Gambling it all


"What are you doing?" Jessica, her voice laced with concern, hissed at me as she managed to pull me away from the bewildered Alphas. "What on earth happened? What did Nefretiri say to you?"

"What I needed to hear," I was planning to tell her about my conversation with my mate, but not in front of everyone. I didn't want anyone to know I was in contact with Nefra, especially not Leviathan or any of the staff. So, I'd wait till we had a minute alone. "Just trust me."

"That's a terrifying concept," she muttered, glancing at the packs. "Especially when your mate is involved."

"Chaos seems to work for us," I grin, thinking of my mate's crazy way of thinking. It never made sense to anyone until it happened, and it somehow worked. My way hadn't worked. So, now it was her turn. "Just watch."

"I hope it works," she sighed, sitting in the grass. "Because the last time you looked like that, you got in a bar fight with an army Major."