To Delay

⭐Please, Take your time to read. ⭐

The main news on the front pages of national newspapers was the bankruptcy of the bank called Linderman Brother, followed by other less renowned regional banks, most of which are associated and their shares registered falls of 40% in just 4 hours.

Even the president of the country had to make an announcement, saying that they would support all their account holders so as not to generate a collective panic that could infect other banks.

When the bank's shares fell by up to 80%, the stock market suspended operations, but the damage was already done to the point where mortgages and all short-term investments had to be liquidated.

This generated collective chaos of apocalyptic magnitudes.

The image of the day was Hundreds of dealers announcing their sales to save some of the money, you can even see their tears running down their cheeks.

With a grimace on his face, Max turns off the phone screen and when he lifts his face he finds something extremely unexpected.

Right across the street is his uncle's house, a two-story house larger than his house and although the patio and living room are lit.

Max is 100% sure that no one is inside the house, he even knows where his uncles hide the spare key.

Completely emptying the house was a piece of cake by having its storage space and after removing everything, burning this property without being seen was a small challenge with playing a few tricks.

The problem is that his uncle is still in the city and this incident would delay his departure from the country, not to mention that he would be the main suspect.

Not for the police, it was safe for his uncle to talk to some of the members in his organization, this raises the difficulty llevel .

Max throws this matter to the corner of his mind for the moment and sets off on his way back home..


Upon entering the house, Max finds his two sisters sitting in the living room eating ice cream and his mother finishing dinner.

Just looking at the arrival of her son makes Esther smile from ear to ear. — "You already had dinner." — After her question.

Esther gets up and went to greet Max with a big hug followed by a kiss on the cheek.

These actions on Esther's part take a slightly distracted Max by surprise and he immediately responds—"No, I'm hungry."—While his two sisters pretend to watch TV.

Esther notices the prying eyes of her daughters and comments out loud. —"Thank you for all your help, we were able to pay for all the surgery on time and your grandmother didn't lose her eyes."— Max nods a couple of times and acknowledges it.

While his two sisters return to watch the TV again and at the same time they enjoy their ice cream.

Max, having nothing else to do on the first floor, begins to walk towards the stairs.

Esther turns and returns to the dining room and as if she remembered something important, the lady stops and shouts out loud. —"Your father will stay to take care of your uncle Eduardo tonight..."—. Max's steps slow a little as he climbs the steps and after doing some memory, he realized that his father was lying with his message.

Max doesn't make any kind of comment on the subject and he just nods in confirmation before continuing walking towards the second floor.

Upon entering his bedroom, Max runs to his PC and checks the Bitcoin market and its price. The currency was just making its first jump, from $500 to $3,000.

Seeing that he easily won between 300 to 400 million, Max remained calm and turned off his computer. the guy went to take a shower before going to sleep.

30 minutes later he returned from the bathroom and upon returning to his bedroom Max went straight to bed with only some boxers on.

His underwear is the oldest, thinnest and even torn that he has in his closet and Max's idea was that anyone who enters his bedroom after a certain hour will get a big surprise.

It was about 10:00 pm. when Max turned off the lights and lay down to sleep.

20 minutes later the bedroom door opens and the silhouette that is at the entrance first looks at the bedroom and seeing no activity inside the bedroom, plus lights off, this person immediately enters and without thinking twice goes to the bed.

— "Max, Max, you're asleep." — He whispers before climbing onto the bed and lying on top of Max's body and calls again a few more times.

— "Max, Max" — While the girl whispers again she begins to rub her body against Max's body and upon feeling a natural reaction from her brother's body, the girl laughs and increases her movements. .

Max opens his eyes and seeing who he is, he asks. —"Nancy, what are you doing?"—

The girl first shows a big smile, as she slides both hands down Max's chest and when her fingers reach the spring of his boxer shorts, the girl smiles again, showing her teeth.

Max stays silent, but when Nancy's fingers slip inside his boxers, the boy holds his breath as he feels Nancy's cold fingers grip the top of her shaft.

Right where the dragon's head is.

The girl begins to play with her fingers on top of the dragon, she slides the leather that surrounds it from bottom to top and as the dragon reacts and gets bigger and bigger, the girl's smile also gets bigger and bigger.

Max with both hands holds Nancy's shoulders and asks. — "Do you know what it means to do these things?" — Nancy presses her lips in response and murmurs. "Mnjum" then nods vigorously.

Max grabs Nancy's shoulders and pushes them down.

In response, first the girl opens her eyes like two lamps, then she makes a big pass of saliva, while she takes her fingers out of his boxer, but then she holds both ends and pulls down her underwear.

Max lifts her hips to make it easier for her underwear to come off.

When the underwear reaches Max's thighs. Nancy stands to the side and watches in amazement as her brother finishes taking off his boxers without missing any details.

The moment Max's cock makes its appearance.

The completely erect and hard shaft rises in an ellipse until it hits Max's abdomen.

This is looked at in amazement by Nancy to the point of swallowing a large mouthful of saliva again. —"Wow, brother, he's very big."—

—"This is your first time looking at an axle so close."—

Without answering, Nancy just nods her head a few times and then adds. —"Some girls in my class have talked about this and even my friends have some photos with their boyfriends but"—

Max caresses her shaft, one hand gripping the base of it next to his balls and slides her fingers up.

Max repeats this action several times before Nancy's shocked look.

Minutes later Nancy raises her hand and makes a gesture as if she wanted to grab his cock, but halfway she stops her hand. and she returns to look at her brother's face. —"those guys' shaft doesn't seem that big, even some of my friends can hold the entire shaft with one hand."—

— "You want to try it." — After her brother Nancy's question smiles and nods quickly.

The girl quickly settles herself close to her thighs and slowly brings her hand closer, waiting for her turn.

Max stops stroking her shaft and leaves it on her abdomen. — "It's your turn now." — Nancy, without wasting any time, reaches for her right hand and slowly, almost in slow motion, circles her fingers around the hard and robust flesh of the shaft.

At the moment the girl holds the shaft between her fingers.

Max recommends. — "Do it slowly." —Nancy in response, she nods a few times and begins to move her hand. bottom up.

—"Okay, now turn on the light and tie your hair, I'm going to take several photographs, so you can show them off to your friends."— 

Max hadn't finished speaking when Nancy had already gotten out of bed and ran to turn on the ligh bedroom.

When the lights turn on, the girl grabs all of her hair and makes a ponytail, and then lies down again next to her brother's thighs.

—"Ready, now what do I do?"—Asks the girl excitedly.

—"Well, first we're going to take two types of photos."— With that said, Max turns on his phone and puts it on photography mode. —"In one you will wear a mask to your liking, to avoid being recognized and show off to your friends. The second type of photos they are only for you."—

—"But."— Nancy refutes.

—"Without any hesitation, any of your friends can threaten to spread your photos or seek any type of blackmail and involve your entire family."—

—"But, I don't have a mask that I like."—Nancy answers.

—"Well, we can solve that later, but remember that you have to buy a mask for your face if you want to take other photographs." — Max comments.

After understanding what her brother was saying, Nancy's bright smile returns to her face.

—"Okay now let's start, first hold my cock with one hand." —With that said Nancy immediately follows the instruction and grabs Max's cock with one hand.

When the girl does what her brother tells her, she whispers. 

—"Wow, it's really big."—the click followed by the flash of the cell phone camera. 📸

— "Now use both hands." —Then she hears the click of the camera again.📸

—"Now without letting go of the cock, bring your face closer."—

—"Okay, open your mouth as if you were going to eat it."—

—"Use your tongue as if the head of my cock were ice cream."—


To be continue...remember, if you like this story, consider adding it to your library, that helps me to know that you are liking the story and I will give it more priority. ¥ $ ₤ ₯ € ₨ ₩..

I AM BACK....☠️