Chapter # 7

Chapter # 7


He shouted from the top of his lungs. Adrenaline rushed through my body making me flinch a little.

I looked down and waited. I heard loud footsteps but no one came inside the room. I slowly looked up and saw Edward with closed eyes and a clenched fist.

He opened his eyes and his eyes were no more red. So he was calming his wolf.

He walked towards me with steady steps. He gripped my arm and started walking outside the room. He has a tight grip over my arm, it hurts. I am sure it is going to leave a mark.

He threw me on the ground as soon as we step outside his room.

"Take her to the basements and wake our five best vampires to serve her well," Edward said with a hoarse voice.

I looked up and saw two masculine men looking at me with cold eyes. This means no one is allowed inside the alpha's room. I wish I had met the attender. Now the long-time slept vampires will turn me into dust. The masculine men pulled me up and started dragging me.

"Hold on" I heard Edward's voice. I know he is going to take back his words. Nevertheless, why would five vampires beat a single fragile wolf who is not even 18 yet?

The masculine men take back their hands and stood straight facing Edward. I slowly turned back and what happened next was unexpected.

I was lying on the ground with blood oozing from my mouth. My left cheek hurts a lot. That's when I realized, EDWARD ROGUES JUST PUNCHED ME!!

I slowly look up at Edward who was looking at me with cold eyes like punching someone so unexpectedly is a casual thing.

My eyelids were getting heavier. Slowly darkness covered my sight and I passed out.

*time skip*

I slowly opened my eyes. The faint light from the red bulb was giving enough light to see.

I looked around. I was in a different room from last time. I looked around. A small table is present on the edge. I am tied in a chair. I noticed that there aren't any new bruises on my skin. I tried to move but all my struggle was in vain. Suddenly I heard footsteps getting louder. Edward entered in the room and opened the switch which made the room, lit up. That's when I realized there is a see-through glass mirror present in front of me and there is a body of a weak man, tied in a chair in there.

"You really thought that I am going to torture you physically. There is no fun in hurting someone physically as much as there is to hurt them mentally or emotionally," he said looking straight into my eyes.

"You know a just awoken vampire is more dangerous than anything. So they are coming to torture this man in front of you".

I just looked at him with innocent eyes. Did he take me so much naïve?

If only he knew Liam and dad has done this with me before.

Five vampires entered the room. Edward started walking towards the door; he turned the doorknob and gave me one last glance before leaving.

Five men with pale faces entered in the room a started beating the hell out of the man mercilessly.

I closed my eye trying to talk to Liam.

Liam felt it.

'mia where are you'

'Basement, he is torturing someone in front of me.'

'Are you alright?'

'Yeah, I am good. What about you guys.'

'We have planned to get out of here. Edward wants dad and that's it, I don't care if he kills him. We need to get out of here before the rogues rule over our pack'

'Okay, so what is your plan?'

'Leave our plan, we will figure it out. You need to stick to a girl named Jennifer. She is an agent from The Whites. She was dragged here as a hostage during the last war. She will help you out to escape.'

'Okay but where is this girl'

'Don't worry; she will come to you by herself.'

'Liam take care of~~~~'

"Bitch open your eyes. We are not putting this show for the ghosts around you."

I instantly opened my eyes and the view in front of me raised my heartbeat. I have seen people being tortured but this is on the next level. I can see his veins, some of his organs are dragged out. He is drenched in blood and probably dead. The vampires have blood on their clothes.

I looked down, this is too much for me. The door suddenly flew open and Hayden run towards me with concerned eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked after kneeling in front of me.

I nodded my head.

He stared at me for a few seconds and then started untying the ropes around me.

"Come on, let's feed you something. You haven't eaten anything since you are here." He gestured his hand towards me, which I gladly accepted.

We walked in the corridor in silence with our hands together.

I was lost in my thoughts about the girl Jennifer.

"There we go. So your friend is having her dinner why don't you join her."

I looked up and saw the girl with doe eyes and short height. She was sitting in a wooden chair, as soon as she saw me she abruptly stood up in shock.

Do I look like a ghost already!!

"Are you ok? Why is your left cheek swollen?"

She took fast steps towards me and cupped my left cheek.


My left cheek is swollen. Edward really is heartless. He punched me so hard that my cheek is swollen,

I looked around; this place seems to be a cafeteria but no one is present here except the four girls I met this morning.

"Alright, so have your lunch. I will be get going."

I looked at him and mouthed a 'thank you. He nodded and turned around to leave.

The shorty quickly pulled my arm and took me towards her table.

"Seems like someone hit you". She patted my cheek.

I hummed in response and told her what happened.

"Oh it happened because of me, I wish I could have let you meet the attender"'

"It's ok" I whispered and started eating the delicious food in front of me.

"Anyway, what is your name?"

I asked while munching the food in my mouth.


As soon as the word left her mouth. The word stopped for a moment for me.

Jennifer….. is she the one. This innocent-looking girl is actually an agent. An agent from The Whites.

I looked at her in disbelief. She was looking at me with confusion laced over her face but soon her features turned normal.

"Are you~~"

"I guess Liam already told you about me".