Chapter # 5

Chapter # 5

"I will never accept you as my m~~~"

Darkness slowly covered my eyes and I passed out.

'Mia wake up'

I slowly opened my eyes with a sharp headache stinking in my head, I felt like someone has poked needles all over my body. I looked up and saw Hayden bending down to my level looking at me with pitiful eyes. I tried to get up. Nevertheless, it was difficult, Hayden help me to sit properly.

"I have treated your wounds, you have been asleep since last night," he said putting the ointments back into the first aid box.

I hummed in response.

I was feeling better than last night. Last night, Edward came here. He said something, I… I cannot recall what he said. The more I focus on the words, the more I get a headache.

I looked over Hayden who was still arranging the first aid box.

"Hayden, did Edward come here last night?" I asked out of curiosity.

He looked at me

"Mia you are not staying in the rogues as the youngest daughter of the white's alpha, you are here as the slave of our alpha. Therefore, you better learn how to behave. As you can see, our alpha more likely hates you so~~

"Hates me I must have stolen something from him or have betrayed him in my previous life". I spoke not thinking twice.

Hayden sighed,

"Mia you are just a slave here, call out the name of alpha with respect I won't tolerate your attitude anymore". He said in a threatening voice.

I looked down they have to~~

"Follow me," Hayden said breaking the chain of my thoughts.

Hayden stood up and looked at me. Waiting for me to stand up.

I stand up slowly and he started walking trailing behind him like a lost puppy. He was walking in the corridor; there were many people in the corridor, probably the servant of the palace. They were glaring, some were looking at me with the disgusting looks, some were looking at me with pure anger and some were whispering.

I sped up my steps and started walking beside Hayden.

We entered a big hall; there are my people in here. Their eyes lit up when they looked at me.


My eyes were looking around to find my siblings and finally saw them at the very corner with shovels, mattock, and rakes. I started running towards them.

However, Hayden pulled me by my arm.

"first of all we are not in an amusement park and secondly, you will live as long as you stay near me," he said and give me a sarcastic smile.

I give him a sheepish smile, took his hand in mine, and started running towards my siblings.

Hayden is taken aback, so before he could have time to react I was already in front of them. I stopped and examined all of them. Their skin had turned paler. In addition, they had bruises on their faces.

Liam hurriedly pulled me towards him. I looked at Hayden, he is looking so scary. He is going to make me pay for this later.

"Mia are you alright," Lia said cupping my face.

"They tortured me the whole evening".

"Serves you right," Dane said.

I looked at Dane, he looked worse. His face has turned black, and he had a big bruise on his forehead.

"Dane you are the salve of my pitiful feeling," I said in a dramatic voice.

"Look at you," I said and put my hand over his shoulder, breathing dramatically.

'tsk' Dane shakes his head.

"You four, you will dig the cave that you dig yesterday. And Mia, you are going to clean the golden ring with our servants" Hayden said and turned around to leave.

I hugged all of them and started walking towards the palace's servant.

"So we are going to clean the golden ring," I asked looking at them with raised eyebrows.

There were five girls. They looked at me and nodded. One of them step ahead said

"Didn't Hayden inform you? Why do you have such a slow brain?" she said and rolled her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, you will find your brain back there," I murmured but she heard it.

She was going to say something when one servant with small height grasped my hand and started walking.

"You shouldn't have done that". She said enlarging her doe eyes.


Suddenly, a loud siren was heard. The five girls started running in the corridor. I was following them but stopped when I heard my name in one of the rooms.

"mia isn't 18 yet" I seeped the door and saw Edward and Hayden.

"No she isn't" Hayden replied.

"It's good then, just kill her," Edward said making me gulp hard.

"Stop being childish alpha, her death won't bring us any good. Alpha you met her, even though you are cursed. You can't just kill her".

"I can't announce her, the people of rogues never except her," Edward said raising his voice.

"She is our going to be lu~~" Hayden was cut off by the shout

"mia what are you doing here" I looked over and saw the short girl with doe eyes looking at with fear in her eyes.

I started running towards her but my steps halted as soon as I heard a cold voice calling out my name.
