

The sound of Nefera crying wakes me. My eyes snap open, and I immediately scan the room. Thinking someone else's in here with us, but we're alone. Checking her over, I see that she's dreaming. She's having a nightmare.

"Nefera," whispering her name, I try to wake her, but whatever she's dreaming about has her too deep. She jolts, grabbing her side, pain creasing her face.

Sliding my hand to the spot, I ensure we're not having another round of magic. Fortunately, there's nothing wrong. However, her body relaxed at my touch, so I moved my hand under her shirt, letting my palm caress her skin. The worried creases smooth out, and her breathing goes back to normal. Then Nefera nuzzled into my chest with one last whine and fell into a deeper sleep.

"Everything's alright, my love. I won't let anything hurt you." I murmur, lying back down. She sighs, her subconscious hearing the words.