

"Za ta sara meena kwam." I said the words in Pashto instead of English, using my free hand to cup her cheek. She arched an eyebrow, still able to understand me even though I know she doesn't know any languages from the Middle East. "Da zrra armaana me."

"I love you, my heart's desire," She translates, still staring at the ring. "You got this in Afghanistan?"

"Yes," I kept speaking in Pashto, not wanting the rest of the family to understand if they were listening. "I told you, I didn't forget that experience. It's engraved in me so that nothing can remove it."

We could've mind-linked, but I wanted to tell her this aloud. Luke knew the story, but no one else did. I'm not sure how I know it's legit. That's just how it is. What happened during those months helped me be the warrior I am. I learned to understand that every fight was life or death.