First Contract

⭐Please, Take your time to read. ⭐

Esther finished getting ready for work and went down to the kitchen where she found her daughters.

—"You look so beautiful, Mom."— Nancy says when she sees her mother arrive.

The lady is wearing a tight office suit that highlights her figure. —"Thank you, honey."— Esther responds to her daughter's compliment with a bright smile.

—"Mom, you won't have breakfast with us?"— Carla asks.

—"No, your grandmother is waiting for me at the hospital." —As she answers, Esther pours herself a glass of fruit juice and after finishing drinking, she adds. —"They tell your brother not to forget to finish cleaning the attic, because your grandmother will arrive in the next few days." —With that, Esther leaves the glass in the sink and says goodbye to her daughters and immediately leaves the house.

Max hears his mother's truck start up and seconds later it starts up, leaving the parking lot towards the street.

Half an hour later I come back and walk through the back door into the kitchen to find Carla and Nancy still having breakfast. —"Where were you?" — Carla asks me,

—"I went out for a little run and got some exercise." — I answer as I close the door.

—"Mom says not to forget to clean the attic, grandma is coming in a couple of days." — Nancy tells me, as she brings her next spoonful of cereal to her mouth.

In response I just nod a couple of times and head to the fridge to see what else is there for breakfast. —"We're out of milk." — After checking I ask my sisters and they both start laughing.

As the three of us are having breakfast out of nowhere Carla tells me. —"Hey Max, I think I'll accept your proposal."—

—"What proposal?"— Nancy asks immediately..

—"Uh, it's like some kind of tutoring and I'll get paid for it."— Carla answers Nancy rambling and not putting much interest.

—"Hey, that's a lot you'll pay bro."— I simply shake my head in denial and Nancy adds. —"Are you also thinking about charging me for this afternoon's tutoring?"—

At her question I just look at my sister Nancy's body, the girl blushes and avoids my gaze.

—"What tutoring?"— Now it was Carla who asked immediately and Nancy answered the same way as her sister a few minutes ago.. —"It's about Math, formulas and equations."—

Carla's face wrinkled completely.

—Do you want to help? —Nancy asked.

—"I don't think so, I'll be a little busy"—Carla answered, as she gets up from the table and goes to the sink and leaves the breakfast dishes.

Then Carla goes to the living room.

5 minutes later Nancy finishes her breakfast and like Carla leaves her dishes in the sink but my younger sister goes up to the second floor.

As I finish breakfast last, it's my turn to wash the dishes.


After finishing cleaning the kitchen I go up to my bedroom and although my day sounds busy with cleaning the attic I have an easy way to do it.

And while I think of a good alternative, after opening the door I hear Carla's voice tell me. —"I'll accept your deal, but I have another condition."—

—"Ah."— I say somewhat surprised, but my sister continues saying me. —"A porch"—

—"A porch. ? "— I point to the outside of the house.

—"No, silly, that porch is not, it's a car, but not just any car, it's a porch 911 GTS turbo modified. ."—

—"What the hell, are you even thinking of running in a sports race?"— I say, both surprised and indignant.

—"Of course not, silly, it's just to leave Tamara with her mouth open and show off a little, you know how this works."— My sister answers with a face full of arrogance.

Before answering her request, absurd by the way, I open the system interface first and immediately go to contracts.

In addition to putting clauses of loyalty, obedience, sincerity and commitment, I add some others such as 24/7 sex slave, giving me blowjobs when I ask, never refusing to fuck, not having a boyfriend, lover and others without much importance, only for research purposes and experiment.

I finish writing all the clauses and take out the contract.

The contract cost 100 gold coins and as if it were an act of magic I take the contract out of the pocket of my sports sweatshirt and hand it over.

—"Here Carla, sign this, money and car are all yours." — With that I turn around and look for some lottery tickets, pretending not to give much importance to the contract.

But I look sideways at my sister Carla's reaction.

Surprise reaches her eyes after reading the first clauses, they are too open for my taste, but my sister Carla smiles and even lets out a couple of laughs with arrogance and a lot of contempt.

After finishing her laughter, my sister tells me. —"Of course Max, of course, I will be loyal and sincere to you." — while looking for a pen to sign the contract.

—"If you're thinking of signing, you should bite your finger and scribble your signature."—

—"You're sick, you know."—

—"Well, if you can't even do this, there's no 911 porsche, much less 6000 dollars.-"— I tell her and try to grab the contract.

—"Bring that."— My sister says and tries to cover the contract with her body to prevent me from taking it away and bites her finger.

Carla stamps her fingerprint with blood on the end of the contract. —"Done"— Carla says with annoyance and returns the now signed contract to me, muttering several things under her breath. —"In your dreams I will be loyal and sincere, damn brat."—

Carla simply snatches the lottery tickets from my hands and instead leaves me the contract, without giving me a second look, my sister heads towards the exit.

The contract begins to glow and suddenly lights up, after a couple of seconds everything had turned to ashes.

—"Wait."— I screamed and in response my sister raised her hand, her right hand to be more precise and she made an obscene sign with her fingers, saying at the same time. —"Fuck you."—

Moments after her words Carla stopped walking and asked somewhat scared. —"What did you do Max, why can't I move?"—

At that moment I knew I had my sister at my complete disposal.

—"Come back."— Carla's body turned around and she walked slowly to my position, her face told me everything.

Her eyes were wide open and her breathing was very agitated, but her mouth constantly asked. —"What the hell did you do to me?"—

It was four or five times that she asked me, but at that moment I was also amazed, her voice began to bother me. —"Silence, I want you to shut up."— With that my sister simply closed her mouth.

—"On your knees."— I said in a low voice and my sister's body was pulled to the ground falling to her knees.

The blow against the ground was something strong, my sister in response lets out a moan of pain and even her big eyes became somewhat watery.

—"Carla, are you a virgin?"— I ask.

My sister in response begins to mutter some nonsense under her breath that is impossible to know what she is saying.

So I have to ask the same question. —"You are a virgin."— My sister quickly shakes her head.

—"Now answer Carla and tell me, how many guys have you slept with?"— I ask again

My sister immediately answers me. —"One."—

—"What is his name?"—


—"When was the last time you had sex with Justin?"—

—"3 months ago."—

—"Who is your best friend."—

—"Tamara."— With that said, I walk until I am in front of my sister, pull down my pants and put my hand in my boxers until I take out my cock. Carla looks at my shaft for a moment and swallows the saliva accumulated in her mouth. —"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."— A couple of seconds later Carla follows each of my instructions.

—"You know what you have to do and if you want that car you have to do it as if you really like sucking cock.."— I told my sister..

My sister Carla's eyes turned red and even filled with tears.

Her voice was somewhat confused since my sister had her tongue out and had to pause several times to swallow the excess saliva in her mouth. —"You're sick Max, how the hell can you do this to me, to your own sister.."—

—"Yes, yes whatever you say, it's time to suck"— I tell her, while pointing at my cock and taking a step forward shortening our distance to make her blowjobs easier

Carla simply leaned forward taking my cock between her lips and begins to slowly swallow my entire shaft.

Like a snake swallowing a mouse and even having to tilt her head back so she doesn't choke on the hard meat of my shaft.

Carla leans her face forward to finish swallowing the missing portion of cock, then pulls back a little and pushes her head forward again.

My sister repeats this same action a couple more times, until she starts to cough and gag, a couple of tears her cheeks ruin her makeup, so as not to choke Carla pulls back, taking my entire cock out of her mouth in one fell swoop.

The bitch had a subtle smile on her mouth that lasted a few seconds, before wiping the remains of saliva on her jaw.

I was about to order her to continue, but Carla beat me to the punch by holding a portion of my shaft in her hand and stimulating it, sliding her hand over my shaft out of pure will.

After stimulating my shaft for several seconds, Carla swallows and tells me, "If we're going to do this, we have to do it right." With that, my sister simply takes my cock into her mouth and begins to suck it over and over again.

After her initial sucking, Carla lets go of my cock but doesn't lower her hand, she rests her hand on my thigh. She then moves her hand up to my hip and grabs the elastic of my boxers, only before lowering them she places her other hand and now, yes, she pulls down my underwear on both sides at the same time.

While Carla continues to shake her head, she covers the entire surface of my cock with a layer of her saliva.


To be continue...remember, if you like this story, consider adding it to your library, that helps me to know that you are liking the story and I will give it more priority. ¥ $ ₤ ₯ € ₨ ₩.....☠️