Chapter 670 ( Movements under the table - III ]

"I see you haven't changed, human" - said a female voice as she walked over to where Eri and Aiko were standing.

"I have no need to change" - Eri replied disdainfully as she narrowed her eyes - "Besides, it's not like you have the moral right to talk about this when you are eternal in every sense of the word."

The hooded woman decided to ignore the girl's words and focused directly on Aiko - "It's a pleasure to meet you, fertility goddess."

"Please don't call me that, I just want to help people" - Aiko replied while shrinking her body she could feel a disturbing aura about this woman.

"There are so many things I want to tell you, so let's start with the basics" - said the hooded woman while ignoring Aiko's attempt to change the subject - "I want to offer you a power beyond your comprehension."

"Huh?" - Aiko looked confused at the strange woman in a monotone voice - "What do you mean?"

"My master finds it a waste to annihilate you despite all the attention you have stolen from his control, that's why he has decided to be magnanimous and give you a chance to be on his side" - the hooded woman said - "A once in a lifetime opportunity"

"But who is your master?" - Aiko asked fearfully because she could sense that she was not going to like the answer.

"It is someone you have heard of, someone who is closely related to you and your students" - the hooded woman replied - "His name is Ehit, the god of this world, and the only person capable of sending your beloved students back home."

"!" - Aiko's eyes widened like saucers when she heard this - "Can he really return them home?"

"There is nothing Ehit-sama can't do, though you have to understand that everything has a price" - the hooded woman said.

"What do you want?" - Aiko murmured earnestly.

"It's simple, you just have to accept and join us" - replied the hooded woman while showing a huge smile - "Join the church, swear allegiance to Ehit-sama and he promises that he will send your students back home"

Aiko was silent before biting her lip - "You promise?"

"You can trust Ehit-sama" - smiled the hooded woman as she held out her hand.

Aiko slowly moved her hand, though before she could forge the deal, she let out a startled cry as she heard the sound of an explosion echoing in the distance - "Kya!"

"Tch, they can't stay quiet for a while" - Eri said as she disappeared from the spot - "Though now I wonder, how did they get here so fast?"

The hooded woman frowned before looking at Aiko and disappearing because the teacher wasn't as important as the secret of the [Sacred Mountain].

Aiko was silent while shaking her head, as if she was trying to get out of a trance - "What happened?"

The teacher quickly looked around, confused even more with the situation because the last thing she remembered was that she had been talking to the finance minister, after that, everything was a blur - "What am I doing in this place?"

Aiko grabbed her head as she felt everything around her start to get blurry, though it quickly returned to normal - "I..."

* * * * *

"Are you sure sensei is here?" - Kaori asked as she looked around. They were inside a room in the central base room of the church on the [Holy Mountain].

"My sense of smell is not wrong, she is here, it was easy to track her from the finance minister's office because they transported her through the air" - Tio replied as he returned to his human form - "Although this place makes me feel a bit confused, it feels strangely familiar even though it's the first time we set foot in this place."

Yue was silent as she frowned because she felt the same as Tio, the same situation Shea was in.

"Good thing we left Liliana-san together with the heroes, although I honestly don't know if that was a good idea" - Shea said while frowning.

"It's the best we could do, I mean, it's not like we could bring her with us" - replied Shizuku while looking around - "Back to the main topic, I think it's better we leave for another time this strange feeling you guys have, now we have to find Ai-chan sensei"

"You're right" - Kaori muttered as she looked around - "Although we'd better go carefully, it's strange that with all this commotion we made when we entered, no one has come to see what's going on."

"I know, I feel like this central base isn't as simple as we thought, maybe it's not even the true location of the church's headquarters" - Tio said as she looked around to see if she could find the reason for this strange feeling.

"Was it really a good idea for us to come?" - Remia asked as she looked at her daughter, who was looking around happily because this was her first big adventure.

"We can't leave them unprotected, and we don't know where Cloud is" - answered Yue seriously - "If we leave them alone, it's possible that our enemies will capture them."

"Yue-san is right, that's why it's better that we stick together" - nodded Tio while looking with a smile at Remia - "Besides, you don't have to feel less than us, your training has been quite effective, and I'm sure you'll be able to deal with everything this place can throw at us."

"Are you sure?" - Remia asked with concern because she didn't feel that different.

"Oh, you might not detect your increased strength because you're still getting used to the changes in your body, so I'm going to tell you, you've become strong, very strong, in fact" - Tio replied with a small smile - "If I'm honest, you're stronger than Kaori and Shizuku."

The two human girls clicked their tongues because they had to admit that the advantage that the different species of this world had, were quite unbalanced, especially the ones with dragon blood. They had seen the evolution during Remia's training, and they had to admit that they were jealous of how fast she had grown, especially Kaori, who was a "mage".

"Relax, soon everything will change" - said Shizuku as she looked at her friend.

"Ok" - nodded Kaori with a small smile.

"Ok, I think we'd better continue with our mission" - said Yue while giving a discreet look to Kaori and Shizuku because such it seemed that Tio's words had caused a bad reaction in the two girls.

"Let's go!" - Shea exclaimed with a small smile as the group advanced through this strange place.

* * * * *

"This place is strange" - muttered Cloud after entering the same room where his companions had arrived.

"You're right, this place reminds me a bit of [Orcus]" - Rika mused as she frowned.

"Wait, repeat that..." - Cloud said as he looked at his companion.

"Reminds me of [Orcus]?" - Rika repeated as her eyes widened in surprise - "You think this place is a maze?"

"Possibly, I mean, what better way to hide a maze, than by controlling it and making it your central base?" - Cloud replied earnestly.

"But that doesn't make sense" - Rika said while frowning - "Why would they control a maze?"

"Maybe it has to do with the concept of this place, after all, one of the creators of the labyrinths, was a former parishioner of that god's cult" - Cloud answered seriously as he remembered about Laus Braun - "This place is perfect to be able to create a labyrinth, after all, it has a huge connection with the creator..."

Rika was silent because if she was honest, she didn't understand what their leader was trying to say, one of the many problems of not having followed him during his journey through Tortus.

"Although this construction doesn't look like it's part of the labyrinth, maybe it's an external construction in order to hide the real labyrinth, although this aura is a bit disturbing" - mused Cloud as he looked around and started sniffing to try to discover the direction where his team had gone, after all, this place was driving his ability to sense the mana of the others crazy - "This way"

"Ok" - nodded Rika as she pulled out her assault rifle and prepared for whatever he threw at them.

* * * * *

"Huh? What is this place?" - Aiko asked as she looked with surprise at the strange door that had appeared in front of her. She slowly walked towards this place, though she quickly backed away when she saw a thick fog coming out of it - "I'd better retreat."

She had made the right decision, though it was already too late, because when she tried to turn back, a strange current pulled her inside the door without her being able to do anything about it - "KYA!"

* * * * *

"KYA!" - the sound of a female scream echoed in the distance.

"That voice is Aiko sensei's!" - Kaori exclaimed as she signaled her classmates to hurry because it was obvious that their teacher was in danger.



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