Moon spread


"Aren't you done with prophecies?" Steven looked at Nefera as she pulled out the deck of tarot cards Sarah had given her as a gift. She had no idea at the time that accepting those cards would be the only free gift the sorceress would provide us with. "You really want to ask those things?"

"Unless you've got a seer tucked in your house, yeah, that's what I've got." She gave him a look before shuffling the cards. "So, shut up and hand me the notebook."

"We did suddenly get a bunch of prophecies," Vince sighed, looking at the growing pile. "It's like someone's throwing them at us."

"More like we're playing a really messed up game of finding the hidden objects," Cabe grumbled, scanning the latest addition to the collection. "There are prophecies all over the place. Most hidden in plain sight."