Breathing room


I set the last of my clothes on the step, feeling less awkward about being naked than I have in the past. It gets easier each time, and Kali's a big help. She doesn't want me to be self-conscious about my body. As far as she's concerned, we're perfect, and who cared if anyone saw me without clothes on? I don't share her opinion that we're perfect, but I'm not as judgmental as I was initially. 

It's still problematic because I went from one extreme to this. Ricky kept me below the weight my doctor wanted me at, and I lost a ton of muscle during my pregnancy. Then, Ivan found me, and his appraisal of me initially made me uncomfortable. Granted, I was covered in bruises and broken bones, but he'd also been paying attention to my body. As loud as Black Coral was then, it's no wonder I was so anxious. Yet, now I know that self-doubt came from a time before all this.