Chapter 680 ( War - II )

"This information is interesting" - Cloud muttered as he finally discovered Kouki's true whereabouts, though this confused him a bit - "How did he fall so quickly into the abyss?"

Cloud shook his head before deciding to leave this for another time, after all, Kouki's current state wasn't his problem, and even if it was, this wasn't the right time to worry about him.

The blond boy left his room and walked to where the others were so he could make sure his orders had been heard, though when he arrived, he saw how only a few were abiding by them, so after "dialoguing" with them, he went back to his room so he could continue listening to the conversation of his enemies, only to notice how it was all over - "Tch"

* * * * *

"Miss Cattleya, who do you think is the traitor?" - One man asked as he looked at his general.

"I have no idea, but whoever he is, we better not find out or his fate will be horrible" - Cattleya snorted while smiling inwardly, after all, now that the high priest had said that the traitor was one of the subordinates, she felt much safer, not to mention that at the same time she could feel her power growing constantly, and although it wasn't much, it was more than enough to be able to defend herself in case she was discovered, besides, she was sure that if that were to become the case, Cloud would help her. She didn't understand why she thought this, though the most accurate deduction would be that she is being influenced by the contract between the two of them.

"Miss Cattleya?" - The demon man asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry, I was musing" - Cattleya mused with a small smile - "What were you saying?"

"I was informing you that the generals are meeting so that they can talk about the strategy of the upcoming battle" - replied the man unconsciously because he could feel his desire for Cattleya growing stronger and stronger, after all, she not only had a beauty unmatched in demonic standards, but she also possessed something that made her irresistible, a huge latent power.

Cattleya snorted internally when she felt the lust and desire in her subordinate's gaze, though she didn't say anything to stop him, mostly because she enjoyed feeling admired, not like before when she was seen as a mere object.

"Ok, I'm coming right away" - nodded Cattleya as she walked out of the tent and headed straight to where her colleagues were.

"I see you took your time, General Cattleya" - said Daimon as he narrowed his eyes - "And I see you came alone".

"I have my business, besides, I was just informed of the meeting" - Cattleya replied boredly - "As for why I came alone, well, I don't want to risk our strategy being leaked by the spy, more so when we don't know which squadron the culprit is in."

The other generals looked at each other before ordering their subordinates out of the room, who ended up getting angry, though they followed their superiors' orders without resistance.

Cattleya smiled internally because this action had not only created a small rift between the generals and their second-in-command, but had also restricted the number of plans they could create for the next attack.

Now, many would wonder why Cattleya was sabotaging her race so easily, and the reason was quite simple, for demons, there was nothing more important than power. The stronger they were, the greater the ecstasy they would gain from slaughtering their enemies, and in order to reach this level, none of them minded betraying their mates, even their lovers.

Demons were a race that was created to be able to do everything possible to reach the pinnacle of power, and that was what Cattleya was doing, she had decided to betray her race for the sole desire to gain more power, something she was sure her colleagues would do if they had the chance, although it was a pity because she had been the one who had managed to take it.

Cattleya had decided what to do after all this was over, when she was finally free of the contract. With the power gained, she would take the throne as the new demon queen, that was why she was being so drastic with her actions.

"Well, now that they left, it's time for us to start with the preparations" - Daimon said as he looked around - "As the high priest said, we will divide into two groups, General Cattleya decided to take the vanguard of the first group."

"Indeed" - nodded Cattleya calmly - "Although as I said before, I need you guys to give me parts of your troops so that it looks like we have all decided to launch a frontal attack"

"We have no problem with it, although now we need to talk about how many troops you need" - said another general while looking at the beautiful demonic woman.

"I'd say 35, 40% of your troops" - Cattleya replied calmly.

"Are you crazy!" - exclaimed another general as he frowned - "That's too many troops under your control!"

"I share my companion's opinion, besides, those troops under your control, will be nothing but sacrifices for our attack" - replied another general while shaking his head - "We have sacrificed too much in order to strengthen our forces, to hand them over to you for you to mercilessly kill them!"

"And that is the only way to make them think that we are still trying to attack the main entrance" - Cattleya snorted as she looked around - "No matter how much they think about it, those lives do not compare to the glory of taking the human capital and using its inhabitants like the slaves they are!"

The generals frowned when they heard this, though they had to admit that their colleague's words were accurate. The lives of their soldiers could not compare to the glory of the victory they would achieve.

"What do you think?" - Daimon said as he looked at his colleagues.

"I share Cattleya's opinion, glory and victory, are more important than the lives of those worthless worms" - said Cattleya's only female colleague - "Victory with necessary sacrifices, or a long battle because we don't want to sacrifice a bunch of worthless bastards without glory"

"Ok, we'll give you 40% of our troops, though don't expect them to be our elite forces" - said Daimon neutrally.

"I didn't expect it either, the trash is more than enough to be able to get the job done" - Cattleya replied with disdain.

"That's good to hear" - nodded Daimon as the other generals smiled slightly.

"You morons, it doesn't matter if you give me your elite members, or not, the result will be the same" - Cattleya thought as she let out a small internal laugh, after all, this was good for her too. With the elimination of the generals' forces, her rise up the chain of command was guaranteed, and even if the generals survived the traps her contractor had planned, they would not be able to do anything against her for the simple reason that they would not have the necessary subordinates to oppose her decisions - "That irregular is a blessing for me ~"

"Now that we've made that clear, I think we'd better move on to the next matter" - Daimon said as he looked around.

The generals frowned when they heard this because they did not expect another problem to deal with.

"What is the next issue?" - Cattleya asked as she frowned because she, like her colleagues, did not expect any other matter other than the confirmation of roles for the upcoming attack.

"Oh, it's nothing important, I just want to know what you think of the high priest's words" - Daimon said seriously as he looked around with a cold expression.

"What do you mean?" - asked a general with a frown - "Are you saying that his excellency said something strange?"

"No, it's just that I think his words are not 100% sure" - replied Daimon as he looked around.

"Sacrilege!" - exclaimed another general in fury - "Are you even listening to what they're saying, General Daimon!"

"I know, and I don't mind taking responsibility for my words, it's just that I'm not sure I can believe your excellency's words about any of us not being the traitor" - Daimon said seriously.

The generals frowned before looking at each other with different kinds of looks.

"I don't think saying those words in a situation like this, when we are about to make an attack against the humans, are a good idea" - said Cattleya while frowning - "If you really think there is a traitor among us, then you shouldn't have said it out loud, unless you were sure who the traitor is along with corroborating evidence."

"General Cattleya is right, saying that it is possible that the traitor is among us, just when we are about to attack, could only cause us not to trust our allies" - nodded another general while looking at Daimon - "If so, that makes me think that you are trying to make us be alert to any movement of our colleagues."



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