Friend or foe?


"He's alright," Cabe called to a nurse who'd witnessed me coughing up the black tar. "He just got overwhelmed."

"But..." She was staring at the floor. No one could ignore that it wasn't normal and that black stuff coming out of your body was not good. "He's-"

"Franny, it's fine," I watch his eyes change, and the nurse's eyes go hazy for a moment before she nods and turns around, returning to her duties as if nothing had happened. "Come with me."

"We're taking her to OR 4," The head doctor called, and I struggled to fight Cabe. I wanted to go with her, hating the idea that I couldn't do anything to help her. 

"No," I tried to shove him off me. The last thing I want is a Shurakai having access to Nefera or me. 

"If I wanted to hurt you, I could leave you here to suffer," He whispers, grabbing my arm and pulling me by force. "Let them do their job. You can't help her if you're ready to keel over yourself."