

"Look up for me." the wolf orders, pulling my lower eyelid down as he shines the bright blue light into my eye.

We've been here for half an hour, and I'm ready to call it a day. I'm tired and won't be going out with Ivan at this rate. How can I when I won't be able to see properly? The last thing I want is to go on a date with my 'boyfriend' and need him to describe everything on the menu and the movie. How embarrassing would that be?

Taylor squeezes my hand from beside me, and I obey the doctor's orders, feeling slightly calmer. Something's going on, but I don't know what it is. The guy checked Penelope's eyes and got this weird look on his face. I watched as he mind-linked someone, and then Nikki, Peter, and Bailey were in the room with us, all of them looking at whatever he'd found. Honestly, that scared me. Bailey tried explaining, but I couldn't understand the words they were saying. Then they moved to me, and their worry intensified.