

Maggie returns before I can give Sarah a response. Glancing at the stroller, Penelope's finally bored with her hands and falls asleep. A legend left for her? Was that what I needed to do?

Maggie hands Sarah a purple silk bag sealed with a golden cord. Then, she retakes her seat and grabs a few more cakes. We watch Sarah pull out the cards and shuffle them before pushing them toward me.

"Cut them three times, then pick sixteen from wherever you like." Obeying her directions, I choose some from each pile. "Good. Now, select four from the ones you picked and set them on the cardinal points. North, east, south, and west."

She pointed to each spot with her finger, and I tentatively chose the cards and set them on the table. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this, but what else did I have to lose?

"Now, place three cards with the ones you set, focus your mind this time, and imagine which one belongs where."