chapter 4 ( meeting super man )

(Time skip 1 years)

Now I'm 11 in these 1 years I met black canere I met her in a flower shop she owns oh I forgot to mention she is same age as me weird ah it's nothing. I was walking to the Manor alone the I saw a flower shop to buy flowers for the girls . When I entered I saw a blode girls in counter looking at me. then I went to the counter and asked to by some roses 🌹 . and she stopped looking at me and started to blus and give me the roses and after she give me the roses she Introduced herself and I also Introduced myself.

Dinah : hello I'm dinah . she said blushing .

Alex : hello I'm Alex wayen .

Then we talked and very quickly became friends.

Then I asked her where does she go to school . she said she has finished high school material's.

I was a little surprised because in her age she finished high school . OK I will tell you the perks he got 1 perk iq 10000 and 100th Time learning speed and 1000th compression. You might be thinking it's 3 perks right ?? but is actually 1 perk !!!

and perk 2 is 1000 % more luck and perfect body . let me explain 1000% .or luck mean he is 1000 % more luckyer then others and desies less body means he has no impurities and he will be not affected by poison or any virus . that why every girl that look at him blush because for a 11 year old he is more handsome then super models.

then she asked me where do I go to school I told her my school name after that we exchanged numbers I left the shop . the next day the teacher

Introduced us to a new student I was shocked because it was dinah aka black canirei. she Introduced her self to the glass and she set right beside me. she then said I to me I also said hi to .

I could feel the jealous aura from the rest of the girls .

Also I met super man in a field trip where we went to a nuclear factory . when we were to pick cavens the girls all picked the same caven and they said that I will be staying with the . I kindly rejected there offer and run away from them .

when I was going to cross a street a truck was coming my way and just was it was about to hit me I apered in the arms of a man the same age as my brother aka super man . Then talked to me he said not to tell anyone . I told him I won't tell anyone . Then I said can he keep me in his house for a week . he asked me why I coughed and said.

Alex : We came here in a school field trip qnd we'll I kinda don't want to sleep in a caven full of girls you see . I said . he was speechless and said how old am I.

Clark : How old are you . I said 11 he was very shocked and said OK to me .

I also syntrozation with him.

Alex: system syntrozation with clark Kent. I said in my mind

System : [ syntrozation with Clark Kent aka super man 20 % ] said the system .

Then I went with him in his house and I met

his parents qnd they were schoding him because he used his powers recklessly. and I aid he saved my life and I also said with power comes great responsibility they were shocked hearing thes words from a 11 year boy .

And after I spend a week with them we became very friendly to each other and my synchronising rate with super man went up my 75 % . I also convinced the old couple that they need people for work in the farm because they were getting old so I givem the 100 million dollars. They tried to refuse me but I said life is more important then mony and Clark saved my life so I'm very grateful to him and you for taking me in for a week . After they heard me they agreed after few moment. and I also met Mr balde.. coughed l mean lex luthor and his sister leana and my brother . After bother heard what happened he was very worried but after explaining to him the full story he sighed in relief. HE also wanted to pay Clark but Clark said no imdeatly. and after talking I made luthor very mad and I and lena fecame friends . I also told the girls They were very worried . Time skip 1 year .

In these year I turned 12 and unlocked my anime cheat and I chose the character madara uchiha and also used my remaining parks .

perk 3 body of Adaptability ultimate / mind of Adaptability ultimate /soul of Adaptability ulimate

perk 4 unlimited mana / mana control origin / God qi unlimited / God qi control origin /

God chakra unlimited / God chakra control origin

perk 5 I better not say that it's just when he wants have babies he will have but not get women pregnant any time he has @#$*£

in this year brother left to train and left the company in by hand Alfred and I was very worried but we could do nothing .

I stopped going to school because of work and I did ask super man how did he fly he said he couldn't fly directly at first but he could jump super high and I tried that and well I almost drowned and lost my cousenes and drifted in the sea . hello I hope you like it and you will see what happen nxet time in dragon bal.. ahem sorry .