chapter 12

Chapter 12

I want to spit on his hand, punch his face and kick his body.

He has the guts to stand here and ask me to be his mate after putting me through hell.

I looked liam, and he nodded asking me to accept his hand. Is he serious? Why!!!

When we all know all Edward is going to do is to torture me for the rest of his life. I cant stand this, I can't allow him to ruin me.

'mia' liam teleported me.

'liam how could u---'

'relax mia he is not going to hurt you'. His voice was impatient.

'first, get relaxed and make sure to believe it yourself what you just said'.

'mia he is your mate, you are the youngest white werewolves who has royal blood, the curse on you two is so deep and dark, he cant hurt you be able to. He cant live without you any longer. He will always have a feeling of uneasiness and irritation. So don't panic and go with him. He needs you as much as you need him'.

Well, this big brother had a point. Once I have gained my powers, I need to get mated as soon as possible right after acknowledging my mate. Or the pain wont fade away.

I stepped aside Edward and started walking ignoring his hand which is till extended.

I stopped in front of our family photo. Its me, dad, liam, alex, lia and dane. Even though this picture is called our family photo, but they are just words. All of us are wearing a cold face mask as if were forced on gun points to stand there. And it was somehow true, our dad couldn't leave us live in peace. I don't know what exactly flew, time or my fate. None of this was expected until few days ago. These days completely changed my life. There are many questions, so many queries in my mind and I want their answers. And the only person who can answer them to me is—

Its him.

I turned around and he was standing there, right in front of me. I gasped at how close he was. His cold eyes were empty. He was looking at me with no emotion on his face. As if I m average product on the near convenient store. But I can understand this look. As if he knows what I was thinking about.

It him.

He knows what I want to know. He will me know as if I will leave with him.

It Edward who the answers. He does.

I stepped back. His closeness really made my breath heavier. I looked over at my siblings. They are only family. They are the only ones that are left. Even if liam is a bossy oldie, lia is an extra caring lizard, alex is a sassy alligator and dane , damn him. That son of a bitch. He is the real snake who grew from the armpit of the old guy who begs near the club.

But even if they all are groups of annoying flies. They are still the only ones left for me. if their safety means sacrificing yourself, I will do that gladly.

I sighed and looked down. I am ready for this, right?

"seems like you made up your mind, shall we go luna" his husky voice rang in my ears, giving shivers through my spine.

Did he really call me luna? That luna word coming his mouth in that voice really gave an adrenaline rush. i looked at him. We stared. His eyes was telling me he will be the dominant till the end and I will surrender him any time soon.

Is it really what he is trying to say or am I just dreaming? Well seems like my dreams are his reality.

He backed away after staring at me telling me he won't be easy on me. he went outside with Hayden who gave me a look which I cant interpret. Why is he looking at me with those burning eyes? What did I do?

He went out along with his alpha. I looked back at my family. I started approaching them with teary eyes

"hey! Leave already" dane this tug had to spoil my mood.

"shut up you jackass". alex hit his hard with a newspaper.

I could feel the river flowing , filling the empty spores of my skin, this is how I wash my face today.

"my my !! mia stop crying like this, we will meet you soon and often". Lia said hugging me.

"we will?" dane asked with a tone of irritation. Man!! Does he really have a death wish?

"stop looking at me like I am your farewell meal here" he said backing away.

This is it. I ran towards him with all the might of my legs. Even though I fell twice while reaching him but I was fast enough to stand up. I did wash my teeth everyday and made them only for this day.


Screams could be heard in the hallways of the mansion. Edward and hayden rushed inside after listening to the scrams, this is going to be embarrassing.

I was found by Edward and hayden in the middle of the drawing-room, biting my brother's ear with all my might. He was bleeding and the rest my siblings were my mouth away from his ear. He was screaming like a dolphin, serves hi right. But I stopped penetrating my teeth further because any more penetration will only result in touching of my incisors with each other. But manly I stopped because I saw Edward coming. E is surely going to regret the decision of calling me luna. Blood was flowing through my moth making a canal in my neck and soaking my shirt.

"are a carnival?" he asked as if he is the most pitiful person in the world. This voice definitely does belong to the person who made me shiver just a moment ago with his voice. He sounds like a puppy now.

"mia I really need to ask you this?" he asked stepping forward and taking out a handkerchief from his pocket.

It's the first time I m hearing my name in his voice which is quite steady now. His next words boiled my blood. I guess he didn't know, I never skipped brushing