Facts and lies


"Give me another one," Cabe ordered, finishing up the name of another fairytale. 

You wouldn't think it would be so hard to make a list of stories, but it was far more complicated than I'd expected. 

Without meaning to, everyone's mind went to movies and TV shows instead of the ancient stories. Some made-up ones from the present sounded so much better than the old ones it was easier to believe they were the truth. So, we were in the middle of combining facts and lies. We'd even resorted to searching online, which was helpful but could have been more consistently accurate. Odie said there was a specific number in the book the Shurakai used to find a soul, and we needed to see that number to work. Thankfully, she remembered that two hundred and fourteen stories made up the tome. 

"I still don't understand how a storybook is magical," Freddy scowled, grabbing more books from the shelves. "You guys don't have the Brothers Grimm version?"