"According to reports, among the few undetermined deaths that may or may not be part of these court cases. Are the two souls who once occupied the burnt down house. The same house that the underling of Wrath was trapped and that we can only assume missing or dust among ashes." Among the judge table, the intervening time between her in and out of focus were due to the long explanation of the order of deaths. Adding two more undertaker kingdoms among the judge table roaster. The three kingdoms are not in good terms to each other but are united by the whims of the master mind. This disruption casting wide list across the multiverse, still to minor and petty for anyone higher then a Duke to care about. Lower scale noble ranks are all in charge of this court.
"Finally returned back to were we left in the order of conversation and debate topic. No longer do we need to wonder why slayers are being found among the seven body groups. There is a triple layer of victims here. The Tricksters are clearly trying to have the blame pushed to a rogue among themselves. A demon in the family history is suddenly acting out and murdering all these slayers. This rogue keeps cropping up in crossing boundaries but there isn't anything to suggest sinister or poor intent. Rather the rogue seems to be the one doing all this running away from both a demon lord ranked demi god and a family who has scorned them." The demon representative summarized everything to change to next topic.
"The rogue has mythical status and would explain why a demon god in the gallows is unable to take over this court from us." The angel representative agreeing indirectly to the demon and posing a reasonable why for the disruption being handled as it had to be. The longer she has managed to stay here without leaving during human breaks, the best she has managed to blend in. Even when her literally enemies and murderer intented types sat everywhere. Even the Angels are creepy emotionless in stood statue poses along the rooms edges.
"Going back to the topic that you skipped due to lack of occupate house dweller." Gale aka Windmiller raised his hand in suggesting the direction of topic, "We should have Moon Flower come to stand. She is the last person that still has some legal human concerns about the exploded flat. The pain and suffering of all those businesses disrupted is going to cost her. The demon mastermind should pay into relieving some of these problems as it was his underling that turned her life from bad to worse."
"Mr Windmiller, you aren't implicating you have some sort of inside know, it's against the rules." The angel disliking bias influence.
"Mr Windmiller is a living human, we all have already agreed that his opinions matter. He had no direct conflict to this case and is been accepted by the Seer and the Tricksters." A undertaker speaking up.
"Given his the one that just happens make a end lead come back to us. We can at least hear out the human he suggests for what the sort shape the place was in before it exploded." Another of undertakers dukes.
"We also agree that the human aspect is always tainted with emotions and bias. We take his information but judge among us use or need to the case. Given this opens a needed answer of questions. We will accept listening to the witness but we will need any backing up from other Sources." The third undertaker making the demon rep nod. They aren't trusting Gales judgment but his veiw or know of things can uncover stuff they otherwise over look.
"Given Moon Flower is among the protected identification witnesses. We will have her not seated in the normal stand but the private room. Those will ask questions can enter the room and leave. Just as we had the other protected ones."
In her mind the others around her were debating who to walk with her. As there needed to be more then one person. It has to be all ladies or those that can pull off a lady look. She stands among the group and as the group take walk to the private questions room.
"You don't need to swear in and you don't need to have any personal details being used." She heard Rope nearby that came to see her entering the room. Five ladies, she seated along the second seat from the left. True to the word, all the questions weren't about her but like the house layout and any abnormalities.
She had to explain that esty business to make warding spirit candles will have meant the ingredients were burnt in the flames. The building history of being a fish and chip place, oil and grease accelerated the flames. She had to explain that due to having fears of Seers sending demons after her and her mother - the reason why they made a candle business, was to make barriers that prevents the spirits staying there or leaving once on grounds. The Flat was a spirit trap that only the human owners could remove and invite spirits. There was no acceptable knowing human there at the time of the flames to allow any to enter or leave. The underling was left in the house so she can focus on her dying mother getting to hospital. She further stated that her landlord is the human that poured more gas around and was causing noise issues with her neighbors. His lighter was recovered by living world fire department invesgators. The unwelcome landlord would have had spirt possession removal upon entry and be haunted by the spirit. She watched mostly the later half on the news the days after the flame was put out. The place was so hot and so dangerous that it took 2 nights and three daylight hours to stop the flames. They had to use foam and many other methods to stop it. Water was making it worse.
When these questions were over, the five ladies were allowed to leave. With the exception that they were spirit people. This demon asker was trying use a loophole but it doesn't work. He tried to freeze the room but all five women didn't freeze up. All five stood to leave.
"It seems your attempt to single out which is human was a mistake." The five seated back down, "The witness among us thinks you are a fool. That she isn't just some human."
"You should spend some time working out the Seers and Tricksters. Learn of removed branches of the family." Different undertakers of the five stating these things.
"You might even find that there is a little but if controversy in those direct Seer leading figures. That someone among them has been playing to much golf games." Luna speaks like they do and one the five undertaker lowered just then in confusion. Upon realizing she as a living speaks like they can. The demon smirked at the lowering one, thinking that's the human. Yet he wasn't full fooled. He had doubts in all five of these ladies. There was a real moody type at the end seat on the right, constantly playing with hair and constantly expressing displeasure. Luna has worked out that that undertaker is not a woman and is upset at being picked as one. But the annoyance really makes the demon convinced that the false woman was human more then the rest. In the end of this meeting with the demon. It took leave and left attempts to curse his highest chance.
"You are amazing." Among the witness she sits with, "How did you learn to blend in?"
"I had to." Luna leaned on the table to relax for now, "I spend all my school days trying to avoid you all, not disrupt your duties and just try to be normal. I picked up little tricks to make you lot move out of my way or help me indirectly. I used to fool angels and demons they heard a undertaker nearby. I still sometimes had to. I do it to prevent us interacting and prevent big things like this case. I have always respected the duties you all do. Even demons can improve a day." She is given some holy water, it's all they can give as a drink for her. She appreciated this, has a sip and pockets it. To small of amount to be traced or give her the need to got to the loo. She sits up with the knock of the door for the next questions. She does will to not react at all. A clothus and two undertakers.
"Given that for some reason the human among you is showing to be mythical status. We have to ask more things." The undertakers are translators but she doesn't need it. However the few ladies needed it.
"May I remind you of your own laws. You are to not enslave or steal the names. You have no permission of any grounds to steal souls. You aren't allowed to demand answers I can't give you. Some knowledge is still considered forbidden, no matter the insignificance of the knowledge seems at surface." She spoke like a undertaker and her own hand translates to clothus sign language, "Consider this denial plausibility and void word in record of everything that is stated in regards of my statements." The recording undertaker puts away the notepad. That went for the false woman too, "In further protection to us all. I am using human standard dictionary references. I may use double meanings but I will never directly correct you."
"This is how you managed to maintain your ranking. You may know things but you never tell or properly use the terms needed." A lady states thinking about this, "This makes sense of why you would disrupt anyone of us willingly or that you do your best skirting around evading." They all pose at having a debate in thier minds. The two new undertaker joined the thought network and that what these ladies know of her so far was explained. Luna stays quiet and listening to it all, she glares at the Clothus making attempts of small talk. She wasn't in the mood for it. It seems the attempt to implicate her in something bigger then her. She has no reason to intervene or share her thoughts. The clothus feeling a little cheated in her lack of response hits the table in frustration. He talks to fast and to much for her to track what he was trying to say to her.
"He talking to fast and to much." She voice thought and the ladies glare confused too, "Stop it. I can't and will not break the rules. I will not accept any deals or contracts. I am not a normal Seer or Tricksters. I may carry the bloodline and names but I refuse to accept the way the family and cult members are. The laws they follow, if I turly did follow it like them. I would be removed from this universe for it. I am not risking everything I had done to be here to pleasure your games." She now hits the table and her strength marked a dent to it, "I have always avoided being the disruption or the breaker of law. When I had to, I did so for selfless acts or to give souls more chances." She moved her hand away from being touched by the clothus, "My room in the flat was turly the place that I protected those souls I rescued. Now..." She hissed, "When I came back to this universe, someone murdered them all. Stolen the tome and crossed out soul names. I promised that I would never be a book keeper, to abide by rules forced upon me. Those souls I protected were now the victims of another keeper or the team effort of a keeper and someone else. My friends I made in my soul travel outside these boundaries are now hurt more. This is my guilt and burden." She had to remove mask secretly to wipe tears away. The very liquid of her tears that did drip on the table burnt holes through the materials. The clothus backed away from being damaged from her crying. The ladies pat her back to comfort and stop her crying.
"And add it all to being hunted by some demon. The missing souls of her parents." The false woman at the end listing things, "Lost home. Underage, so legally she needs a guardian. Despite being aged inside. Outside she still a living human child." Luna was even worse hearing that. Crumpled in her seat. Gladly the insensitivity wasn't lost to the other woman that slaps the sense into the guy. So much pain physically and mental strains. It was normal for a mental brea
breakdown to occur. They give her the comfort and tries to help her. In the end with the clothus leaving. She was given break time to get her to stop crying.
"She been overdue a human break. Afraid of the demon seated beside her at the pews." Rope came in having heard that she wasn't alright. He the only expert at hand, "She needs to be returned to the human world. This court can't use anything from her directly."
"I have one last thing to ask before then." The undertaker at the last seat and sits across now, "How did you know my nickname when we met?" She tries to have voice but she realized she isn't allowed to.
'I don't remember my past lives, not really. Yet you were someone important to a past me. I can't work out if it was you I was running away from or other things. Something about all of this. It was why my soul left this universe in fear. I had suffered so much pain or sorrow that my soul adapted and ran away.' She thought at him and he can hear her for sure, 'Maybe it was wish to have power from the book of souls. Or that something among you undertakers and the family made me unable to defend myself.' She holds herself, a old habit that never goes away, 'I like to think I am changed from back then. I faced other fearful things.' She tilts away, 'But still... I can't stop feeling doubt and fear. Afraid of all you strangers in my life and afraid of what you want of me.'
She is visibly shaking and cold. All these nice gestures are the touch of spirit cold ice hands. It seems so hollow and empty while trying to be the most kindness and himan gesture of comfort. They all held the same tone of voice, regardless of the emotion attached in being soothing. As a group they help her up and holding hands guided her out this room. They were cloaked extra more. Returning her through the crossing and back to the house. She was mostly snuffly by then.
"I am Lipstick. This is Frypan." Greeting each other, now that they aren't in a court setting. Luna can turly appreciate this, they helped while Alex fell at the bus. The lady's that helped her stand and grieve. Luna couldn't get herself to stand up at the time and face time unpaused. Here they are to ensure she isn't alone at unfreeze time again.
"I am queen of clubs, or at least it was my nickname while I lived. I died alone after loosing my stakes in a gamblers den. Your sorrow speaks to me personally." This undertaker held both Luna's hands, "You are much stronger then I was. So please." this person gives a play card from a pocket, "Take my lucky charm to borrow." They nod and leave slowly one by one. Some bow and other wave. The player card in her hands, queen of clubs. Time returned softly in small notions. The sound was soft and then the sign of moving birds and traffic outside. She holds the card close as she looked around at the living world moving onwards. She sits herself into the windowsill, looking out at the little rural neighborhood. The flying birds and passing cars or people.