One, two, and three


I didn't hear Andy say what I thought he'd said, did I?

The room went silent except for my hiccups. I stopped crying because I had to get myself somehow together. This had suddenly become a crisis that involved my baby. Wait, he did say babies? Pups? That was impossible. Even in our world of very impossible things, I could not suddenly be pregnant with two more babies!

"You don't believe me?" Andy raised an eyebrow, looking directly at me. I wasn't his Luna, but I'd also learned he was the kind of guy who didn't stand on formality in a crisis. "Listen."

He put the volume to full and moved the wand across my belly. At first, we just heard my heartbeat and the weird sounds coming from my body. However, he finally stopped in one spot and let the wand rest there as he picked up a new sound. It was the familiar echo of an unborn baby's heart. I was expecting it, so it wasn't a shock and wasn't proof of anything.