing the woman standing next to the blond, though this expression was destroyed when she saw how the elegant girl, disappeared completely in a matter of seconds.

"I did my job, so I expect a reward for it, Cloud-sama ~" - Tio said with a slightly red face while breathing irregularly.

"What do you wish for?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I want you to fight me" - replied Tio as her aura changed drastically - "But I don't want a fight for no reason, what I want is for you to use your full power, the same one I felt in the labyrinth."

Cloud frowned when he heard this because it wasn't that he didn't want to accept Tio's proposal, but that this ability could only be used once every 5 days.

"Can't you?" - Tio asked with a frown.

"It's not that I can't, it's just that this power is too much for my body and I can only use it once a week" - Cloud answered honestly.

"So am I going to have to wait to see you at your full power?" - Tio asked as she nodded firmly - "I can do it, I've already waited for hundreds of years."

"Hundreds of years?" - repeated the heroes, confused by the words of such a beautiful woman.

"Are you crazy?" - Kaori asked as she looked at the dragon girl.

"Crazy? How rude" - snorted Tio as she narrowed her eyes - "No, I have lived for hundreds of years, many more than a mere human like you."

"You're not human?" - Shizuku asked in surprise, only to notice the woman's pointed ears - "Elf?"

"No, I am not one of the children of the forest" - Tio replied as she folded her arms, and in the process, lifted her breasts slightly - "I am a member of the glorious tribe of the [Dragon Men]"

"Dragons?" - Kaori and Shizuku looked at the blond, who nodded at their words.

"Really?" - Ryutaro said in surprise because he didn't expect this situation.

"I gain nothing by lying to a group of humans" - replied Tio with a frown - "Anyway, I'll wait, though I hope you won't back down, Cloud-sama."

"I don't plan to" - Cloud replied calmly.

Up to here



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