A desperate man


Rainbow falls.

Why would Leo bring them there? There were better hiding places, especially since the humans arrived at ten. Yes, it was unlikely they'd mess with wolves, but that didn't remove the risk that someone from the pack was around or his worst option, me. He needed to worry about that, and I was coming for him. I hadn't bothered waiting for the others after Nefera pushed me out the door. She was weak, and I hated leaving her alone, but she was right. Our daughter was waiting for me to get to her. 

So, I shifted and ran. Like before, I don't care if anyone sees me, but I'm lucky this time. The city was quiet, and there weren't many cars on the roads for a Friday. That worked to my advantage, and I could get across town quickly. Of course, there was a chance that what I saw was wrong, but I trusted my mate's determination to find Penelope more than I did her power. And the closer I get, my faith is rewarded.