

I think I'm dead.

Or I'm unconscious, but I doubt that. This isn't the hospital room. There are no screaming machines or yelling people. It's too… peaceful. So, I'm pretty sure I'm dead.

"Fuck," I mutter, looking around, trying to figure out where I am.

It's not really a place, but it is all at once. I'm solid, but this isn't my body, either. Everything is shadows, and that's how I feel as if I were made of air and smoke. If I tried walking through walls, I wondered if I'd go through or get stuck halfway. Was I a ghost? How did that work?

"Hello?" I call, hearing an echo all around me.

"Hello." a gentle voice replies, and a woman walks up to me from nowhere.

"Am I dead? Are you Death?" I ask, kicking myself for asking such obvious questions. "Sorry."