Seperation anxiety


"You went down there again, didn't you?" Luke points an accusing finger at me, but he's smirking. 

"No," I lie with a scowl. Damn, I wish Luke didn't know me as well as he does. Then maybe I could lie better. "I went to the bathroom."

"Yeah, downstairs?" He arches an eyebrow at me. "Because you have one right there."

Luke points at the door that leads to my private bathroom. 

"At least if you're going to lie, make it believable," He teases. "How's my goddaughter?"

"Miserable," I grumble, collapsing into my chair. "Dina thinks it might be the start of colic."

Nefera and I had agreed that Penelope could stay in daycare since she seemed to enjoy the company of the other pups. That was until today.

"Maybe it's because you go down there every half an hour and pick her up," Luke comments pointedly. "You're not giving her a chance to be without you."