Profitable business

⭐please, Take your time to read. ⭐

Max was shocked after hearing Bora's explanation with the recruitment mode. Based on loyalty, honesty and work.

For starters people don't always need sex as a reward unless it's Deborah or Keyla with the two of them there are no options for their reward.

after the interview and receive the $ 1000 USD women will have 2 options to continue with their normal life or work for the master.

If they choose the first option they automatically enter a waiting list to have sex, when they pass their turn they have the opportunity to re-enter following the same steps.

If they choose the second option the difficulty increases, you start with small jobs, things that anyone can do (sweep, clean, wash driving, carrying, selling etc.)

If you are good at what you do, girls will give you different honesty tests and if you pass you will have the opportunity to have your own business.

Meanwhile you can receive advice to continue improving your education or your business.

Bora's conversation was interrupted by Ruth who asks ‒ "hey Bora who is the master? "‒

‒"Ah.... this one." ‒ Bora went blank not knowing what to answer Ruth.

Seeing Bora's problems, Max intervenes, clears his throat and asks. ‒ "what is happening? ? Because you have so much interest in this tycoon. ? "‒ At the end of his question Max narrows his eyes waiting for a convincing answer.

Ruth lowers her eyes and concentrates on the bowl of soup that the waiter just put on the table, smells a couple of times and sighs if her saliva had watered, swallows a big bite and responds. ‒"nothing, nothing, I have no interest is just a simple question. "‒ Ruth answers and better starts eating the carrot soup.


Max let out a snort of disgust.

Bora smiles and comments ‒ "I do not know, how or who, is the master. No one knows him but we owe him a lot." ‒

Max snorts again and comments. ‒" Bora the master helped you to put this site. "‒ Bora smiles like a girl in love and lets go in sigh.

As he watched the tables of the restaurant filled with gentlemen of different ages in their expensive suits and ladies in beautiful dresses to the employees running from one place to another always occupied, the smile on Bora's face became bigger the moment he responded. ‒"thanks to the trust of the master. One of my dreams has been achieved, but not only for me. There are more than 100 businesses with different stories throughout the city that have had the same luck. "‒

‒ "WOW to be a millionaire guy"‒ Ruth says out loud. breaking Bora's dreamy gaze.

Bora smiles again and comments. "I think he's a millionaire guy, because my boss told me a big secret. "‒ approaches Ruth and whispers. ‒"every day deposits more than 350 thousand USD "‒

Ruth's eyes widen completely and she immediately comments. "Wow that's a lot of money, you imagine Max 2.4 million a week. "‒

Bora says casually. ‒ "this is more than 90 days old"‒ Ruth's mouth opens.

At having Ruth's attention. Bora gets excited and drops another comment saying. ‒ "I need to talk about the earnings in the different.... "‒

*Coof, coof *

Max clears his throat interrupting the conversation and says. ‒"Well Miss Manager you don't have anything that requires your presence elsewhere like saving the world or stuff. "‒

Ruth pinches Max's forearm for being rude, while Bora sees the actions and comments. - "Mr. James I would like to take a picture before I leave to remember this moment." - At the end of the photos, Bora apologizes and gets up from the table.

seeing Bora far enough away from the table, Ruth frowns and wrinkles her mouth, then comments annoyedly. ‒"That was rude." ‒

‒"It wasn't rude, I'm just taking care of my girlfriend." ‒ Max answers casually trying to make an excuse.

‒"who says I'm your girl? "‒ Ruth responds by making several pecheros.

‒"Oh... what about the pantry, car. clothes and pocket money. That doesn't make you my girl. "‒ Max asks.

‒"That doesn't mean anything, we're a nice family. You help me with my foolishness and personal expenses, you must also remember that you also help Eliza. Ruth replies looking sideways trying to prevent other people from hearing her.

‒"And our kisses ? Eliza never kissed me. "‒ Max asks with one eyebrow raised and half a smile on his face.

in response Ruth plays with the soup and tries to justify her actions by saying. ‒ "That doesn't mean I'm your girl, it's just to teach you how to kiss correctly. "‒ when Ruth answers, she shows a smile of victory.

Max still does not give up and after thinking for several seconds he asks again ‒ "And making you moan my name at night or on weekends, does not make you my girl. ? "‒ when he blurted out his question, Max's smile got bigger.

with a red face Ruth gets up from the chair and apologizes. ‒"allow me a moment, I'm going to the dressing table"‒ Ruth walks a couple of meters and returns to see Max. who looks at her attentively as she moves her ass.

Max smiles as he sees Ruth speed up her pace to the bathroom.


after having to ask one of the employees to show her the entrance, Ruth was taken to the bathroom. not to the bathroom of the establishment as a customer more.

Ruth was taken to the administration bathroom. Before entering, the employee stayed outside and commented. ‒ "Here is, lady. "‒

Ruth thanks before entering the bathroom and the employee leaves.

Ruth is surprised again to observe the bathroom.

The bathroom was larger than the living room of his house and only had two services, the gray floor of Gratito imported with sinks suspended as if they were levitating on their own.

one of the doors opens and Bora comes out fixing her business skirt. upon meeting again, Ruth smiles to hide her embarrassment. ‒ "excuse me ma'am, drinking too much coffee in the morning has its consequences." ‒ Bora says before heading to wash his hands.

‒ "That's very natural, Miss Bora, just don't abuse the coffee." ‒ Ruth answers.

‒ "I agree with that"‒ responds Bora.

Bora finished washing her hands and was ready to continue with her work. Ruth clears her throat and comments nervously. ‒"Miss Bora what are the chances of getting a job. "‒

Bora smiles and lets out a sigh and then asks ‒ "depends on the skills that Mrs. Ruth has what activities she can do" ‒

Ruth smiles and lowers her gaze in embarrassment. ‒" domestic cooking, washing, ironing and all kinds of cleaning. "‒

‒" has some study or specialty. "‒ asks Bora somewhat confused.

Ruth shakes her head a couple of times and adds. ‒ "None, I couldn't finish high school because I was pregnant with my daughter. "‒

‒"Oh, you don't have to be ashamed, Mrs. Ruth, you should know that none of us could do business, much less manage it. in my case the only thing I knew three months ago, was to move our hips at the best price. "‒ Bora comments with a smile on his lips

upon learning of Bora's past, Mrs. Ruth couldn't believe it and was left with her mouth open.

Bora pulls out his phone and comments. ‒" this is my boss's phone number. My only advice is to be honest. so that he has a job according to his abilities." ‒

When she finishes exchanging phone numbers, Bora apologizes because they call her from outside the bathroom, the administration needs to consult several problems.

Ruth enter to the bathroom to relieve herself.

As Ruth walks back to the table, from a distance she sees a girl standing by the table happily chatting with Max.

Ruth subconsciously quickens her pace. by reaching the table, watches the girl from head to toe and then Max and snorts.

‒ "oh look, the lady is back, thank you very much Naomy for your company."‒ comments Max to notice the annoyance on Ruth's part.

Naomy nods a few times and says goodbye. ‒ "Nice to meet you sir with your permission ma'am. "‒ Having said that, Miss Naomy turned around and walked to other tables.

Ruth narrows her eyes silently and watches Naomy walk away.

‒"what happens? "‒ Max asks before he starts eating a freshly baked steak

Ruth was about to answer but Naomy returns to look back as she adjusts her hair, smiles and becomes nervous.

Without saying a word Ruth gets up, grabs the chair and puts it as close as possible to Max and since this is not enough. she puts her hand on the right forearm and narrows her eyes, while looking directly at Max's face. Ruth was ready to start rebutting if Max had any complaints.

in response Max smiles, approaches Ruth and whispers several things in his ear, Bora takes advantage of the situation and takes several photographs where he captures the couple, but without revealing Max's face.

As time passed the cymbals arrived, a couple of violinists came to play several songs, while two bottles of wine were brought to the table.

before the end of dinner Ruth with red cheeks says. ‒ "give me a kiss"‒ that baffled Max completely. but seconds later Ruth says again insistently. ‒ "I want a kiss." ‒

•—•—•—•—•—•—•—•—• 1st person •—•—•—•—•—•—•—•—•

without waiting for my answer, Ruth hugs me by the neck and begins the first of our juiciest kisses so far in the evening. ‒"mnnss"‒ it took several minutes until we had to separate, due to our lack of air.

As I ran my tongue over my lips, the taste of the wine was still present, I could see his watery eyes and his half-open mouth panting for a little more air before wetting his lips and coming back for his next kiss.

Our next kiss was calmer than the first, but with more intensity, where we both moved our heads in a subtle way, as if at any moment we began to devour completely. ‒"Mnn-sss... Ah"‒ Ruth moans sensually at point-blank range.

His voice makes my dragon rock and I launch myself kissing his cheek, spinning slowly and stopping before I reach his ear and whisper. -"Aaahh I already want to fuck,"-

Ruth smiles and with both hands, grabs my face, looks me in the eye and shows her best smile, she tells me in a low voice. ‒"We are still in the restaurant. "‒ he brings his lips closer and gave me several pecks. ( short kisses )

He releases me and puts one of his hands back on my forearm, while the other hand covers it with his body and the table to slide it on my thigh.

Smiling Ruth discreetly turns her head so no one can see her. For my part, the kissed her cheeks and continued kissing her neck

as it passed through his ear, I whispered. ‒" And if you get under the table while no one is watching. "‒

Ruth laughs at the comment but does not deny it and begins to look from one side to the other, tilt my head to look at the people behind her and whisper the next instruction. ‒"You come in when I tell you. "‒

Ruth smiles at me again and says as low as she can. ‒ "you are crazy we are in a known restoarte. "‒ this time I don't answer and look at the waiters.

Those guys knew perfectly well what I was trying to do and gave me a look of complicity. I greet them with a nod of their heads, so that they would turn a blind eye or turn around,

On the part of the boys they turned, the women bowed their heads or began to waste time looking at the fish tanks.

‒"Now"‒ I say, but Ruth doesn't move and shakes her head ‒ "that will never happen James." ‒

I let out a sigh, I needed something to convince her to get under the table.but as time passed the refusal on the part of Ruth was equal or greater than before that caused me some frustration.

before midnight, at the end of our dinner, it was time to leave, raise my hand to ask for the bill, one of the waiters smiles at me and politely says ‒"the whole bill is courtesy of the restauran SR. "‒ that did not surprise me. But I give some tip to the waiters, who refused to receive but after releasing some threats ended up accepting it.

I looked between the tables to see if I could find any of the managers, mainly to thank them but I imagine they are very busy people

before we leave look at Ruth and comment ‒ "wait me a second please"‒ Ruth nods and one of the waiters escorts me to the bathroom.

Just before entering the waiter points me to the door ‒"You are here please take your time. "‒ I nod and didn't take the comment too seriously. ( It's out of courtesy ) I think before pushing the door.

I was surprised by the floor, with a polishing to the point of seeing my reflection, although there are only two services are divided, sink with golden finishes and walls with colorful mosaics replicating the image of a famous painting "The goddess born of the waves"

I looked at it as I walked, when I opened the aluminum screen, I was frozen for a moment. ‒ "excuse me" ‒ I say immediately and take a step back I grab the screen and pull to close

Look carefully, the naked body for a couple of seconds, when I feel like urinating I go to the screen next to me and when I open I am received by another woman exactly like the first.

Without stopping I walked to the toilet, while I open my pants and comment. ‒"let me pee"‒ the girl nods and steps aside, our silence is broken as the stream of urine falls.



The bathroom screen opens and the girl from the other bathroom wants to enter this bathroom. The woman next to me immediately complains. -"hey, hey, that's not allowed"- that made me look over her shoulder again.

Bora smiles and walks slowly until he hugs me from behind and slides his hands around my waist until he grasps my shaft with his right hand and with the other hand my balls. while I kept urinating.

‒ "The rule was not to intervene as long as your door does not open. "‒ Having said this, Bora brings his lips to my ear, licks a couple of times before biting a little and between gasps asks me. ‒"Mmm... lord.... wants me to stop." ‒ I just shook my head, this made Bora laugh a little louder and look at his partner and says. ‒"Naomy it's show time.The master doesn't want me to stop. "‒

at that moment I just peed and Bora moves his hand to shake my shaft. Seconds later, my shaft hardens and the whole thing turns into a full-fledged handjob.

Naomy gets down on her knees, swallows a little and says, "my master, let this slave clean his shaft." That makes me frown. but soon Bora clarifies the comment with a whisper. ‒ "She is one of those rare people master, this bitch likes to be humiliated." ‒

Naomy's cheeks turn red, he looks down in embarrassment. But her nipples are noticeable to the naked eye and with a mosquito voice she confirms me saying. ‒"If Master I am a person with a strange pleasure." ‒

My brain tries to assimilate information, although I knew some women with similar tendencies, they are not people who admit their tastes so openly.

Bora makes me spin and my shaft passes a few inches from Naomy's cheeks this makes Bora snort with annoyance and scolds Naomy. ‒"bring your fucking face closer. "‒ I am not used to hearing this kind of treatment. I felt uncomfortable, I go back to look at Bora frowning.

in response Bora smiles at me, but I subtly shake my head and ask "who is the master? "‒ the bright smile that Bora had was erased in slow motion.

Bora became serious and lowered her head, answering "you"‒

‒ "that's what I thought"‒ I answer before returning to see Noemy. ‒ "I really have no idea what I should do or say." ‒ I reply, making Naomy look up. the emerald green eyes look at me with a sparkle, like those high school girls when they meet their favorite artist. You can see the emotion in their eyes from miles away.

His eyes go down for a couple of seconds and look at my cock wetting his lips with his tongue and passing the accumulated saliva before raising his gaze again ‒"master"‒ lowers his gaze again ‒"I can"‒ Naomy is silent and returns to look me in the eyes and She shows me his teeth for a moment before wetting his lips a few more times..

Naomy has a round face, red cheeks and plump. Upturned nose, full lips, which you would like to bite at the end of each kiss.

It was impossible for me to raise my voice to a young lady with one of the most tender faces I had ever seen, I let out a sigh I cleared my throat and with a soft voice I say ‒ "begins"‒ I put my hands on both sides of the hip and I take a step forward.

‒ "that you wait whore to suck"‒ shouts Bora next to me.

before Naomy opens her mouth, I raise my hand to stop her, point to Bora and rebuke her – "who the hell do you think you are... ah "‒ followed by a slap.


‒ "excuse me master"‒ Bora says with fear in his voice. But I raise my hand, point to the wall and say. ‒"Turn around. "‒ Bota nodded and turned around.

I see the best appeal of Bora. a butt made with pure exercise, I am tempted by the beautiful look. I grab and pinch one of the buttocks making Bora's body tremble. He tries to look over his shoulder, but holds the back of his neck tightly, preventing him from doing so.

‒ "put your hands on your back"‒ I say to Bora, as I take off my belt. I stop, look at Noemy and order. ‒"what are you waiting for.... Ah to suck.... to suckle. "‒

Noemy smiles at me, wets and opens his lips, grabs my shaft and puts the dragon's head first, sucks a couple of times and swallows a little more of the axis.

Naomy was doing this until he wet the whole shaft with his saliva, as if he were a snake that is eating.

Noemy knew perfectly how to move his tongue in the sensitive points of the dragon, each of his movements are slow and provocative.

Noemy's head was swaying making a moan ‒"Mnn"‒ a very characteristic noise when sucking *Glups, Grups* And at the end of the third or fourth blowjob he pulls the cock out of his mouth ringing on his lips *Muack*

‒"Mnn.... Mnn.... Mnn. "‒


this was repeated several times. Max takes advantage and puts one of his fingers between Bora's buttocks, presses a couple of times around the soft tissue. without putting anything just caresses and whisper. ‒"what if you and I, you know... ah"‒ Bora does not answer but affirms several times.

Max returns to look at the woman who is comfortable sucking and swallowing her shaft. stops her, pulls the dragon from her lips and Max grabs Noemy's arm.

Max lifts her off the floor and passes Noemy's body over Bora's back and puts Noemy's head on Bora's shoulder. This done Max penetrates Noemy from behind to the bottom. which makes Noemy complain next to Bora's ears. ‒"Mnn"‒



Max's smile grew bigger and bigger as he kept piercing as did Noemy's moans.




after Max and Ruth left the restaurant the girls inside the bathrooms were slow to leave because of the appearance they both had. Bora sits on top of the toilet and Noemy lying on the floor with a pearly white liquid draining between her legs.