Tea time?


"That tastes awful," I grumble, setting the cup down on the table. "I thought you said the milk would help."

"It did. Imagine what it tastes like without it." Nefera took the cup and poured more milk into it. "Here, you have to drink it all."

The last thing I wanted to do was drink more of this vile stuff, but if it helped my family to heal, I'd do it. After all, it was my fault this happened. How many months had I gone to Naomi? Was Eric there when I was? I'd been so fucked up I wouldn't have known. 

"Are you feeling anything?" Luke frowned at the cup now back in my hand. "I can't pretend I understand all of this."

"It'll take a few minutes," Nefera explained, throwing her chin to make her point. "But you have to drink the chunky bits at the bottom."