

I don't watch. 

Paul screams, but I can't bring myself to witness the brutality Bronx has for his former owner. Isn't that funny? The horseman of the apocalypse can't watch someone die. How pathetic is that?

'There's no shame in valuing life,' Hel sighed, unfazed by the blood lust. 'You're human; you have kindness and compassion. That isn't a crime."

"Then what are you?" How could I have no mercy for someone and still have compassion for how they died?

'I am you, and for now, that's enough.' That isn't an answer, but she pulls away from me, and I know she isn't willing to give me those answers. Was she more than I could comprehend, or did she not know herself?

"It's okay," the baby struggles in my arms, whining and searching for his mother's milk. He's already had such a hard life but is a fighter. "Your mom is waiting for you."