A killing thought


"No? Really? But my deal is simple, Princess," She used the title like it was the worst insult, and Ivan gritted his teeth angrily. Of course, he wasn't the only one, but I only focused on her. "If you want your precious friend, memories, and power, you'll give me what I want. It isn't like you can't create an entire fortune from nothing. After all, you are the third rider."

The third rider. At the words, my head throbbed, and for the first time in weeks, I felt Black coral struggling against me. It hadn't hurt me so badly since the day I'd been told I was a werewolf and remembered Kali's name. This was the curse's primary job, whatever that title meant and the memories behind it. Not even a supernatural being would stop it from performing its primary task. The force of the curse's power lifts my hands, shaking and blood coating the back of my throat. With what I'd eaten, it burned ever so slightly. 

I was going to die from this, and Jackie knew it.