
Having the day off after such a mentally strained Halloween work day. She can at least move her mind to exploring what seems to be extra dimsional self contained flat inside a supernaturally powered painting. She has take the effort of reading the sort books she has discovered, the language dictionaries she had a shelf for decoding them too. Not exactly escaping from everything she had to learn this pass week but actually learning the unknown topic of the spirit world that has brought this attention to her. She found the old and the new materials that she made candles from. Including the old labels and business names she was renowned in other worlds by. Uncovered a cabinet of scrolls that were her old nicknames and titles given to her though many worlds and many lives she once had.

All of this forgotten and resurfaced things that she had assumed was weird feel moments. She was most disheartened by the three court boards she had with conspiracy red threads and pinned notes. However, as she picked through... she came to understand what she was trying to do. One of these was something to do with a demon after the book of broken souls. The same creep that shows up in many of her lives and has been the end of some of those lives. She seen him in her current life, had the chill of her grave being stepped on. She not exactly sure how her soul manages to escape these occuring meetings but moving on.

It was harder to take when she finds matching clothes for what she would have worn in those lives, many outfits... many broken, clear wounded marks that would kill her or some of these things not to be worn by living person. Each representative of what was or could have been.

An odd idea passed her. It's not the first time she tried her hand in sewing and stitching up patch work to fit. Having learnt alot from the creepy disconnected pocket painting flat. She had felt a style start to put together, fitting to her name and full of little life saving things. Layers that hide her status as a living person, armor that prevents harm and blending in among the dead. She lost track of time while putting last touch. She took a few page ideas from the demons and angels. Wearing weaponry like the angels and concealing these neat features in glamour like a demon. She doesn't need to hide her breathing if the chest plate hide her movements. She just knows there was some certain things. For example, she can't use her voice to speak to people. However the Georgian art of speaking with a fan, add the colour system at her work.

Now that's business. On topic that it seems she had clients of her past lives that only communicated these methods, re-opening revenue she didn't realize she had. Although... its not money but materials that was traded. So, it hard work to network this stuff into something she can use. Explaining board of theards number 2, black board of undertaker departments she was visiting in previous lives. Working out that she was sending random crap their way and getting real money that undertakers use between themselves. Meaning she was paid for her services in some way.

She got out of her painting with the empty cup of what was the remains of mango juice. She shuffled to her kitchen and opens the fridge, making no care for much. She of course closed the fridge with glaring at how organized it was. She slide glance to the spice rack. Low and behold. In Latin order. She puts the empty cup to the sink and now just sort of glares at her living room.

"I had a lot of questions about where you would be able to afford an oil painting but... now I just feel like I would rather ask how you managed to bring a portal painting from a death realm to the living." Shade takes his brim hat off and sort of attempted to shake salt off it. He manages it but burnt himself in the process. Yet his hat was more important, if given the action was clear cut as his words.

She turns with getting a kettle full of refreshed water to boil, time stopped but she pokes the kettle for it to continue boiling for this. She fetched out a whole tea pot and some of her fancy loose leaf blends. She continued sort of just ignoring them in this manner.

"When you said we were going to met a shadow Duchess, this was not the sort of place I was expecting." A unease is made in the hand flutter while the monotone cadence took to the air. Following with a mute partner to hold the hands silent and a glare to silence the lips. A few pairs around if she did bother noting.

Shade is alone, no ring. Yet his the one of authority here, posed a finger and several stand to attention like they were meant to.

The kettle automatic turns off in a flick sound with many folks jolting and looking around. A snap finger and postures returned forwards. She softly made the tea blend up and to the stage of pouring the liquid mutely as everyone else shuffled nervously.

"Young Duchess, we came to escort you on your visitation. Formally speaking, as commanded by our king. Many will be attending and it be wrong of someone in such status of you to be alone." She stops pouring the tea pot liquid in and make turn to her sink. Instant at cleaning a flask for on to go tea bring along. She has also had some little goodies and gifts for emergencies. She has forgotten birthdays and things or has had quick requests for gifts at unreasonable time frames. This felt like the sort of thing she needs little goodies to please people with, given she spent so much time reading laws. They aren't here because they want to or knew why.

"I will be ready in a moment or two." She practices her voice, for those forces times she will likely speak. It clearly worked at how jolted the pairs were. She was stuck with this demenor and tone, unsure if it was wise, "My little pocket room is of no consequence to you all." She continues, "Touch it and you will be cursed." She had clearly prevented him from nearly doing so, "Do forgive the extra salt and paper around." She finished making up the flask, "I have been sort of..." She left no further notice of finishing the sentence. The flask sorted with a fashionable big bag to fit all these emergency gifts. She ignores them and enters her painting for privacy. She changed clothes... into the whole entire kit she has. She turly was a lost wanderer in a undertaker uniform. Best of all was that her dimensional painting which supernatural property allows it to altered into more layers and a mask.

She was in a patchwork dress, layers many different materials that hide away her living features and pronounced Lady assists. It seems like it was revealing but it was a contained ploy of seam work. Turly living to being a tricky person to work out her built and height, so much care in making weaknesses look easy hit, but really fall into a deadly trap. She doesn't even need these gimmicks but she has them in case of anything.

In being now cloaked in the canvas that adorned her wall, she seemed to just break out of shadow darkness in a step. Like she melted out of wallpaper and became an outstanding oddity to an otherwise strange crowd. A colour cordantated fan that folded ways would present colour of meanings. With such fan snapping loudly closed made all attention focus on her, and for them to do the job sent for.

"Madame Mystic." Bows by all and pose in present a way for her to walk. She rolled eyes and took her own route out her home from the front door. She doesn't need to wait for them, able to lock the place and continue to a disc of grey mist. Briefly as she walks into this portal, it panicked her that she might leave her living body behind and be waking up in a hospital. The notion was quickly away when Shade jabbed a needle on her. It was taking a drop of blood for payment of using the gate. She did react to that pain but covered up quick to snapping the fan at him.

Making to the other side of this disc is that they all were marching around her at her pace, clearly past a sort security check point. Lead in pose of Shade acting as her lead servant. He is good at what he does, making commands of anyone that was to disrupt her path through. It is serious, very extreme lengths of protection by all these pairs. No longer did anyone of them make any confusion about her status or role. No one does as she was paraded into the entry venue.

Clearly a masquerade event is at full swing, a large space cut with social areas. She is the last to arrive and clearly this was the biggest commotion. Many high ranking demons, Angelic relation traders and even high department owning undertakers (all with titles of elite society). The Monarch is at standing to be almost about to say something, he sits back down while many turned.

The formation held and she gets her act together. She herself realized that interruption of the monarch is an unheard of notion. She takes a steady sigh and straightens. She snaps the fan, aggressive at dismissing the troop of escorts around her. They gladly take the hint and fold themselves in a well routine bow of revealing her. She uses the fan at hiding her nervousness. Bold at continue of this trail brazen personality she has going for herself. She walks independently without accepting Shade's hand and she made this place a fashion cat walk. Deliberately loud and bold heels that demanded parting pathway for her to reach the monarch. She never slowed and never missteps. She came to the area of carpet bellow a throne, where she lowered the fan and makes a full courtesy to him. He quick to gesture her up and that she nods grateful. She uses her fan at making small talk, he actually made a small cough. She noted that Shade quickly at her side, of which she makes full use of ordering Shade to give a gift to the monarch. Confused as both men are, they play along. Shade can read gestures enough to follow the order at presenting the oddly well decorated small wood carved box. The monarch accepting the gift, gives it a little peak and quickly pockets the small treasure to his vest for now. She opens the fan and bows softly and stands among the crowds.

"Forgive the late announcement..." A shout at the other end by the guest title announcer. The guys job is literally introducing guests and was caught up in her unorthodox ways, "Beloved Lady Mystic, a myth rank wandering undertaker."

The room of many other guests had their reactions and whisper games. She is so perfectly still and her fan well placed at hiding her expressions. She did turly blend in among the dead, even if she is having breathing meditation exercises.

"Amazing." The monarch claps, "And with my last invite here. I declare the event to start officially." He double claps and music began. The room watches him leave his throne and that his parnter joined his side. She softly joined close by near them, since she is here in his invite. She will respect this and be at his company. This was how the society seems on paper to work, it's likely more then that but she doesn't have an insider to give her the needed updates. She doesn't rely on Shade for such things. Yet this not reliant of the Monarch, she can stand alone when needed and can be part of a discussion.

"They really didn't skirt the food this evening." She lingers in standing with the monarch being among a group of undertakers. She poses listening to each that spot loud and the eye dances of body language they posed themselves into. She makes no notion to be adding any meaningful effort for the conversation, simply she was present and a great listener at the best of her ability. She does have some struggle at the furtherest standing from her speaking, but everyone stands at the level of importance they are to the monarch. So those she needed to hear most were close enough for her.

"Duchess, congratulations in this being your debut appearance. You certainly made it unforgettable." a kiss ass for sure, she can see why the sort guy that is would be here. Some grey moral or grey acting for good intentions. All she did was change her fan blades to present some middle ground colours, no a word spoke back. She really has a defying theme about her. This colour measuring was only really caught by those that knew her, they had their smirks or way of finding her instant judgment amusing. Yet colours have many interpretations and thus no one could say for certain what she meant.

"The lady is still learning our ways. It maybe her frist strike among us, but there is plenty of etiquette training to go." The advisor a up tight. The guy looked like on mental breakdown away from melting. Jittery and paranoid. He has a clear pose of discontent towards her, bais in her names maybe. More towrds bloodline relatives. She didn't change at all for the commentary by the guy, she chooses not to impose any rude come back. In her mind, it was to steep to low blows if she did exchange a low demeanor towards the advisor to the king. Let alone the kings ring partner. She didn't plan things, so he wasn't entirely wrong in her afterthoughts.

"I can't demerit a fine lady that refused the crown." The monarch wasn't going to hide that? Or was he going to weaponize it in purpose of disagree to bad mouthing about her. Maybe state that she won a duel, turned down the crown for lives to come - will respect her and his powers, "The Duchess has plenty of time to respect our laws and ways. A brazen soul like her is the sort of support I need to hold this place. Unwavering to her wish and respect to title. Regardless of whom wears the crown." She shows positive agreement in colours of her fan, "Now please excuse me while I greet my other guests." The monarch posed a hand, "May we?" She bow soft but doesn't take his hand. He laughed lightly to that and they walked together to the next crowds.

Small talk was passive patterned. Mundane then a jab of her personality and the king hammering down any rude assumptions. The odd unrelated question of other things or the true intent of visitors present opportunities to chances. The few demons or angels testing her. The cold shoulder she comes across in how stiffly mute she is, the assumptions of her being an newborn.

Finishing with done presenting her. She was given the monarch frist dance. Envy of green lining many faces watching them dancing. She had to just trust her instinctual actions. She seems a natural for such a formal dance. But the monarch wasn't dumb, he can tell she was using fighting moves then dancing. It only added to the drama and flare. He can tell she was getting tired out, aware she is a living person under a glamour of false tricks. He wonders if she will Crack or what it would take to creak this realization among his subjects. Although, he knows there are many undertakers that will take drastic measures if they knew she was a Trickster bloodline - even if she wasn't a cult church member. Keeping the falsehood was protective and keeping her safe from the harm that these many people will do. She is here at his request and at his invite. He doesn't wish to break things for small matters. It would ruin the little order and reputation he has with the difficult supporter types. A knife edge, as close over the blade as she is to dying just like the monarch golden peace. Assuming he has her tamed to his bidding would solidify more people to his support in future, that there is hope to pull more to work with him and his order of laws. She makes some alarming over steps in some boundaries and has some clear cut flaws that these over steps patch over.

"My nickname... You will have heard of it. I have quiet the reputation. I tend to sometimes forget it and the details." She whispered speaking to the king and he heard her speak for sure. They came to the end of the song and took bow, "I am Tricky Trickster. A lost wanderer. Even I don't know how I got here." She lingered her bow and he had to have a second for this to sink in, "I am really her. That's why I suit my nickname. Even those of blood have cursed me. An outcast. A wild card." She straightens and squares in his eyes, "Be careful what you use me for. I had been double edged blade to even those I once cherished. Vague now. The many lives I have been." She brushed her dress in further that point, "Be careful of the demon that eats souls. He has been chasing after me for so long. I would bet his forgotten sometimes but he turly wishes to eat souls like me. He will eat you if your in his way." She doesn't follow the monarch off the floor, he had to follow her. He was hastening to. Chooses to make the effort, his hand pat to her shoulder.

"What exactly do you plan to do in such encounter?"

"Take back what he stolen from me even of it meant slaying the creep. You will know. He breaks the rules. You wouldn't let that stand if it was to break the peace you have." She has then stood in watching the new dancers take stance on the floor and the music fluttered up once more. She looses herself in watching the dancers and the music, "The dead must never kill the living. Yet he does." She tilts and the fan is back, "The family name, we aren't Trickster among the living. You need to watch the name Seer. Anyone the name Seer... they are a Trickster." She tilts seeing his expressions flicker and his advisor across the room made a commotion for a moment too, "I tell you this in warning. I am not a cult church member but equally... I have never swear my alliance to any kingdoms. well..." She flutters the fan, "I have been betrayed to many times to trust even you. So I would rather make my death be something of my own chooses. Not the order or accident of you." She couldn't stop her sorrows wobble the words. She sees his reactions as his falsehood was struggling, his public mask among peers at struggle. She gently guides the Kong back to the side of his advisor, she respects the security and responsibility. She still however stood away, showing that she stands in defending herself. That she didn't stand rank but fear of being attacked. It changed so much of what assumptions the monarch assumed. That no lower was this a pawn he tamed. This was a clever lady that was in a dangerous place and that she was willing to take a risk if it meant warning him. That she wouldn't never had came, even at his request. She doesn't belong among the spirit world, and the monarch must respect this. That she is simply a visitor, not ally or pawn. Breaking the mold of what stringent society conformity was forced here.

"I will respect that you came all this way in good faith." He removed the carved box and now the gift charm made sense. She was testing his boundaries in clever ways. The joke charm before was nothing as powerful as the real artifact she gifted him now. She had transcendental rank of myth was a merit to her outside of this world and living territory. She turly stand as a bad omen in warning him for a war he didn't even consider real. Now it's whispered, she is here and that there was someone able to break natural law to get what it wanted.

"You know that I am no different to a death Raven." She shook, "Caw. Caw." She was deadpan and makes no joke of her severity, "We have an enemy in common. That is unless you wish to side with the creep that breaks things. The last few monarchs did. Fallen to temptation and erased. I don't even know what happened to the world's left behind. I suspect it's not what you would even wish upon your loyal subjects." She shook in such flutters pain on her chest, "Maybe you best chances is to get rid of me. But who knows. I am not a goddess. I am nothing but a human with a broken inside." She steps a little further, just a little. Reflecting that she was low of confidence in herself and the sort of distrust of the people around her.

"Madame Mystic, you are a fascinating soul. It's impressive what you accomplish. It turly a pride of courage to put yourself here, delivering such a harsh warning and still have to assume you having to only protect yourself without us. You whom must have walked many worlds, lived and breathed them. Felt the reality in your hands where we can not." He pats her shoulder in being so fast at not letting her have time to deflect it, "Lost those many lives and be recovering from wounds that couldn't be made real. Burdens of scars that can't be seen. Bleed from open wounds that fester and seep a piece of what you are." He has both hands on her shoulders, "You're not just a Tricky wanderer. You are the willpower of undying desires. Hope the shines the deepest darkness and reach of the lowest of hellscapes." He shook her slightly, "You are turly a marvel that defies and questions what is law." She is certainly very dazed now and he instantly pushed her out of the undertaker realm.

Back to her house... she trips and sits at her door step. Dizzy from the disorienting forced portal use. Vomiting beside herself and crawling back into her home. Very unceremoniously discarded out of that place.