the emptiness of your heart (¬‿¬) it's rewritten...

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

in the next few weeks the posters of Max offering $1000 USD. for an hour of sex and the beatings of the bullies, had caused a stir in the city and the school. causing several people to try to copy that peculiar style of doing things.

Max had to put a small watermark on each poster to prevent scammers from taking advantage of people. that brand was created at the request of Keyla and Deborah

it was a very simple brand [💀]

In just a couple of weeks, Max's physical appearance changed little by little, the first thing he gained was weight, leaving behind those 40 Kg. going to 85 Kg. (187.3 pounds).

the next thing was the height before Max 1.65 m. of Tall. (5' ft and 5'' inches) now passing 1.91 m. tall (6'ft. and 3'' inches) with an athletic and sincere body like a sculpture.

Max improved his work tool going from those 14 cm (5.5 '' inches) to 23 cm. (9 inches)

Max's physique was not the only one that grew, his bank account also grew, in a normal working day Max spent $5000 USD for 5 women who had an average of (5⭐) but only with one of those women Max could get $70,000 USD. taking out 350K a day

weekends were when Deborah and Keyla monopolized him and on Sundays Max was home, the only thing Max refused to change was the face that contrasted with his statuesque body, but that was something that didn't matter.


being the weekend I had returned home early and from the street I can see the curtains that cover the windows, remembering the reason that makes me smile

before going home I look at the mailbox that was full of invitations to parties, barbecues, potlucks or neighborhood welcomes, which makes me sigh, but I don't stop to look, I don't want my mother to explode again. like 15 days ago with constant visits from my aunt and her multiple innuendos.

It was the reality of my situation right now, just gaining weight and exercising for these three months had skyrocketed my popularity.

At first it's nice, seeing how the girls who used to ignore me, now want to be my best friends and not only here where I live, but also at school, public transportation or the mall.

That doesn't matter, there will always be some bold girl who wants to flirt with me, that's very frustrating, because I don't have the purpose of looking for that true love, because I get money very easily having women to spare.

I'm not looking for love or being the strongest on the planet, I don't care about fame either, maybe revenge moves me a little, but I'm not obsessed with getting it.

I lack ambition, the power to keep improving constantly for the purpose of proving my existence, that is the emptiness in my heart,

I use my digital bracelet, located on my right forearm and just by giving the order, a blue screen was displayed in front of my eyes, opening the App. [💲]

🧍‍♂️ [Man ♂ ] 🚫

⚜ Name: James Maxwell

⚜ Rank: 2️⃣

⚜ Level: 1️⃣6️⃣

⚜ Physical Upgrades: [1️⃣0️⃣]

[ Bones: 2️⃣ ] [ Organs: 2️⃣ ] [ Blood: 2️⃣] [ Muscles: 2️⃣] [ Skin: 2️⃣]

⚜ Intellectual Enhancements: 6️⃣

[ Memory: 2️⃣] [ Intelligence: 2️⃣] [ Reasoning: 2️⃣]

⚜ Special abilities: 1️⃣

[ Ghost Cock ( 16/ 84s.) ]

⚜ Upgrade Points: [ 0️⃣ ]

Stubbornness: [ 🚫 ] Forbidden to level up until you find the third mark. →[ 💀 ]


this mark is the one that Deborah and Keyla have on the back of their hands and according to the beliefs of the Amazons this mark represents the union between our souls

I try to level up again and it refuses (damn shit) I think,

I entered the house and the living room was empty, it's 100% sure that my mother will be in the kitchen. Before I get there I can hear a series of mutterings and curses from my mother, ⁓"they are whores, that's what they are."⁓

when I enter the kitchen I find my mother dressed in a white nightgown that reaches mid-thighs putting the food in the fridge, while my mother continues to complain, I remain silent admiring her figure, my reflection in the window gives me away , causing my mother to turn around and look at me for a moment. ⁓"Humph"⁓ just seeing me lets out a snort.

⁓"what's up mom? "⁓ I ask before sitting down.

⁓"nothing"⁓ my mother answers me, but continues muttering under her breath and begins to put several plates of food on the table saying. ⁓"Mrs. Teresa prepared this for you."⁓ putting a plate full of pasta, then mom brings another plate closer and mentions. ⁓ "Helena, I'll prepare this for you." ⁓ Putting a plate of pork, then she brings another plate and another, but she hadn't finished putting the plates..

until she put together more than ten different dishes on the table mentioning each of our neighbors and in the end she puts a basket full of chocolate pancakes. ⁓"your aunt sent this for you"⁓ letting out a snort.

Looking at the endless variety of food on the table, she just makes me sigh and ask. ⁓"where is yours "⁓

my mother pouts and answers me with annoyance. ⁓"Burned"⁓

⁓ "What?" ⁓ Perhaps he heard no correctly, I raise an eyebrow and look into her eyes.

Mom's reaction is immediate, her cheeks turn red and she answers. ⁓"while I was trying to make the food, those harpies started arriving one after another, I completely forgot about food. "⁓

my mother looked down in shame and sighed before saying ⁓"when I remembered the food, it was too late. "⁓

When I discover the cause of the bad mood, I avoid laughing as hard as I can to prevent my mother from taking it out on me.

For a couple of weeks the neighbors have usually brought some plates of food as a gesture of goodwill.

but that gesture always makes my mother get in a bad mood and start complaining insistently because that causes my mother to not be able to prepare the food.

while mom serves the food, she comments to me. ⁓ "That's right honey, I just remembered that your uncle Hector called on the phone this afternoon, before your aunt came, saying that she needs to talk to you." ⁓ That made me think a bit, of various possibilities.

⁓"I think uncle will leave the city again, your aunt Catalina told me something about that."⁓ Mom replies before sitting down to eat.

In a few words, my uncle wants to start his own business and they need a total investment of $400,000 USD. For this reason, my aunt is looking for partners with a minimum investment of $50,000 USD.

The interesting thing is that they are looking for 8 partners and they will receive 5% of the income each month, distributing 40% to the partners, while 60% will be received by my uncle.

I don't know the type of business. ? profitability? total investment or market studies? I honestly have no idea about economics. but something tells me that my uncle is preparing the ground for a scam, because he will not put any money, he only works with the money of others.

*ufff* I hear my mother sigh and she makes me look up, these are very sensitive issues that lead to trust, issues that my mother wants to forget completely,

In a couple of weeks I will be moving house and I don't know how my mother will react to this decision.

regarding my future

Right now I don't have the slightest idea what I can do or which university I should go to.

at the end of the meal, mom stayed at the sink washing the dishes and for my part I go to watch a little TV. some series or movie, I avoid talking about the moving so as not to depress my mother.

⁓"Mom I'll be back later"⁓ says Eliza, as she went down the stairs and reached the living room, she stops between the TV and I.

Eliza stretch out her hand asking for some cash, in the same way I also stretch out my hand.

my sister snorts and she hands me a piece of paper with a QR code printed on it.

the QR belongs to the school where she studies Biological Engineering. .

I scan the QR code. Showing an overall average [ C ] I then typed a deposit of $300 USD. to her bank account, my sister wrinkles her face in annoyance. ⁓ "You can't give me $200 USD. More" ⁓ as she shows me her best smile.

⁓ "Of course I can Ely, you just need to study a little more in the next week." ⁓ I answer with a smile.

my sister lets out a louder snort and walks towards the door, before leaving she looks at the truck in front of the house and returns to see my mother.

but my mother tells him before my sister asks. ⁓"Do not even think about it "⁓

my sister Eliza throws a tantrum in the living room before leaving the house. she now has to order and board a taxi to go to the mall.

the deal with Eliza was simple, literally I would pay for everything from clothes to studies to food and entertainment and the only thing Eliza has to do is study. she obviously refused at first and threatened to leave home if forced to.

To her bad luck, that same afternoon, Mom took all of her things out into the street and wished her good luck.

Eliza's dream of freedom only lasted 1 month, before she returned home ready to study and follow the rules.

In short: all her friends refused to support a dead weight.

My mother just went to the window and watched as my sister boarded the taxi, before going to close the front door and she went up to her bedroom.

For my part was still watching TV.

5 minutes later, my mother comes down from the second floor, wearing her semi-sheer negligee along with those purple panties that always drive me crazy, because they are so small on both sides.

A couple of months ago it was the pubic hair that my mother showed around her thong.

now it's her vaginal lips that are marked in the thong. ( camel toe ) her sexy image makes me gulp. see how my mother approaches the armchair and sits next to me.

my mother right away, she gave me a brief smile and leaned back on my chest. hugging my left shoulder, for my part I try to remain calm, while watching TV. I surreptitiously slip my arm behind her back and hug her shoulder. putting my hand up nervously.

this tender and innocent image of mom watching TV hugging me. it only lasts 5 min.


my mother slides her left hand, stroking her chest muscles with her fingertips, down to my abdomen in several motions.

When he finishes playing with my chest, he puts his hand on my thighs and with the tips of his fingers he traces the contour of the inner part of my leg in an upward direction.

For my part I keep watching TV and she makes me shiver when her fingers find my cock.

My mother uses her fingers and draws the silhouette of my cock on the pants. My mother's smile began to grow as she received an answer with the boner in my pants.

to the point of putting her whole hand on my erection and caressing it as if she were her puppy.

Mom's voice broke the silence in the living room ⁓"honey, it's really hot...right"⁓ I went back to look my mother in the eyes and my mother looks at me with those sparkling eyes and a mischievous smile, very rarely seen , while wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue.

waiting for my answer

If it was a couple of months ago, I would have had no idea what to say at this point, but the face of desire and expectation to know my answer. they reveal all their inrentions.

I get up from the sofa, slowly open the belt, remove the button, noisily lower the zipper, look at mom's face and her smile gives her away.

when I take off my pants, mom's smile got bigger, but immediately she wipes it off her face and she comments to me. ⁓"I'm going to the kitchen do you want something to drink"⁓

⁓"sure"⁓ I answer and sit back down

my mother immediately gets up and goes to get a couple of drinks when she comes back from the kitchen she brings two glasses of juice she hands me the glasses and leans back on my shoulder.

minutes later.

My mother slides her hand over my crotch again and in a discreet way she presses the contour of the cock on the boxer shorts a couple of times, making my body tremble a couple more times.

when my mother gets tired of playing with the silhouette of my shaft she puts her hand on my stomach and slowly slides it down,

As her hand lowered my erection became more and more noticeable.

At the moment of putting my hand inside my boxer shorts, that makes me let out a sigh because this was something that would have to happen sooner or later.

In recent months, the chances of meeting in underwear or in the bathroom have increased, as have my dedicated handjobs.

It was time to take this step of no return.

when Ruth manages to touch the tip of my dragon with her fingers. I bring my lips closer to Ruth's head kissing her forehead, with several short kisses in response

Ruth tilts her head back causing my kisses to cover her face. until my lips touch her cheeks.

Before she asks me any questions, I hold her chin and give her a little kiss on the lips ⁓ "Mmm" ⁓ after the first kiss, a second and a third follow.

Ruth moans a little and opens her lips. ⁓"James"⁓ in response I keep kissing prolonging my kisses.

my kisses are also reciprocated by Ruth.

I take advantage of our first break and before we continue kissing I ask her for the last time. ⁓ "Ruth are you sure about this" ⁓ my mother's cheeks turn red when she hears her name for the first time and she only subtly confirms.

she with barely audible shy voice she comments to me. ⁓"I think Eliza won't come to sleep tonight. "⁓ We both knew that that may or may not be possible.

but we know perfectly the meaning of it. ( 🌼🐝)

Ruth immediately walks over and hugs me as if at any moment she is going to escape me from her arms. ⁓"James, something inside me tells me that you will be someone very important in the future and you will have many girls around you"⁓

⁓ "perhaps you're afraid that I'll end up leaving you too and I'll forget about you forever. "⁓ my question makes Ruth's body tremble in my arms.

Ruth seconds later confirms and adds. ⁓"Is the truth James, I don't want this to happen to me again for continuing to doubt."⁓

her response made me hug Ruth tightly against my chest. I slide my hands over her back. ⁓"Ruth, that will never happen to me."⁓ At the end of my words, Ruth raises her head looking for my lips and I close my eyes to concentrate on this kiss and not on the body. because this will be our first kiss as lovers.

it would be a real pity if it were ruined by some moral prejudice.

our kisses were slow, I was literally enjoying her lips, I start running my hands down her back and shoulders,

Without stopping kissing her lips, I passed my hands in front of her body and when my fingers touched her breasts above the Negligee. Ruth's body trembles subtly. eliciting her first moan. ⁓"Sss-Aaahh!!!!"⁓ in response to my caresses Ruth immediately grabs my neck looking for our next kiss.

Our kisses grew more and more daring as time went by, causing a series of moans in the living room barely audible over the sound of the television.


⁓"Mmm Sss-Ahh"⁓

At the end of our first kisses, I was feeling a bit embarrassed, because my cock was starting to ache from the arousal.

Without thinking any longer, Ruth looks for her next kiss by laying our bodies on the sofa and daringly inserts her hands inside my boxer shorts grabbing my dragon.

after accommodating my body on the sofa, Ruth gets up, separating our bodies and with a smile on her lips. she grabs the underpants by her sides and pulls them down saying. ⁓"let me help you with this.. "⁓ I just lift my waist a bit and Ruth took care of taking off my boxers and then throwing them back like dirty laundry.

seconds later with her left hand Ruth grabs my cock and boldly stimulates it a couple of times. while she does it she keeps looking me in the eye.

*Zazz, Zazz, Zazz, Zazz*

when I least expect it Ruth releases my cock, she puts her hair in a ponytail and tilts her body down to my waist. she grabs my cock with her left hand and boldly takes it to her mouth, without saying a word,

⁓"Wow"⁓ All these actions of Ruth took me by surprise.

feeling the moisture of her lips on the thin skin of my dragon. I let out a groan of satisfaction. ⁓"Oh yeah baby"⁓

*sglups, sglups, sglups, sglups. *

At the end of her first blowjobs, Ruth takes the cock out of her mouth and I feel how her tongue runs the length of my shaft, from the base, until it reaches the tip of my cock, back and forth on a couple of occasions, like sucking a candy cane. before putting my cock back in her mouth.

*sglups, sglups, sglups, sglups. *

while Ruth she sucks my cock, I lower my hand until I touch one of her breasts, inserting my fingers between the negligee. to press and play with the masses of her breast.

Ruth's answer came right away and she began to suck my cock faster and faster making my cock tense and I came screaming with a huge load of cum inside my mouth. ⁓"YEAH"⁓

Noticing that she was ready, Ruth put more than half of the dragon inside her mouth again, without letting a single drop of sperm escape.

but it is clear that Ruth had barely started, because she continued to suck my cock slowly until it was totally clean of any type of residue. while she at the same time she massages my balls with her fingers to get everything out of her.

Suddenly Ruth gets up from the sofa and tells me. ⁓ "Honey, let's go upstairs" ⁓ before answering her, Ruth turned around and walked towards the 2nd floor stairs. I got up as fast as I could wanting to reach her.

but after going up a couple of steps she stops and tells me. ⁓ "Don't forget to lift everything" ⁓ she then drops her negligee on the stairs revealing her body in skimpy lingerie.

for my part I just nod, before getting up from the sofa and picking up my clothes from the floor, including the boxers in the middle of the entrance hall.

something inside me knew perfectly well that all this will have to happen sooner or later.

it is something inevitable, because this started two months ago. when our chance encounters became so frequent that it was impossible to ignore them. but as always I refused to accept it.

Mom began to masturbate me with the excuse of knowing if she was a normal boy and she gave me two to three straws a day.... I let her go to her own liking without pressure or provocation.

but this was the first time mom sucked my dick.

after turning off the TV, the lights in the living room and closing everything. Going upstairs look back down enchanting the first piece of lingerie.