You can't be serious!


"You can't be serious!" Steven tried to grab me, but I was already moving. I wasn't in control of myself, but I didn't want to stop it either. Whatever had me knew what needed to happen, and I was too far gone to disagree. "Ivan, you can't do this."

He was right, but I couldn't stop myself. I wasn't in control. The problem with that was I didn't want to be. This felt right, and every part of me wanted it. So how did I explain that when the only thing I wanted to do was to rip his head off for getting in the way?

'He's family,' It's sad that I had to remind myself of that. 'He's just worried.'

That didn't help. The essence that had me like a puppet seemed more irritated about that. I didn't understand why Steven would assume we didn't know what we were doing. Not that I had a clue myself. This felt strange, dangerous, and overwhelming. Whatever it was held all the cards, knew precisely what was going on, but was powerful enough to keep me out.