chapter #14

Chapter # 14

"Your father is alive and he ran away".

My breath hitched. If he is alive and he ran away, where is he now?


I asked, all the nervousness fading away in the air.

"two days ago".

He said meeting my gaze.

Two days, where has he been in these two days. He is alive somewhere. What will happen now? Whom will he come back for? Edward or us?

The car came to a halt bringing me out of my trace of thoughts.

I sighed looking outside the window at the castles I ran away a few days ago. My door swings open. I flinched and looked over only to find Edward looking down at me with a bored expression. He didn't ask for my hand. Rather he forcefully pulled me out and print his hand over my hand. Why does he grip so hard? He didn't wait for me to steady my posture and started walking inside taking long strides.

"what's the hurry dear alpha? It's not like your children are waiting for you inside crying". I said or almost sulked trying to let myself go from his grip.

But all the trail went in vain. He is so powerful.

"is that a hint succubus?" I could tell by his voice that he is damn smirking right now.

We passed the hallway, there were servants. Some of them were looking down and some of them were too stunned to look down because of the shock of my presence with alpha.

"hint? Alpha for heaven's sake stop talking about things that are out of content". I am so done with him changing the subject. My sarcasm only let his grip tighter.

We reached his room. And finally, he let go of my hand, giving me some freedom and my swollen hand.

He turned around and hovered over my height, staring right at my soul. So this is how he is going to advantage of his tall height, and the fact that I m shorter than him is quite embarrassing. Not only am I getting flushed by his Italian scent but he is looking more intimating now.

"you know how to play innocent? Right succubus"> he said not moving an inch nor does his eyes move away for a second.

Holy shit man!!! Let me breathe.

"First stop calling me succubus. Second, stop talking things out of content. Third, you are not allowed to touch me. I said lingering confidence in my voice whereas I am an empty hollow shell from inside. But I will play bravely to win the card obviously.

"I don't remember touching". He started taking steps towards me. I was so lost in his eyes that it took a moment to calculate how close he was. But the second I realized by his breath fanning over my face. I quickly took steps back to make the distance between us. But he started stepping closer, his steps pushing mine across the room.

Wel-l y-ou t-too—k my h-ha—nd-d ---" my words got stuck in my throat. I was screaming but it all turned out to be small whispers as if I am the most fragile living in this whole universe.

Dan me.

I shouldn't praise myself too early. The confidence I collected two seconds ago is all gone.

"I can't hear you" e bent his head sliding his head to my side, bringing his ear near my mouth.

My breath hitched. What's wrong with me.


Those died before being formed or coming out of my damn mouth.

"you give a lot of hints of what you want, but when I repeat them in my way you act all innocent. Right, this is what you exactly want to say? Don't you succubus"

He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine and an adrenaline rush awakening.

I couldn't even neglect it. I need words to do that. All I could do right now was breathe heavily. I am really out of breath. His Italian cologne was addicting but right now it was suffocating me.

With all my will I pushed him away shutting ava's urge to mark him well indirectly my inner wish.

He only budged a few steps back looking at me with a bored expression but I could read the mischief written over his eyes.

"you don't need to pretend neither hold back. We are soon to be anyways". He winked and turned around putting his hands in his pockets.

"shut your fucking mouth" I almost shouted but the whisper that came out of my mouth was so pathetic. It sounded like a pale coward ghost. As if an octopus had a voice. He would sound like this.

He stopped on his track and turned around immediately. His face was neutral, Anyone could tell by the look of his eyes that he is shocked. Even I am. I sounded like a soaked grim reaper who just faced an accident. It was a pathetic whisper and on top of that, I was cursing.

His jaws were clenched and his eyebrows were narrowed. He cant even hide the fact that he is trying to control his laugh.

"if an old panda had a voice." He turned around and went inside the bathroom.

I was stuck to the ground. Old panda. I won't mind a panda but the way he said that is so irritating. He said it as if he pities the panda to be indulged in my voice. I admit it turned out to be a really pathetic voice and he must be laughing inside right now but he cant just-------ahhhhhhh

I wanna go back. I cant use my sarcasm when my dry throat neglects all word formation. I went towards the bed stand to drink water. My dry throat will kill me with pain if I don't drink now.

Right, when I was drinking, the door of the bathroom swirled open and the sight in front of me made me choke on the water I had just drank. Who dresses up like that in front of a young lady. He had just a towel around his waist.

"shall we begin" he steeped ahead.