Alternative Space Update

⭐Please, Take your time to read. ⭐

First Max pushes his mother's back forward, so that her head is at the same height as her arms and her hands are still resting on the wall.

Max stood right behind her back, and with both hands holds each side of her waist. Esther immediately understood her idea. and her hand runs between her legs to grip and direct the head of Max's shaft.

Max just had to push her hips forward.

Max's pelvis crashes against his mother Ester's pair of fleshy buttocks. 

This impact generates a sound. "Papf" The fleshy skin trembles after the crash sound.

— "Mnn" — Ester moans after the first attack, for the second attack Esther is even more prepared and closes her lips tightly.

This also means that for Max's next thrusts on Esther's butt, only the sound of her thighs colliding with her mother's buttocks can be heard.

"Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap"

Minute by minute, Max was constant with each of his thrusts, hitting the deepest depths of Esthe's insides again and again.

Each of his fingers gripped and dug into her soft skin.

"Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap"

—"Max, Max wait, son wait, you're going to make me finish."—Esther warns impatiently.

"Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap"

Max, for his part, so casually slaps his mother's butt. "Slap" and then increase his penetration speed.

"Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap"

This causes Esther to let out a muffled moan, while she tries not to hit her head against the wall due to the thrusts received.

Minutes later a long moan is heard. — "Mnnn." — She tenses the muscles of her thighs and seconds later relaxes them and immediately you can see a considerable amount of vaginal fluids running between her legs.

A few centimeters below, these fluids mix with the warm water from the shower.

Without finishing, Max leaves his mother's back with a 100% erection. and takes advantage of the fact that Esther is distracted to approach the jacuzzi. And from the storage she takes out one of the 5 vials of rejuvenation.

[To know the effects of it you must deposit 10,000 gold coins into the system. ]

Max's eyes widened and after thinking for a few seconds he accepted the system's deal.

As if by magic, a considerable number of coins disappeared from storage and the following announcement appeared in his mind.


[Vial of rejuvenation. ]

Ingredients: Water from the oasis of eternal youth.

Effects: immediate.

Type of effect: significantly reduces any signs of aging.

Recommended amount: a single drop has the same effect as 500 milliliters

Recommendation: Use in people 50 years or older,

People aged 50 will be reduced by a maximum of 10 years.

People aged 60 will be reduced by a maximum of 20 years.

People aged 70 will be reduced by a maximum of 30 years.

People aged 80 will be reduced by a maximum of 40 years.

People aged 90 will be reduced by a maximum of 50 years.

So successively.

Suggestions: Anyone under this age its effects will only be aesthetic in nature.


Max uncaps the vial and a floral fragrance emerges unexpectedly, the young man lets just a drop fall into the jacuzzi waters.

The water inside the jacuzzi immediately takes on a light green tone.

Esther suddenly inhales a few times and asks. — "Wow, what's that aroma?" — she continues to inhale a few more times, as she approaches the jacuzzi. —"What did you use?"—

And without waiting for any response she checks the jacuzzi — "it smells so amazing."

—"It's a Chinese medicine that I just bought on the way to recover from all fatigue"—Max answers and took a couple of steps back.

Then he points to the jacuzzi. —"Why don't you come in and rest for a moment."—

Esther did not continue with her questions and immediately entered the jacuzzi.

For his part, Max, behind his mother's back, thoroughly checks every snore in the bathroom, looking for some kind of recording object.

Without caring at all if it was a mirror, furniture or any type of decoration.

This sounds like it's too much work, but in practice all Max did was transport the object into storage and with a quick check of his mind, the object was discarded and put back in the same place.

It was in this way that he was able to discover a pair of mini cameras camouflaged in one of the ornaments and another in one of the drawers of the dresser with a mirror.

To avoid attracting the attention of the hotel, Max only disconnected one of the cameras and blurred the other video camera.

Max had extensive experience in this type of topics, being a great consumer of this type of content, especially amateur videos in motels.

All thanks to his uncle and his sick fetish of making videos of all his fucking with each of his relatives.

Although Max never talked about this, on social networks like meta or X, you could find different types of sagas with each of his women and all of them complete.

And seeing that he was right, Max just waited for Esther to lie down inside the jacuzzi before leaving the bathroom and completely checking the room and balconies.

For the video fragment where he is having sex with her mother, taken by the two cameras inside the bathroom, can be resolved with a couple of messages to Shadow later.

Upon entering the bedroom he immediately began to check each article or piece of furniture inside.

And if

Max found another pair of video cameras.

After reviewing and seeing that these video cameras have better quality, Max decided to take the pair of cameras to teach him a lesson without attracting much attention.

— "Jesus Christ" — his mother's cry full of amazement inside the bathroom caught Max's attention and when she returned she was also shocked by the sight.

His mother's body and face continued to have the same proportion, the change is in her skin, creamy and totally clean, as if Esther had bathed in futuristic exfoliating creams.

A completely clean skin without the slightest wrinkle on the face, arms or legs.

When entering the bathroom.

Esther is touching her face in front of the mirror and when she sees Max's arrival she immediately runs to him and gives him a big hug while telling him with tears in her eyes. —"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much for this gift, you don't know what this means to an older woman like me."—

In response, Max only allows himself to be pampered by his mother, who grabs his hand and quickly leads him to the bed.

— "Come on, we have to take advantage of our time." — Esther says with a smile on her angelic face.

—"But there are still 4 hours left to return home."— Max answers.

Esther just pushes Max onto the bed and licks her lips as she whispers. —"See, what I told you, we're already out of time."—

The rejuvenation of Esther's body was not only aesthetic, but also her resistance more than doubled and even her intimate part had been rejuvenated.

Technically the 40 year old woman had the vitality of any girl in her 20s.

Increasing the beauty of it to dream places.


4 hours later

The first to leave the luxury bedroom, attracting the attention of employees and guests just by her walk, was Esther in a white dress with purple polka dots, a simple dress.

Max, on the other hand, had a stupid smile on his face as he remembered the twerking he had received from his mother's ass to her dragon minutes before.

To the point of having pain in his balls, for this reason Max decided to rest a couple more hours and do some experiments with one of the rejuvenation vials.

He first changed the water in the Jacuzzi and then added three drops from the vial.

The floral smell was very similar and the moment he enters the water, it is just as comforting.

Seconds after lying in the water, the pain in his balls completely faded and his skin looks creamier and more delicate, giving Max a more beautiful and defenseless appearance.

Because of how creamy his skin is.

The interesting thing is that his physical constitution did not have any type of change, everything was aesthetic, plus all the fatigue also disappeared.

This kind of reaction gave Max another idea.

And as if he were taken out of a Fantasy movie with a thought, Max's body disappeared from the jacuzzi and appeared in a place with white walls.

This place was so white that it seemed to have no end.

[a life form has been detected in his alternative space. ]

[the system will create at this moment, an ecosystem suitable for the survival of the host]

[To avoid any damage to the host it will be temporarily banned until the alternative space is updated. ]

After this last message Max was expelled from alternative space.

[A vial with special characteristics has been detected, he wants the system to replicate the special content. ]

After pressing the [OK. ] Max was waiting for about an hour, until the system sends the next message.

[Alternative space updated and adapted to receive special forms of life, flowers and fruits for harvesting, conservation or hunting.

Upon entering the alternative space again, Max was greatly surprised when he saw the floor made of dirt and green grass.

It looks like one of those fields of endless green grass.

A few meters ahead is an oasis, the water overflows and flows into the grass. After several seconds and as the water advances, the grass turns a light green. Max started walking from one side to the other without having a fixed direction.

The most interesting thing about this place is that no matter how long I was walking in the place seemed to be the same. When seeing the grass of the same size only because of the oasis the place is changing little by little.

Approximately Max was walking for more than an hour through the alternative space and when he came out to the real world only 6 minutes passed in total.

Having to spend another hour inside the alternative space to see if this was true.

An hour later I go out into the real world again and indeed the place has a different time span. one minute in the real world is 10 minutes in alternative space.

And the most amazing thing is that after paying 10,000 gold coins I got the official name of the Oasis.

Called: Oasis of Eternal Youth.


My next experiment is to see which plants can survive the lack of sunlight since in space the sun does not exist and the site is artificially lit.

Before leaving the hotel I make a list, from renting a warehouse, purchasing and shipping all the materials, not to mention the time it will take due to my lack of transportation.

Seeing all the disadvantages, it was better to leave the experiment for another time and return home.

After spending almost an hour and a half sitting on the public transportation bus, when Max arrives in front of his house he saw his uncle's new truck.

It was a black CRV-Toyota.

Max feels how his stomach turns and a bitterness reaches his mouth, he looked at that truck with hatred and resentment and several ideas come to his mind, from the lightest ones, such as scratching the paint, dirtying its windows with dog shit, to the heaviest ones. like breaking their windows or burning their seats.

Minutes later and calmer, Max enters the house,

Upon entering the living room his mother talks to his aunt in the living room.


To be continue...remember, if you like this story, consider adding it to your library, that helps me to know that you are liking the story and I will give it more priority. ¥ $ ₤ ₯ € ₨ ₩..

I AM BACK....☠️