For the sake of her


"Where is Valen?" I asked for the millionth time, hungry, exhausted, but ready to escape. I didn't even care about revenge for this. That would come later. Everyone here would reap what they sowed. "I want to see my queen."

"The agreement is simple, Fenris," The man in front of me offered, his voice firm and unyielding. "Let us try this, and if you don't break out of them, we will let you go and give you your family."

"I don't believe you," What reason did I have to think they had any honor? I couldn't trust them. So many of them had helped capture me. The ones I knew would never turn on me had been with us in my quest to get justice for my sons. "I want to see her now!"

"It does not work that way, Fenris," The man sighed, looking at my father, who stood to the side. "Talk to your son."