The demon prize


"There's nothing in here either." I finished looking through another shoe box, and I was not surprised to find what was on the label inside.

It seemed that Aurora had a touch of OCD to her. We were in her bedroom, the only other room with personal touches, and it was more obvious when you snooped around. Especially her closet. All her clothes were sorted by season, color, and style, and the shoes were separated into heels, sandals, sneakers, and flats. The storage boxes on the top shelf had labels that told you what was inside. It was a good system, but it was exact to an extreme. 

"I'm starting to wonder if Leo wasn't lying after all." Ivan drops the box he was looking through, only finding Aurora's receipts.

"No, there's magic here. I feel it. We just haven't found it yet." I set the box aside and walked to the nightstand. I was reluctant to look in here, but we were running out of options. "Can't we go and ask Aurora or her father?"