Eternal fear


"I'm sure you want to talk, but I'm on a time limit here, and my mate's coming. If he sees you near me, I can't guarantee he'll remember you're friends," Vali didn't move. She showed no familiarity with the Alpha. I wanted to kick her. "Besides, I can't help you."

"This won't take long," He insisted, his jaw set firm, and I knew he wouldn't let it go. "I'm not trying to interfere with whatever this is."

"I can give you five minutes," Vali sniffed the air, picking up the scent of Ivan mixed in with the powerful magic of the first werewolf. "After that, I can't stay, and you should make yourself scarce."

"Fine," He nodded, crossing his arms, and I watched as his eyes changed from steel gray to a glowing green. They weren't like Penelope's or Eli's. These looked like glow-in-the-dark paint. It was pretty, but not like Ivan's blue. "I want to ask you something, and I hope you give me an honest answer."