Self betrayal


I stared at my mate, torn between doing what she wanted and what I needed to do.

This wasn't something I could walk away from. She had to understand that. Nefera didn't know the danger a skinwalker had when they were left on their own. Fuck, I'd never seen one. No one had, but that was one of the stories we passed down religiously between all the factions. 

If you believed the legends, they were the original shifters. 

Humans who could change their shape to whatever they wanted. Every culture has some form of them, but in our region, they're someone you don't cross. Their power was unmatched by many, and some of the pack thought they were extinct. It was impossible to tell because of their innate ability to change forms.

"Nefera…" I pried her hands off me and steeled myself for what I had to say. 

"No, please, Ivan…" She shook her head, already knowing what I was going to say. "Something bad will happen if you call him out!"