Chapter 730 ( Yggdrasil - I )

"Back to the point, how old are you, Cloud?" - Yue asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure, though I think about 50 years if I put all my incarnations together" - Cloud replied as he cocked his head to one side.

"Incarnations? You're saying you've died more than once?" - Tio asked in surprise, though at the same time she couldn't believe that someone so young would have so much power, though it shouldn't be a surprise knowing that Cloud was a full-fledged dragon.

"Not exactly" - Cloud replied as he was silent for a few seconds to see how he could explain his situation - "It's more like a constant reboot of my age."

"Is it some sort of curse?" - Remia asked as she frowned.

"Oh no, it's hard to explain" - Cloud replied as he shook his head - "We'd better change the subject, because I honestly don't think I can say more about my general situation."

"I guess it has to be some kind of test with a high level of confidentiality" - said Tio as she nodded - "Ok, I understand."

Cloud smiled slightly because the more he progressed through the different worlds, the more open minded their inhabitants were with topics like this.

Kaori and Shizuku were still a bit curious, mostly because they were people who were born without the ability to use mana.

"I guess they'll go inside the big maze now" - Kam said as he intervened in the conversation.

"Yes, we have nothing more to do here, not to mention that inside we can see if it is possible for them to build a new Verbergen inside the labyrinth, so they will be much safer" - Cloud said seriously.

"You want us to migrate to the labyrinth?" - Mona said with surprise as her ears twitched slightly.

"I'll be honest, you rebuilding your village outside the labyrinth will only make it easier to be attacked" - Cloud said seriously - "The great Haltina labyrinth has a location that everyone knows, that means that the demons could come at any time, and that would be the time when you all could die."

Mona and Kam were silent when they heard this, after all, they could sense how serious their situation was.

"I share the same opinion as Cloud-dono" - said a male voice.

Those present looked at the source of the voice, revealing a tired Ulfric.

"I am aware that this camp is a preventive measure, also that my brothers will not want to leave the ancestral sea of trees..." - Ulfric sighed as he shook his head - "Not to mention that I don't think any other place will manage to prevent humans from hunting us like in the past."

"We can always attack their leaders, like we already did with the empire" - Kam replied with disdain.

"And then what, suffer the attack as a whole from the rest of the kingdoms because we are a threat to their hegemony?" - Ulfric asked with a frown - "I know your race is strong, Kam-dono, but that doesn't mean the others are, the moment the humans get bored of our resistance, they will attack us in multiple bands, and even the demons won't be able to 'defend' us..."

"Not to mention that they lost their most important defense, the natural barrier of the sea of trees" - Cloud added while shaking his head.

"That's why I want to ask you one last favor" - Ulfric said while taking a sigh - "According to the ancient writings of my race, it's quite possible that her highness, Lyutillis Haltina, is still alive inside the labyrinth."

"Really?" - Cloud said with surprise because he didn't expect the elves to have this information that should be confidential.

"The truth is that I'm not so sure, after all, the information was written by an elf who managed to see how his excellency entered the labyrinth by his own will and didn't come out again" - answered Ulfric while frowning.

Cloud's expression changed when he heard this, after all, he thought that the Liberators had been sealed against their will, even the books that Oscar Orcus had left behind proved this hypothesis, but it seemed that this was not the whole truth. Yes, the Liberators had been sealed voluntarily, albeit reluctantly, possibly because Ehit had his races in check.

"Maybe they managed to trick Ehit with a contract?" - Cloud thought as he started to think - "That would explain why the mad god did nothing against the races of the "traitors", although it is also possible that he did nothing because he found that these races could do nothing against him."

There were many hypotheses, but no answers because so far, none of the liberators had tried to talk about it, although this time he was sure he would get the answers he was looking for, and he would do it directly.

"You don't have to ask, we were thinking of contacting Lyutillis Haltina and talk about this, besides, we also have business with her" - nodded Cloud calmly as he watched the Verbergen leader let out a sigh of relief.

"Your words cause me great relief, Cloud-dono" - said Ulfric as he looked around and handed him a certain object.

Cloud raised an eyebrow when he saw the small box that the elven clan leader had so secretly handed him.

"Inside this small box, there is an ancient relic that her excellency left us before she went against Ehit on her crusade" - Ulfric replied as he noticed the young blond's confusion - "Perhaps with something that belonged to her, it might be easier to contact her"

"Makes sense" - nodded Cloud as he kept the small box inside his inventory, later he would see what it was about, though at the same time he felt this was important.

"Finally, I'd like to know one last thing" - Ulfric said, this time with a serious tone - "Although I'd prefer it to be just the two of us, for confidentiality issues."

Cloud raised an eyebrow before nodding.

Yue and the others watched as Cloud walked alongside the Verbergen leader, wearing different kinds of expressions.

"What do they think they're talking about?" - Kaori asked as she looked at Yue and Tio, the two wisest and most experienced girls in the group.

"Honestly, I'm not sure, though I feel it's too much of a coincidence that Ulfric-dono tries to talk privately with Cloud, right after we were talking about Yggdrasil" - replied Tio while looking at the vampire girl - "Don't you think so too, Yue-dono?"

"Yeah, I feel like it's too much of a coincidence" - nodded Yue as she started to think - "I just hope that elf doesn't do something stupid, because if so, then the consequences will be much more serious than the demon attack."

"True, Cloud has the power to wipe them out completely if he unleashes his full power" - Tio said with a self-conscious expression, after all, the race of Dragon Men, was known to be mostly peaceful and respected the races that once fought to stop the tyranny of the gods.

"How likely is Ulfric-san to lose control upon discovering the information Cloud knows about Yggdrasil?" - Shea asked as she frowned.

"Wait a second, we shouldn't be talking about this in such an open place" - interjected Shizuku as she looked around - "Anyone could overhear us and spread this information to the rest of Verbergen, that would complicate things even more."

"Relax, I already prevented that and put up a barrier so I could block the sounds of this talk" - Yue replied while shaking her head - "Although I appreciate that at least you paid attention to this problem"

Tio averted her gaze in embarrassment because she hadn't thought about this.

"Let's hope nothing weird happens" - Yue said as she slowly closed her eyes - "Though that doesn't mean we don't have to prepare for the worst, so that's why I want Remia, Shizuku and Kaori along with little Myu, to go check the route to the wall that needs the evidence to enter the labyrinth."

"I understand" - nodded Remia seriously. She understood that he was sending her along with Shizuku and Kaori to keep her daughter safe, after all, they couldn't leave Myu at Verbergen's camp if things ended badly.

* * * * *

"Ok, I think this is a good distance for us to talk" - said Cloud as he looked at the sage of the elf clan.

"Ok" - nodded Ulfric as he took a long breath - "Tell me, what do you know about the tree world?"

"You mean Yggdrasil?" - Cloud asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly" - nodded Ulfric as he narrowed his eyes.

"I know a lot of things" - Cloud replied normally - "That's why I'd like you to be more specific."

"I want to know if you know its location" - said Ulfric seriously, he without thinking twice said the most important question.

"Hmm, the truth is that I don't know where Yggdrasil is" - Cloud answered while shaking his head.

"But that doesn't mean you don't know where one of it's offspring is" - Ulfric added as his blue eyes turned as cold as ice itself.

Cloud smiled slightly because he had to admit that it was interesting to talk to someone who thought well about multiple possibilities.



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