"So now what?" Taylor asks when we walk out of the bank.
"What time is it?" Ivan pulls out his phone. Interestingly, we had service here.
"It's almost six." Taylor frowns, looking at her own phone. "Is time normal here?"
"I think it is." I glance around, walking up to a couple coming our way. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah?" the guy raises an eyebrow, getting in front of his partner.
"Do you have the time?"
"Oh yeah," He brightens and stares at his watch. "Ten to six."
"Thank you." He nods, and I walk back to Ivan and Taylor. It looks like it doesn't change."
"Mind-linking works here, too." Taylor comments, still staring at the street vendors. "Mom got a hold of you?"
"Yeah, I couldn't hear her inside, though." Ivan pointed back to the bank.