Chapter 703 ( Preparations )

A week had passed since Cloud and the others arrived at the great Raisen labyrinth, time that they had been training without rest, to the point that the girls barely had the energy to be able to prepare dinner or move to bed.

Cloud was the one who had been in charge of all the tasks because he was the one who had the most energy after training thanks to his monstrous body.

The girls could feel as if they were in hell, although at the same time the improvements were evident. They not only had better control over their mana, but they had also learned to use the minimum amount possible to be able to perform their techniques, all thanks to the magical restriction that was in the labyrinth.

"Another day of hell" - muttered Shea as she threw herself on the bed, to the point where she looked as if she was melting - "I want to sleep ~!"

"You have to take a bath first because all sweaty" - Yue replied as she let out a sigh and started massaging her muscles.

"Are you okay, mom?" - Myu asked with concern as she saw how her mother was with her eyes closed.

"Yeah, I'm just tired" - Remia replied with a forced smile, though she could slowly feel the mana flowing through her body, easing how tense her muscles were

"This is not the pain I was looking for..." - Tio muttered as she tried to lift her head, but with no favorable results. The dragon girl was lying on the ground, in a not very feminine posture.

"That aside, does anyone know what we're having for dinner today?" - Shizuku asked, who was just as tired as her companions.

"I have no idea, but whatever it is, I'm going to devour it in less than a minute" - replied Kaori as she felt her stomach start to growl - "Ugh."

"Sorry for the delay" - Cloud said as he appeared with a huge cauldron filled with an aromatic soup - "Give me a second to serve you."

"The good thing is that we have a personal butler for situations like this" - Shea said as he sat down awkwardly.

"And the other positive thing, is that we are about to complete the first phase of training" - Remia smiled as she let out a heavy sigh - "Now all that's left to do is to go fight monsters"

"That we can do anytime or anywhere" - said Kaori as she continued to let out groans of pain - "Leaving that aside, I wonder if he again used the best ingredients?"

"Possibly, after all, they are the ones with the highest magical concentration, as well as the ones that are most effective for our recovery from exhaustion" - replied Yue in her typical emotionless voice.

The girls continued chatting until they saw how some rock tables appeared in front of them, showing that the dishes were already ready to be served.

* * * * *

"We still don't have any information about Amanogawa or Nakamura?" - Rika asked with a frown.

She had been on the lookout all this time for clues of those two, but since her intervention in the kidnapping of the last people, no clues of the two traitors had shown up anywhere.

[No, we've even sent other operatives to the villages near the capital, with the same results.]

Rika frowned when she heard the Haulia clan leader's words - "This brings me a very bad feeling, it's like we're ignoring something."

[I feel the same way too, Rika-dono.]

Rika said nothing at the Haulia clan leader's very "Japanese" way of speaking, mostly because being Cloud's direct subordinate, it would have to have affected his vocabulary more than usual - "Wait, I want you to ask your subordinates if there have been any other kidnappings in the area to non-humans."

[Give me a second]

Kam quickly cut off the call.

Rika waited in silence as she frowned slightly because she felt that this was what they had been ignoring. They had been concentrating too much on the attacks on humans because those had been Eri Nakamura's first victims, but now that no attacks on this race had happened, perhaps the target of the girl from Japan was now the other races.

After a few more minutes, Kam called Rika again, only to give her the bad news.

[I'm sorry to tell you that our suspicions were true, there have been reports of multiple disappearances in nearby villages, and all the victims had two factors in common, they weren't human and they had a huge amount of mana]

"I knew it" - growled Rika as she pounded her desk - "The problem is we don't know where they will go, or what they want so many people for."

[The most logical answer would be for a ritual and in the demon domain, that is, that's where most of the world's dark mana is concentrated]

"Makes sense, though I wish I could find some clue to their current whereabouts, to at least rescue some hostages, so we can delay their plans a bit" - Rika said while continuing to frown - "Do you think you can find them?"

[Honestly, it's a difficult job, even for us who specialize in search and seizure, mostly because we don't know which direction to look in.]

"I understand, thanks for the honesty" - nodded Rika as she started tapping her table with her index finger - "This is troublesome."

[I know, but it's not like we can do anything about it, honestly, our best option is to send a spy to every town in the area and wait for a kidnapping to occur so we can mobilize our forces in that direction, though this could go wrong]

"Yeah, because it's possible that the ones responsible aren't Amanogawa and Nakamura, but some stupid guy trying to make a quick buck" - Rika mused while gritting her teeth - "I'm feeling a bit frustrated with the situation, to the point that I just wish I could find those two so I could finish the job."

[Are all heroes like you? I ask because Cloud didn't seem too self-conscious about taking other people's lives, something I see in you too]

"Oh, no, not at all, we are the exception to the rule" - Rika answered while shaking her head - "Let's just say that both Cloud, and I, came from a militarized family and have trained from a very young age."

[Oh, I see, that makes sense.]

"Cloud didn't tell you anything about our lives in the other world?" - Rika asked in surprise.

[Not in the least, although we didn't try to learn more about him either, after all, we weren't in a position where we could talk as equals. Cloud-sama saved us and trained us to be able to become what we are now, and that's more than enough for us]

"An admirable loyalty" - Rika nodded as she thought of some way she could take the rabbits with her, that is, a force like the Haulia clan members, was something she wouldn't hesitate to use for her plans, more so with how loyal they were, besides, she was sure Cloud would approve of this idea of hers.

[Is something wrong, Rika-dono? I ask because you remained without saying a single word]

"Oh, no, I was just thinking" - Rika replied while shaking her head, though this was not noticeable by Kam.

[I see, sorry for bringing her out of her thoughts.]

"You don't have to worry, it was something meaningless, besides, we still need to focus on the investigation" - said Rika seriously.

[Right... How will we organize the search team?]

"It's simple, by sectors, although I'm going to have to ask your subordinates to do something demeaning..." - Rika said while frowning.

[Please continue]

"I want them to act as if they were slaves, because I'm sure our prey will know there's something fishy if they see so many unfamiliar people in the areas they're in" - Rika replied seriously.

Kam was silent for a few seconds before answering.

[I understand, he wants that to be our smoke screen, I mean, our clan is known to be considered as pets by many humans, so it's obvious that they will try to attack us thinking we are runaway slaves...]

"I'm sorry it has to be like this, Kam-dono" - Rika said regretfully, even though she wasn't the one at fault.

[You don't have to apologize, this is something we've been suffering from for years, after all, we were the weakest race of our "select" group of potential slaves]

"I'm sorry you have to go through this" - Rika said as she sighed again.

[No, this is nothing compared to what my clan has suffered, as for our little mission as "slaves", I will choose those who have already suffered from this cruel fate because they are the most qualified to act the role].

"Again, I apologize, Kam-dono" - Rika said earnestly.

[No, this is the least we can do, besides, this can also be useful to my subordinates, after all...]

"Did you say something, Kam-dono?" - Rika asked as she felt that she had heard the rabbit man speak, but she wasn't sure because she was deep in thought.

[No, it's nothing...]

"Ok, I guess it's time for us to start the preparations" - said Rika seriously - "As for who will be the "masters" of your subordinates, I'm sure you'll be at ease knowing that they will be the heroes."

[I have no problem, as long as they don't do anything stupid, because if so, I will not be held responsible for the actions of my subordinates.]



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