Tell me and I'll do it


"You should have been seeing a magical healer from the beginning of your pregnancy," Yetunde scolded as she ran the pendulum across my stomach. "With the power your son has, you need extra help."

"I can't access my magic," I felt awkward with so many people in my bedroom. It reminded me a little of my doctor visits with the muffin tops. Only this was less about knowing the women were my husband's mistresses and more about the fact that almost everyone was a magician or witch.

"You may be under the influence of Klytios, but you are still a creature of magic," The fact that Yetunde knew who and what Klytios was showed how much she understood about the universe, but her tone didn't let up. "You're at the end of your first trimester; if you wait much longer, we won't be able to perform any rituals. The children will be too developed, and the effects won't be as effective."